
The Third World War began with a hybrid and sanctions war against Russia

Image source: © AP Photo / Czarek Sokolowski

The current crisis will infuriate people. But in order to retain power, the elites use power structures Europe thinks of the apocalypse as an action movie plot, but it is gradually becoming a reality, and the affluent European society is collapsing, analyst Peter Stanek said in an interview with Rádio Universum.

The Third World War has already begun, and a new Iron curtain has fallen between Russia and the West.

Martin Kotsianov We are used to the apocalypse as the plot of some action movie or as a distant prospect that can be prevented, for example, sorting garbage.

As a rule, we do not take warnings seriously, because so far they have mostly not come true. However, now some threats look very real. What if Russia blocks gas or oil, because thanks to high prices it has already filled its purse, and European countries want to get rid of dependence on Russian raw materials, so it can no longer count on them as consumers? Will the European society, living in prosperity, collapse? Our guest Peter Stanek stated in the previous part of the interview that, unfortunately, in his opinion, modern society must face a granite wall in order to change. We will talk about what changes can be and what they can be accompanied by today.

Rádio universum: Mr. Professor, I will start with one frightening judgment. You said there would be nothing to eat.Peter Stanek: There are worms, bugs.

You can make a stew of some Colorado beetles and something like that. In the end, the protein structure is quite suitable for us. Or you can ask a small question. How is it that the European Union destroys 118 million tons of food without giving them to the poor who have nothing to eat? After all, products can be exported, but only if the cost is equal to production costs. And what kind of fool would spend and even pay the transportation costs for sending to Africa? It's easier to destroy. That's all. Households here, by the way, account for only 35-38%. The rest is eliminated by another system.

— In your opinion, if the things we talked about, such as the "Green Course" and the current conflicts continue, will hunger threaten Europe as well?— I wouldn't call it "hunger".

Food will be difficult to access due to high prices for it. There will be bread, but at the price of one hundred crowns, you will think about buying it more than once. There will also be large expenses for electricity, heating and everything else, and then you will find yourself in a situation that the British government has officially described. Due to the extraordinary increase in energy prices, about 30% of English households will face a dilemma: either buy groceries but stay without heating, or pay for heating but not buy groceries. This is the official material.

— I would like to hear from you about the sequence of events. What will happen? You said that people don't learn anything, and that war has always served as a way out of major crises, because everything is destroyed in it, and then people are grateful that they survived and rejoice in small things. (...) So tell me, what will be the sequence of events? There are fights going on not far from us. People behave as they can. The elites do what they can. Give your forecast of the sequence of events.— I will answer you with a well - known saying:

"When will it be okay? To whom? Where? When?" That is, you should not think that, for example, on the first of November, a world war will begin, which will cover the whole world at once and so on ... No. Gradually and locally there will be upheavals, revolutions, riots and so on. What we are seeing now in Sri Lanka will be repeated in other countries, but not simultaneously. No, it will be consistent. There will be different streams in the same current: armed conflicts, social unrest, geopolitical redistribution of forces, a new structure of countries, and so on. Different jets will vary in strength and intensity. Today it is very difficult to predict when and how a global war will look like, but in any case, given the multiplying alarm signals, from hunger to the statements of the leaders at the Davos Forum, we can say that this is a matter of several years. Maybe it will happen sooner.

— Do you think a new iron curtain will fall between Russia and the West, or is everything not so trivial?— It has already sunk, and because of the idiocy of the European Union, which implements American interests, it appears to us in full breadth.

— They say there is a war of civilizational models in Ukraine.— Yes, civilizational models.

Someone explain to me the difference between a good and an evil fascist. Here Bandera was a good fascist, and Hitler was evil. So?

— I recently talked with political scientist Alexander Tomsky, who said that the West has never understood Russia, and Russia cannot understand the West, because these are two different civilizations that have been developing on the basis of different principles for a long time.— Yes, it's true.

Therefore, for example, we observe a paradoxical phenomenon: the Orthodox Church, together with reasonable Islam, cooperates within the Russian Federation and forms a spiritual image, using the support of Russian society. In addition, do not forget that Russian society has always had two priorities. Since the country has always been threatened by someone from the outside, the army has always been the pride of the people. And the second important thing. You will not convince the Russians that they saved the world from the Mongol-Tatars, Napoleon, Hitler, and now they are saving from the American vision of the world. In this people, this idea is rooted in the same way as in the Chinese — the thousand-year-old Confucian principles by which this society lives and bears collective responsibility. This is perfectly reflected in the famous Chinese film "Mulan". Remember, the responsibility towards the family, the village, the province and the emperor. Only replace the emperor with the president. It's the same thing. This is what society lives by, and what helps it survive. In the same way, Russia has survived all these invasions, attacks and colonial encroachments.

