
The West behaves irrationally and plays with the fate of the world

Image source: © AP Photo / Alex Brandon

The Ukrainian conflict is escalating into a global crisis, writes Geopolitika.news. A new, more dangerous "game" begins. If the US and the EU do not accept the "new reality", then the world is waiting for a further dangerous escalation. But so far, the West is behaving irrationally.

Zoran MeterTectonic events taking place in the international geopolitical arena are replacing one another.

There is also a growing danger of all current processes getting out of control, given the recent steps taken. They are less and less aimed at psychological suppression of the opponent in order to "soften" his position, and more and more often their goal is to deepen the gap, that is, to create barriers that the opponent will never be able to overcome again.

However, the problem is that there are no clear international boundaries of influence and influence, and therefore it is clear that the rapidly escalating rivalry in this sense will soon turn into open hostility. Somewhere these borders are already being laid in a bloody struggle, and somewhere a less deadly political, economic and propaganda struggle is being waged for the sake of weakening and denigrating the rival in the eyes of indecisive observer states.

Of course, we are most interested in Europe, but tectonic changes will sooner or later cover the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, many analysts bring it to the fore in terms of the deadly internal potential that they have, and which many are trying to manipulate from the outside.

So, Vladimir Putin has "brewed a new mess" that does not allow the United States to switch its interests and its military forces to China, as Washington would like. But more about this below.

"Broken cups": The European Union is fighting Italian fascism and for Ukrainian democracy

The victory of the Italian right in the parliamentary elections dealt a strong blow to the Brussels structures, that is, to the European Union as a whole. This completely exposes the general concept of the EU structure and reveals its elements, which, by the way, are key, are not just undemocratic. They are literally frightening, as they are associated with the imposition of a single will on everyone. And here's why. The most important element that manifested itself more vividly than others in connection with the victory of Italy is nothing less than the denial by the Brussels "regional committee" of the right of citizens of one of the member countries of the European Union to choose their leader whom they wish. But this is the basis of democracy and nothing else!

Seeing that, according to polls, the mood of Italian citizens did not meet his expectations, Brussels "turned on the siren" and took a previously unprecedented step: he raised not just an alarm, but a real panic. So, on the eve of the elections, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, began to intimidate Italian voters. According to Reuters, she warned Italy of the consequences if they deviate from democratic principles. That is, by doing so, she secretly threatened that in the event of a victory for Giorgi Meloni, or rather her Brothers of Italy party and its coalition partners, the League and Forward Italy, Italy could be left without funds from EU funds, like Poland and Hungary. "We have the tools for that," as von der Leyen put it.

This probably only further mobilized the supporters of the aforementioned coalition, which eventually won a convincing victory over the "Eurocentrists" and the left, gaining a majority in both chambers of the Italian parliament.

It is striking that of all the heads of state of the European Union, the future Italian Prime Minister Giorgio Meloni was congratulated on his election victory only by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. This is just another confirmation of the devaluation of the will of most of the people of the third largest state and an economically strong player within the EU, who is now accused in the media of fascism and God knows what else. George Meloni herself clearly told all those who put forward such theses that if she were a fascist, she would say this quite openly, just as she speaks quite openly about everything that many people think, but are afraid to say out loud (about the ideology promoted by the European Union, its migration policy, and so on next). In addition, Giorgia Meloni clearly stated that her government will continue to provide assistance to Ukraine.

Georgie Meloni's greatest crime actually lies in her struggle with this ideology, and therefore her slogan, which she proposed to the voters, "God, family and Fatherland" for Brussels is a real sacrilege.

After all, if the biggest problem for the EU was Georgie Meloni's fascism, continuing what was started before and during the Second World War, then this problem could be easily solved, if anyone would deal with it at all. Perhaps he would have been sluggishly resisted, as in Ukraine, where they turn a blind eye to the outright flirtations of the authorities with the defeated Nazi elements of the Second World War.

But Brussels is worried about something else — the "new fascism", which, from its point of view, is evident in the three things listed in the election slogan of Giorgi Meloni. They undermine the very foundation of the neoliberal gender ideology, which is necessarily imposed on everyone in the European Union, as well as those who want to join it.

