
Chinese Type 85 sniper rifles captured by the United States, transferred to the APU


Image source: Photo: Отвага2004

The US is arming Ukraine alien weapons that were captured during special operations and years collecting dust in overseas warehouses. As reports " RG: Russian weapons, "for example, neo-Nazi groups, the Kiev puppet regime was transferred 7.62 mm sniper rifle Type 85 production of the Chinese NORINCO campaign.

As can be seen in the published photos, this weapon is a copy of the SVD - Dragunov sniper rifle that was adopted by the Soviet army in July 1963.

On the basis of overseas production samples of the original copies, which received the designation Type 79, was organized in China in the second half of the 70-ies.

Image source: Photo: Отвага2004

In the mid 80-ies in the series has been running a slightly improved version, called the Type 85. Its maximum firing range of 1200 m. the Combat rate of fire of 30 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity to ten rounds. Weight without cartridges - 4400 gr. Length - 1220 mm.

These rifles were in service with units of the people's liberation army, people's armed police. They are also actively exported abroad, which they were, in many States, including in the United States.

It was reported that APU was seen as the old machines Type 56-1 and 60-mm mortars Type 63.

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