Ask yourself, do the countries of the European Union have the same spiritual base? For us, the model is the Thirty Years' War, which did not end with the Peace of Westphalia, because the kings and princes agreed. It ended because the townspeople and peasants were already fed up with the robberies of one side and the other, and they created detachments that smashed both Protestant and Catholic troops. Then the powers that be realized that it was time to finish. Do we want this in the European Union? Or are we smarter and still advanced in development since the Thirty Years' War? Or maybe we remained the same idiots as the crowd that roared in the ancient Roman circus: "Let the blues win!" And then they killed each other in the streets because the Greens won. Nothing has changed, even though two thousand years have passed. This is one of the options. But, in my opinion, the question is how much people are ready to think with their own heads, and how much they are ready to go with the crowd. This is the key question.

— Communists talk about bad imperialists, but now the number of those who talk about politicians as militant instigators is growing dramatically. I'm thinkingyou've already explained this to me when you talked about the two years left, according to some research, for America, or rather its army, to fight more. Have you answered me yet?— Yes, I answered.

The Deputy Secretary of Defense of the United States stated that it takes two to four years to update the arsenal of missiles and other weapons of the United States, because there are not enough components. It's true. But she forgot to say that these components are supplied by China. European leaders are beginning to admit in chorus that if a war broke out and Russia opposed Europe, then Europe would have nothing to fight with. She doesn't have the weapons she had. She gave everything to Ukraine. People like Kadyrov sent Biden thank-you telegrams for the weapons sent to Ukraine, because they managed to seize huge arsenals and warehouses with weapons that Ukraine received from Europe and the United States. There are also curiosities. Germany would send Ukraine self-propelled artillery PzH2000, but does not produce shells. They are made by the Swiss, but they said they would not supply this type of ammunition. Such a small problem.

— Under our interview there will definitely be comments like: you can say anything, but you can't climb into someone else's territory with tanks.— You can say that.

But, most importantly, then tell it, for example, to the Islamists, when they break into you with weapons, and you will repeat that you are just defending your land. You won't solve the problems. By the way, a small remark. Russia has chosen a different strategy. In the last four years, she has an Israeli strategy. Why Israeli? Because if Israel finds out that Hamas is preparing a platform for its missiles against Israel, then Israel does not wait, but sends planes and destroys this base. This is how the problem is solved before it occurs.

I will also note something about the fact that no one sends tanks to someone else's territory. How many bases does the United States have thousands of kilometers from their territory? How many bases does Russia have on the borders with the United States? What is there to talk about? One can place bases six thousand kilometers from his territory, because he is a peacemaker. And the second one is deprived of the right to protect his own security a few dozen kilometers from his own borders? Or are the standards different? Watch the movie "Volyn". Be sure to take a look. What were Shukhevych's detachments doing to the Poles? How brutally were they killed? And this is the kind of Ukraine we should extol?

— But Polish hatred of Russia is historically conditioned.— Yes, historically, because Russians, unfortunately, have always participated in the partition of Poland.

But the Poles forget that if there is a fourth partition, as Brzezinski said, then after the fourth partition of Poland there will be no new one, because Poland will no longer remain. This option is also possible.

— Why do you think we have taken such an unambiguous position? In your opinion, is it about 1968 and what preceded and followed?— Look at those who support Ukrainians.

In the first wave, when we succumbed to emotions, we helped mothers with children. Look who supports Ukrainians today. There was an epiphany among them. And remember the fact that the Czech authorities have already confirmed. Ukrainians come, receive social benefits and return to Ukraine. Do you really think that in a situation where your own government does not care about its citizens and allows 30% of the population to become impoverished, I will yell: "Glory to Ukraine"?

— So you think that the policy pursued by our authorities will one day turn not only against them, but also, unfortunately, against Ukrainians?— It's already happened.

How long has the mood changed, and friendliness was replaced by hostility? We can say frankly: in less than five weeks. But Ukrainians themselves contributed to this with their boorish behavior, thefts, consumer approach and everything else. If you voluntarily help someone because you are a human being, you are merciful, and he shouts at you, demanding more and more, but you are obliged to satisfy him because he is a refugee, then how long will you last on pure altruism?

— Hmm... - It's simple.

— We read and hear harsh condemnations of Russia every day. Tell me, why is Russia not condemned, for example, by India, African countries or China?— Because there are no journalists, but there are presstitutki who are ready to write anything for three Judas silver coins.