The whole Brussels circus around Giorgi Meloni and the will of the majority of Italian citizens can be described as follows: the EU has launched a war against Italian "fascism" and the struggle for Ukrainian "democracy".

Therefore, it is not too surprising that even the American television media, overwhelmingly liberal, immediately attacked the results of the Italian elections with all their might, drawing a parallel with fascism and calling them dangerous for "our values."

In any case, the rise of the right—wing skeptical of Brussels to power in Italy is a strong blow to the EU. He is already experiencing serious problems with "disobedient" members like Hungary and Poland and is trying to intensify the processes of desuverenization. In fact, Brussels is now trying to impose a rule according to which the foreign policy decisions of the European Union will be made by a qualified majority of votes of all members, and not as it has been done so far through consensus, that is, the consent of all members. The same is being achieved by Brussels in the field of energy policy. However, some countries are increasingly resisting this, because they understand: they lose the remnants of their independence, and then the European Union will turn into a United European States, where Brussels makes all the key decisions.

The European Union is already boiling

Therefore, the Italian elections have turned into a "destructive factor" for the neoliberals, violating the entire concept and plans of the EU. In addition, the French right, which is equally skeptical of Brussels, is also receiving new hope. In the spring of this year, they have already bypassed Macron's party in the parliamentary elections, and Marine Le Pen has never so dangerously "breathed into his back" as in the last presidential election last year. If France had "fallen", the entire European Union would have been shaken, since there would be little left of Germany as the driving force of European development in the end.

The right is growing stronger across the continent, and the protests of dissatisfied citizens are spreading from the Czech Republic and Germany to Belgium and the Netherlands. All this is happening against the background of the extreme aggravation of US-Russian relations and the armed conflict in Ukraine, in which the European Union has become the main loser, which its citizens understand well, as well as what kind of future is in store for them. And it is extremely gloomy. And it's not just the energy crisis, which has no end in sight, or rising inflation, but also the outright flight of European capital to quieter "harbors" on the other side of the Atlantic — to the United States. We have already heard statements about the possible transfer of production to the United States, even by such German giants as Volkswagen and Siemens due to the huge production costs at home due to rising energy prices.

This will lead to a sharp increase in unemployment, social crises, and so on. In such conditions, it is real madness to insist on new ideological "values" or to seek an expensive "green transformation" as a saving solution. EU citizens can no longer sell "fog". They remember well how they lived just three years ago — before the coronavirus pandemic. Someone stole this prosperous life from them, and in this regard, the narrative of Vladimir Putin's guilt is being actively pushed through, which allegedly served as the main cause of European and world problems.

And since discontent is not going to subside, there is an increasing danger that the EU will use mechanisms aimed at "reducing democracy in the name of security." The same thing happened inside the collapsed Soviet Union, and it smacks of the dictatorship of the only center of power. Von der Leyen's hysteria over the Italian elections testifies to this best of all.

Explosions on the Nord Stream — 1, 2 gas pipelines

The most important event that shocked Europe and the world was the explosions on the Russian Baltic gas pipelines Nord Stream —1 and Nord Stream—2. They occurred simultaneously in several places, which immediately excluded the version of any technical problems. Now everyone agrees that the explosions are the result of sabotage. Adjacent countries, and not only them, have suffered huge environmental damage: a huge amount of methane is released into the air.

There is a clear understanding among the public of who benefits the most from what happened, and who loses the most. They hint at the United States, which would thereby completely cut off Germany from Russian gas. But, of course, this also symbolically cuts off the European Union from Russia in a geopolitical sense, that is, it creates an insurmountable gap between them. There are also suggestions that the Russians themselves deliberately blew up the gas pipelines to complicate the situation of Germany and so on.

Who the true culprit is, we will probably never know. Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, said that Russia has evidence of "Western involvement" in the explosions on the Baltic gas pipelines. However, he did not disclose details.

The concern of the North Atlantic Alliance has also increased automatically. Its Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg immediately stated that NATO would respond decisively to any attempts to damage the critical infrastructure of the West. It is clear to whom his threats were addressed.

Whatever it was, the explosions finally destroyed the strategic energy infrastructure that guaranteed to provide the European Union with gas, even if he himself refused it.

