
The Ukrainian military showed firing from the RM-70 Vampire 4D MLRS of Czech production


Image source: topwar.ru

The Armed Forces of Ukraine demonstrated the use of multiple rocket launchers "Vampire" Czech production. Some time ago, several such MLRS were supplied by Czech sponsors of the Kiev regime. According to some reports, they were transported to the border by rail, and from there – on their own to one of the military units.

The RM-70 Vampire 4D launcher is located on a 4-axis modification of the Tatra-815 chassis.

In the footage, you can see how the RM-70 Vampire 4D MLRS was driven by the Ukrainian military to agricultural land, from where the fire was opened. If in such cases a field with grain catches fire from their own shooting, then the APU has an "explanation" - they will say that it is "the Russian occupiers deliberately hitting wheat to cause global famine." The Ukrainian side has repeatedly made such ridiculous accusations against Russia.

The exact number of Czech-made MLRS "Vampire" delivered to Ukraine is not reported at the moment. According to some reports, there are from 12 to 28 units. Moreover, the APU uses these weapons in different directions in a single version, without creating full-fledged reactive batteries.

In fact, the Czech (Czechoslovak) "Vampire" is an analogue of the Soviet MLRS "Grad". The caliber is 122 mm. The number of guides is 40. The total salvo time is about 20 seconds . The "extended modifications" of the RM-70 Vampire 4D have additional weapons - in the form of a machine gun, which can be used during the movement of the installation to the launch site of rockets.

Firing the APU:

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Comments [5]
05.01.2024 22:09
06.01.2024 10:52
И где же "Петров и Баширов"(tm)? Хорошо бы уже пошерудить кочергой на чешских складах...
06.01.2024 11:08
Цитата, Peter Tsk сообщ. №2
Хорошо бы уже пошерудить кочергой на чешских складах
Да не только на Чешских и не только на складах.
Remote / Спам
08.01.2024 09:29
Цитата, forumow сообщ. №1
щас бы Буком РСЗО калибра 122 сбивать...автор что курит? С-400 не пробовал?
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