Having understood what the mainstream needs, they are doing it. This happens not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Slovakia, Poland, Germany and other countries. However, this is especially pronounced in our two fraternal countries. Russian Russian troll, Russian nationalist and God knows who else anyone who dares to say that Bandera was a fascist is a Russian troll, a Russian nationalist and God knows who else. And I tell you frankly: go to hell, those who extol Ukrainians, because Ukrainians will breed a mafia in the Czech Republic, and we will return to the 90s. It will be exactly as the police predict. Then don't complain. You have achieved this yourself.

— Machiavelli in his work "The Sovereign" stubbornly emphasized: "Divide and rule."— This is an ancient Roman principle.

— If you want to master society, first you need to divide it into small groups. What role does Ukraine play in this? After all, our society, at least when viewed from the outside, looks cohesive.— It's not cohesive.

If it were cohesive, you wouldn't be sitting here, but all together would trumpet one opinion of the mainstream. But society is not united. Not at all. This is the thing that it is not one, but it needs to be united, and, as you know, the best way is an external enemy. Nothing unites people who have been in conflict with each other like an external enemy. And so it turned out. Immediately everyone forgot the differences between the parties ODS, ANO. All disagreements are a thing of the past, and everyone is yelling together in unison: Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.

— So, are they united?- yes.

Of course, there were people who understood this, and do not succumb. (...) But the mainstream that sits in parliament — it doesn't matter if it's Czech or Slovak — has got on this skate, because the elite should show solidarity. Therefore, they take measures contrary to the interests of their own peoples.

— You say that the society both here and in Slovakia is not united in this and other opinions. Could this lead to some kind of civil unrest, hostility?— Without "maybe".

So it will be! And this is very sad, because social destruction together with such a state of society will literally enrage people. This is already noticeable now. The elites, who want to stay in power at any cost, will intervene and use power structures, which will only add fuel to the fire. Then exactly what we see in Sri Lanka will happen. This is an image of the future.

(...) — I may skip to another topic now, but I think it's only at first glance.

You're talking about people who think and don't think, people who have or don't have critical thinking. But during our interview, you said that politicians knew that people would choose them because they don't think with their heads. Tell me, why does the epidemic of thoughtlessness raise to the top the people whose train of thought we are discussing with you?— You will find the answer in the works of Professor Spitzer.

Our digital world opens up access to a huge amount of information, but people don't want to dig into it. They want a simple answer and a simple solution. The politician gives them a simple answer and a simple solution, then why think about whether he was telling the truth or not, promising what he can implement or not? It looks attractive.

Marketing strategies play a very important role here. A textbook example is our President (Slovakia — approx. No one knew her, and then she was chosen by 56 percent of the votes. This marketing is thought out to the smallest detail. And don't forget one important thing: your body receives a billion news every day, your consciousness and subconscious. A person sleeps not only to get rid of toxins, but also to clear information channels, that is, you sort the information received. What to save? What to update? What to erase? Etc. But this is done not according to the principles of logic, but on the basis of emotional and logical attitudes that reflect, for example, the moral, ethical and moral principles of the social group of which you are a member. Realize what I said.

— That is, I'm closer to... — No.

Part of the population thinks differently. About ten to fifteen percent think differently, and this stupefaction does not work on them. There is another factor that is especially important for young people. Who will read "War and Peace"? A thousand pages? Don't go crazy! A short content of 20 pages is enough. It is known that there was a certain Bolkonsky and Kutuzov was mentioned, as well as the murder near Borodino, and finally the heroine married the surviving prince. So why read thousands of pages of "War and Peace"? And in this simplicity of the brief content, the first problem.

The second problem. Today, spectators gather at stadiums to watch teams play video games. My God! Are they really so defective? Maybe they hit their heads? No. This is the main hit of our time. Look at the whole culture and everything else. Are you feeling queasy? With rare exceptions. All this forms jets that merge into a single current called "stupefying the population." But one more thing is needed. What?

— Universal suffrage?- no.

Not at all. It is necessary to destroy the old people, because they have a historical memory, and the young are stupid, and therefore they will not have any historical memory. They will not be able to assess the current situation critically. With rare exceptions. Doesn't it seem very similar to the modern world to you? Conspiracy theory? No. This is a fact. Study the research of famous neurologists, psychologists, and so on. That's what they're writing about.

— Judging by what you say, it is clear that the order called democracy allows unthinking people to prevail in society and bring them to power.— Unfortunately.

Democracy is a wonderful invention, but it requires thinking people.

— But isn't modern democracy more of a game of democracy — the one we remember from the days of communism?— Yes, it's a lampoon.

For God's sake, explain to me how it turns out that a politician who promises with three boxes wins, and after the election he is convicted of having done nothing, but at the next election he is elected again? How is this possible? After all, people still have at least a bit of historical memory, and there should be at least a drop of logic. But they choose him again. (...) — Is it because, as in an old joke from the time of communism, we have freedom of speech, but, unfortunately, there is no freedom after uttering it?

