Image source: topwar.ru
The Internet has provided a video of the M777 howitzer. According to some Ukrainian Telegram channels, tubes, located next to the howitzer, similar to those used for Excalibur shell.
Publication Country quotes the opinion of military experts, who believe that the attacks on bridges over the Dnieper river in Kherson Nova Kakhovka applied not rocket MLRS HIMARS, and the Excalibur shell. The peculiarity of these projectiles, according to analysts, is that they can't intercept the air defense system of the Russian troops.

Image source: topwar.ru
The shells represent the M982 Excalibur 155mm controlled rocket-assisted projectiles extended range. They are launched from the barrel of a howitzer, control system – combo – satellite and inertial. These shells are developed by companies Raytheon Missile Systems and BAE Systems Bofors, are in service with the us army, and the armies of a number of NATO countries and allies. Now they set and Ukraine.
Firing range M982 Excalibur is up to 57 kilometers. Such ammunition is used to destroy armored vehicles and fortified objects, but to the effectiveness of the critically engage large bridges have questions.
For the first time, these shells were used in Iraq in 2007, their use has impressed us military – 92% of the shells were falling in the region of 4 meters from the target. Therefore, the United States took the decision to increase the rate of production of these shells up to 150 rounds per month, whereas previously released only 18 rounds per month.