If the damaged gas pipeline is not repaired as soon as possible, the seawater entering it will cause erosion and render the pipes unusable. But judging by the current situation, no one is particularly interested in repairs. Russia understands that it is physically impossible to guard 1,200 kilometers of the four-branch gas pipeline. And although they are laid in the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea, it is important that all around are entirely member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance.

I would add a drop of irony here. Russia is an amazing country. Before abandoning their positions in Ukraine, Russian troops leave evidence of their own crimes against civilians literally everywhere. Russian troops are shelling themselves with artillery while at a nuclear power plant, which they themselves control, and the explosion of which can pollute, among other things, a lot of Russian territories. Russia, like crazy, demands rubles for the supply of its own energy carriers, although everyone prefers dollars and euros. Russia is blowing up its own expensive gas pipelines, and it is no longer possible to supply gas through them, which the EU refuses, firstly, because of sanctions, and secondly, because of the green agenda. Although in the future Russia intended to supply Europe with so-called blue hydrogen. Yes, Vladimir Putin has something to worry about.

Vladimir Putin's tough speech as confirmation of Russia's final and irrevocable Break with the West

But Vladimir Putin, of course, does not believe in such fairy tales. He understands everything that the West has been preparing for Russia for a long time, but he is also aware of Russian mistakes, to which he himself had a hand. I am talking, among other things, about an extremely poorly conducted special military operation in Ukraine, because of which the whole West has now turned against him. Putin did not seem to know what the true forces and capabilities were, although even high-ranking American officials from the security and defense sphere, including John Kirby and the head of the US Army staff Mark Milley, spoke about this, especially after the Russian defeat at Kharkov.

Vladimir Putin learns from mistakes, and therefore the people still give him a chance, realizing how high the stakes are. And here the pictures of thousands of young people standing on the border with Finland, Georgia and Kazakhstan, wanting to escape from mobilization, are not even so important. After all, there is still another picture: Russian volunteers standing in front of mobilization points who came there without waiting for an official invitation. Nevertheless, all this is not so important now. A new, more dangerous "game" begins, and from now on everything will change not only in Ukraine, but all over the world.

On September 30, Vladimir Putin spoke in the Kremlin on the occasion of signing agreements on the admission of four Ukrainian southeastern regions to the Russian Federation. And this speech will be analyzed for a long time. But it is already clear that it is a confirmation of Russia's final and irrevocable break with the West in all spheres. This fact will no longer hide even the completion of the hot phase of the Ukrainian conflict, which will end sooner or later. This became quite clear from the harsh accusations made by Vladimir Putin against the West. He accused him of centuries-old attempts to destroy Russia, of his colonial past and the extermination of many peoples, of the looting of India and the opium wars in China, of the aforementioned explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. I quote, he called the "Anglo-Saxons" guilty. At the same time, Vladimir Putin said that the leaders of European states had made their choice and united against Russia. In addition, this time Vladimir Putin said that Russia would defend itself "by all available means."

Vladimir Putin called on Kiev to immediately accept this as a given and sit down at the negotiating table with Moscow to discuss "all issues except for the four new regions that became part of the Russian Federation." This topic, as Vladimir Putin put it, is no longer being discussed.

Vladimir Putin, of course, has no illusions and does not hope that anyone in the West or in Kiev will listen to his words. But he clearly wants to make it clear that further dangerous escalation is the most likely scenario if the "new reality" is not accepted. The responsibility for this will lie with the West, not with Russia.

It is clear that the West does not recognize this new Russian reality. The White House has already stated that it will never recognize Russia's new annexation of Ukrainian territories and will continue to help Kiev and support its right to liberate its territories. It is also clear that we are facing even more dangerous moments. Today, no analyst in the world knows in which direction relations between the West and Russia will develop further with regard to Ukraine. After all, all bridges have already been completely burned after the explosions on the Baltic gas pipelines and the equally spectacular "explosion" in the form of a new Russian annexation.

The Americans want to create a new military command in Europe to help Ukraine

The fact that the situation is developing in an unfavorable direction is also evidenced by an article in the New York Times dated September 29. It fully corresponds to one of my recent analytical materials, in which I wrote that the United States would want to officially institutionalize military assistance to Ukraine by opening a new military center in Europe, and they would call assistance to Ukraine an operation that would even be given an official name, like in Afghanistan and so on. Thus, the United States will de facto enter the war as one of the parties.