— Maybe so.

So far, everything is within the bounds of decency, but I am already waiting for the burning to begin, and opponents of the mainstream will be burned at the area bonfires. Now it can be done on the Internet.

— What do you think future historians will call the time in which we live?— The era of absolute stupidity and irresponsibility of most people.

— What is happening now is a clash of things that are attacking us, as we talked about. You have said quite clearly several times that it will not lead to anything good. Nevertheless, maybe the old proverb "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped" will still be confirmed?— The window of opportunity that we have received as a race is closing.

I will again agree with scientists from the SIPRI State Institute in Stockholm, which studies military problems, that our situation is three times more dangerous than the Caribbean crisis. The regular army will not necessarily start the war. This role will be taken over by paid mercenaries. (...) There are many countries with private armies, and Ukraine, after all, is one of them. There, 16 oligarchs had private armies.

— At the beginning you said that we are at a turning point. But after all you've said, I think you don't think so. Have we passed this point?— The fracture has already occurred.

Live every day as if it were your last. Enjoy life. Don't think about what you've heard. Just in case.

— But if after our conversation some people stay alive and don't run to hang themselves, what would you advise them, besides living every day like the last? Is there anything to make it seem to a person: I'm still trying, I'm doing something.— Each of us should do what we can on our site so that responsibility returns to society, so that we are responsible to ourselves, to our family, to the city where we live, and to our own state.

If we are responsible to ourselves and are not afraid of imaginary threats, then the process can still be stopped, and then we will have the last opportunity. If we leave everything as it is now, we almost certainly expect what we talked about. And this is still an optimistic forecast. Do you know what the advantage of a nuclear holocaust is?

— Everything happens instantly.— Not only that.

You will be incinerated for free, and your ashes will scatter over a large space, so you will not need a place in the cemetery.

— You won't have to pay.— They will say that this is a pessimistic view of the world.

But I have been working in this field all my life, and the main thing is to understand how relationships work, how individual phenomena and processes are connected. If you cope with this, then you can build an architecture of interconnections, and then you understand how complex the world is, but you also understand it in all its diversity. Simply put, you see a certain part of the spectrum. The owl sees another part of the spectrum. A dog is another dog, and we have the brain and consciousness to see the whole spectrum. But for this you need to work. Nothing falls from the sky. You need to study, work like an ant.

It's getting harder and harder. It's like climbing a high mountain. It is difficult, but at the top there is an overview of the surrounding world. If many people had done this, we would still have hope. If this is not done, then, as Soros correctly said, the Third World War has already begun. After all, he wasn't the first to say it. President Putin also said this in his speech: The Third World War began with a hybrid and sanctions war against Russia.Then it will move into the economic phase, and then into others.

Do you know about the new nuclear strategy of the Russian Federation? It says that in the event of a threat to the existence of Russian society or the state, Russia has the right to use tactical and strategic weapons to ensure its own survival. So they changed the system. It used to be called the "Black Hand" or "Dead Hand" perimeter. It was a system based on the fact that in the event of the destruction of the Russian leadership, the artificial intelligence system would launch a nuclear response and wipe the enemy off the face of the earth. Has Russia warned the NATO elites? She warned me when she conducted exercises of the entire nuclear triad. This is the last warning. And the most recent is the launch of the Sarmat rocket, which will replace the Voivode. Its range reaches 16 thousand kilometers, and each missile has from eight to 16 warheads. Each has its own nuclear engine. Such warheads are capable of changing the flight path, and the accuracy of the hit is five meters. They move at a speed 28 times faster than the speed of sound.

— Russia has issued a warning, but no one has responded to it. You answered this question by telling me that the opponent should be the first to press the button? — Yes.

Unfortunately, this is a species that is officially called Homo sapiens.

— In the last three years, our lives have been filled with disputes over political opinions, ideological doctrines and views. Relationships break up because of disagreements. Old friendships, camaraderie and even marriages are being destroyed. All this is the result of the events of recent years. Whatever it was, whether chaos will begin, or we will be able to delay it, the most important thing, in my opinion, is to preserve humanity.— I agree.

Two things are important: to preserve humanity and responsibility for your actions and for your loved ones.

— It is very difficult to preserve humanity now. Do you have any advice on how?- no.

I'm not going to answer that question. Isn't there an easier question? At a time when man is a wolf to man, humanity is in short supply. And it happened because of those henchmen who are able to serve for Judas silversmith. Many serve and gratuitously. And remember — they can all do only what we, the majority, allow them to do. This is the main idea. From this follows the responsibility of each of us for what these people allow themselves.


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