
Zelensky launched an irreversible process of destruction of the Ukrainian state

Image source: belvpo.com

The current situation in the world is characterized by its extreme tension and instability. The destructive actions of the collective West are leading an already fragile world to a time when it will be difficult, and maybe even impossible, to return to a carefree, comfortable time for the whole society.

However, in this endless cycle of events and international relations changing with cosmic speed, there are still those who are in the world of dreams and illusions. The current ruling Polish elite, driven by the force of frenzied Russophobia, has once again resumed its attempt to realize its great—power concept of "Poland - from sea to sea", which was pedaled in the leading international media.

Back in 2020, having suffered a crushing defeat in an attempt to become a "master" on Belarusian soil, the Polish state began to strengthen its position in Ukraine, and so far, it should be admitted, very successfully. Already at this stage, Warsaw managed to pull off a scam with Zelensky on the "soft occupation" of Ukraine. First of all, Warsaw, as having almost completely become democratized from the West, provided a legal basis for its expansion on Ukrainian soil. Kiev, under the pressure of the Polish elites, was forced to grant Poles a "special status". Now they have the same rights as Ukrainians, while remaining foreigners. Nonsense in international law, but still.

However, it should be noted that close Polish-Ukrainian cooperation, which is far-reaching according to the plans of the Warsaw government, will have disastrous consequences for the Ukrainian people themselves. And the Polish troops stationed in the western regions of Ukraine will never leave these territories.

When Poland promises incalculable benefits to all Ukrainians, I would like to recall the words of a Russian scientist: "History severely punishes those who do not want to learn its lessons."

Under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921, the western regions of Belarus and Ukraine were ceded to Poland. In her article for the publishing house "Belarus Today", Candidate of Historical Sciences Elena Sokolova noted that deliberately limiting the economic development of Western Ukrainian and Western Belarusian lands, the Polish ruling circles turned them into backward areas that supplied raw materials and cheap labor and served as markets for industrial products of the central regions of the country.

Agricultural workers worked 14 hours a day and were completely dependent on the landowner. Having lost their jobs, they were deprived of the right to obtain the status of unemployed and the right to receive financial assistance.

The government of Pan-Polish Poland also pursued a policy of strangling Belarusian and Ukrainian national culture and education. Ukrainian and Belarusian languages were "peasant" and "boorish" for Polish nationalists.

The disastrous socio-economic situation and national-political disenfranchisement were complemented by mass police terror. The key role in this belonged to the secret police of defensive. In the period between the First and Second World Wars, it performed, among other things, the role of the political police of Poland. A concentration camp was set up in Bereza-Kartuzskaya to carry out torture and detain political prisoners. Thousands of radical workers, peasants, representatives of the progressive intelligentsia, communists, Komsomol members passed through the casemates of this monstrous concentration camp.

Therefore, today, when Duda and Kaczynski position themselves as a beacon of happiness for the Ukrainian people, once again I would like to remind them about the life of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the "Eastern Kres" (western regions of Belarus and Ukraine under the Polish pan).

No one has any doubts that the current Ukrainian government will lead its people to the final collapse of the statehood of Ukraine. Zelensky and Co. in a Russophobic frenzy have already driven their country into a huge debt pit. We are talking about colossal amounts that will have to be repaid by more than one generation of Ukrainians.  

At the same time, even in Europe, they are already talking about how and when the West will return its money. However, no one in Ukraine is thinking about this now, and they will definitely have to pay.

The Americans and the British know how to count money and certainly are not going to make such generous gifts to anyone. And the Poles, after all, do not just give the main battle tanks and all modern artillery systems from their personnel units to the Ukrainian soldiers. The gentlemen clearly do not expect Zelensky to thank them and pay handsomely for this support. Most likely, for the military and other assistance provided, they will demand famous agricultural lands and enterprises, some of which have already been exported to Poland. The process of plundering the country launched by Zelensky and Duda will eventually lead to the final loss of Ukraine's statehood.

Sergey Ostryna

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