The New York Times writes that American General Christopher Cavoli, the supreme commander of the NATO Joint Armed Forces in Europe, recently presented his plan to the Pentagon, which is now being considered by its head Lloyd Austin. According to this plan, the United States will create a new military command, which will involve more than 40 countries providing assistance to Kiev. It will be directly formed by 30 people who will be placed at the general staff of the American forces in Europe in the German city of Wiesbaden. This plan may not be adopted next week, and it has already been allegedly supported by the US Secretary of Defense and the White House, according to the New York Times.

The Ukrainian conflict is turning into a global crisis

Thus, in view of the recent Russian and American steps, the military conflict is turning into a real global crisis, very similar to the Caribbean one. By the way, his 60th "anniversary" falls just in October of this year. A very ominous coincidence, if we recall those 13 days that paralyzed the world in 1962. They became both a peak and a turning point in the cold war going on at that time, because they made us realize how close humanity would come to self-destruction if agreements were not reached between superpowers capable of preventing Armageddon.

It is important to note here how reasonable American politicians and military strategists were at that time, and how well they understood the danger of the situation by agreeing to a treaty with the USSR, even though the United States was 17 times superior to the Soviet Union in nuclear weapons. By the way, the USSR itself recognized this.

Where did the fear go?

From this point of view, it is completely incomprehensible that the West, especially the American side, has no fear of a nuclear war today. Today, there is parity in strategic nuclear weapons between the United States and Russia. The Russian side even has more modern nuclear weapons, which no one doubts, even in the Pentagon. Today, they are talking about the need to modernize strategic nuclear weapons as soon as possible. At the same time, most often they talk about the main intercontinental ballistic missile "Minuteman", which has existed for more than 50 years and has not undergone significant modernization since the early 80s of the last century.

There is not a single reasonable American analyst who would not understand that it is impossible to corner a country with such great nuclear power as Russia and not expect it to take retaliatory measures to defend and punish the aggressor. Even fewer are those who believe that it is possible to force Russia to capitulate with sanctions or some other methods. However, the steps of the American administration directly contradict these conclusions, thereby causing surprise. Tensions in relations with Moscow are constantly growing, anti-Russian sanctions are being tightened, and attempts are being made to completely isolate Russia in the international arena. The possibility of negotiations on Ukraine is rejected, and the solution of the issue on the battlefield is defended. But the most dangerous thing is that no one is hiding the US involvement in this conflict anymore (at first it was done).

What is the reason for this "discrepancy" with the American "backstage" analytical thought? (Opinions about a really possible nuclear confrontation with Russia are given very little attention in the main American media, and therefore people are not afraid.) In my opinion, the reason is as follows.

Today, the American administration (the deep state that sets the US foreign policy) proceeds from the conviction that Russia will not dare to launch a nuclear strike first, since it understands that this will inevitably entail the complete destruction of itself.

American strategists also understand that this would mean the destruction of the United States. Nevertheless, they base their political and military steps only on assumptions. This is extremely irrational behavior, unworthy even of a banana republic, not to mention a state that claims to be the leader of humanity. It is extremely dangerous to play the fate of the world by the method of "poker", bluff or attempts to count the opponent's next step in the face. After all, this concerns all of us who live not only in Europe, and we definitely do not care in which direction the Ukrainian conflict will develop further.

The fear of God has descended

No wonder they say "You are not afraid of God." At the same time, they do not mean God, who "punishes", but the follies and sins that we commit, and which lead us into the abyss. Translated from religious to geopolitical language, this means that rational fear is the best means to prevent a nuclear catastrophe, and not excitement or unconditional self—confidence.

Both the United States and the Soviet Union demonstrated fear during the Caribbean crisis, and no one in the world laughed at them. Peaceful coexistence has become the main principle in the relations between the two Powers, although they have remained antagonists in the future. Their struggle continued with other methods (exhaustion), in which they did not involve the rest of the world, unlike our time.

In this regard, I would like to recall the speech of American President John F. Kennedy, made a few months after the end of the Caribbean crisis. This wise man then criticized the American wars and Pax Amegisapa and stated the following: "Total war is meaningless at a time when powers are capable of maintaining large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without using these forces. This is pointless at a time when just one nuclear bomb has ten times more explosive power than all the Allied air forces in World War II. This is pointless at a time when the deadly poisons that would have been formed during the exchange of nuclear energy would have spread wind and water, dust and seeds to the most remote corners of the world, poisoning unborn generations."

This inspired speech will now be countered by a new one — a speech delivered by neoconservative American professor Matthew Kroenig from Georgetown University. On September 26, his words were published by the Washington Post. Judge for yourself where the United States and we are moving with them.

"If Russian forces launch a nuclear strike on Ukraine, the United States can strike at these forces (Russian nuclear forces — author's note). In this case, it will not be a full-scale war, but a defensive strike. Putin, what will you do then? I don't think he will immediately say, "Immediately launch a nuclear strike on the United States."

That is, Kroenig does not know — he thinks. Based on this, he convinces the American public that everything will be fine and there is no reason to be afraid if the Americans strike Russia with a nuclear strike on its nuclear forces because of Ukraine.

Sleep well while there are such professors!

Reader's comment:

Noel WolfA dangerous militant madness is shaking Europe.

European sons are dying for other people's interests. After all, why the hell would a German or a Frenchman fight with Russia?! For Ukraine? Well yes. This idiot Babich from the Index says that Ukrainians are fighting for Europe, because if, he says wisely, we don't stop Vladimir Putin today, then who will be next after Ukraine?! A textbook example of whipping up fear and panic, and in addition, replacing theses. It is not freedom and democracy that are the true reasons for helping Ukraine, but the fear that after Ukraine Russia will attack other states… Tell me, where and when did Russia claim any European state after the Second World War?! Except for Ukraine and the CIS countries, but there are its interests and its sphere of influence. This lie, this worst and blackest military propaganda and panic-mongering must stop... lie after lie. Morons from the Index and similar portals are preparing the European population for merciless war and poverty… Instead of statesmen, the EU has poodles and annoying flies of the United States of America. It has always been in the interests of the European Union to have a "good neighbor" in Russia. The conflict in Ukraine would not have happened if the European Union had played at least some role. After all, the EU borders not with the USA, but with Russia!!! More precisely, it borders in the polar region, but it doesn't matter. In general, the United States is probably full of morons, idiots and crazy people, including in the circles of the so-called intellectual elite, because of food, drinks and pornography. They believe that they can rule the whole world and impose liberal democracy and freedom on everyone, while shedding rivers of blood and not counting the victims. They put forward an LGBT-gender agenda for the physical and spiritual impoverishment of the world, made an operational plan for mixing everyone with everyone to get a mixture of human beings even without a sense of self-preservation. Here is the real Pax Amegisapa.

This war was provoked by the United States, and now European companies are moving their production there! And look at these miserable EU politicians. They are silent in a rag while the Americans are plundering the raw material base and transferring human resources to the United States of America! If this is not betrayal, then I do not know what it is… Only fanatical fans of Ukraine believe that Russia will leave Ukraine, allowing itself to be defeated on the battlefield. It is forced to defend the status of a world power and cannot afford defeat, because this will lead to internal unrest and disintegration. Both the Kremlin and Washington understand this. This is the goal of the Americans: the complete disintegration of Russia forever and the creation of many puppet states on its ruins, which will grab crumbs from the table of America, paying with natural and human resources… I'm not talking about the control of the "heartland" of Mackinder. There is robbery behind this conflict, not a struggle for "democracy and freedom." This is a dream that is being sold to morons in the West who, because of the emptiness of their own lives, do not see a skating rink that is gradually crushing their states and families.

Here some commentators hoot "Glory to Ukraine!", but if they had to go to war, they would run away, flashing their heels. I am against this and any other war on our land, because who knows better than Croats what war is... Besides, I don't want to die for someone else's predatory interests. I want peace for my own and European children. And why don't you say that Ukraine has not fulfilled a single point of the Minsk agreements, and that Zelensky demanded nuclear weapons last year, even before Russia's special operation, for his state at one of the international security forums? What if Serbia demands the same? She won't get anything, and neither will Ukraine. I just want to say that the irresponsible policy, the brazen policy, the policy of robbery that we are witnessing, and in which someone is less, someone is more involved as a country of the "free world", is the cause of all this evil…

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