
The West faces isolation and collapse. Europe will be the first victim

Image source: © РИА Новости Алексей Витвицкий

"The Decline of Europe": chaos, humiliation and moral deformation in the context of geopolitics

After the summits of the "Big Seven" and BRICS, it became obvious that the West faces isolation from the world, writes Geopolitika.news. If there is no change in his global approach, he will begin to devour himself. In fact, this is already happening, the author of the article is sure.

Zoran Meter

After the end of the First World War, the German political scientist Oswald Spengler wrote his famous work "The Decline of Europe". Of course, he had plenty of reasons. He saw all the horrors experienced by the Old Continent, after which his homeland remained defeated, devastated, humiliated and morally broken for a long time.

Speaking of "good old Europe", Spengler dedicated the following lines to her: "You will die. I see all the stigmas of doom in you. I can prove that all your wealth and all your poverty, your capitalism and your socialism, your wars and your revolutions, your atheism, your pessimism and your cynicism, your immorality, your ruined marriages and your birth control are oozing out of you to the last drop of blood from below and killing you from above. They are killing your brain and will destroy you. I can prove to you that you have all the signs of the dying countries of ancient times: Alexandria, Greece and Rome."

Agree, if someone does not know what it is about, you might think that it is written about modern Europe, or rather about the "collective West", which found itself in a very similar situation, about which a German political scientist writes so nihilistically. After all, the fact that Europeans, or rather their elites, are capable of causing themselves and the "rest of the world" (recall the European colonial powers and the evil that they have done around the globe and the negative consequences of which many peoples still feel), probably no one can.

Instead of comfort — the Third World War!

Europeans are used to the comfort and quiet life they have lived for more than half a century. Many mistakenly thought that they had learned lessons from their bloody and difficult past, first of all the Second World War, into which they were drawn by Adolf Hitler and the German Nazi ideology and which was deeply etched into their memory. But memories fade, and caution melts with them, and therefore all good things will come to an end someday.

"Big Brother" actually announced to the Europeans that it was time to pay for the "security umbrella" under which they had been living and developing for many decades for free. Moreover, they must sacrifice not only their money, but also people and material resources. "After all, a new big war is already at the gates," says Big Brother, doing everything to make it start. Of course, in Europe.

In fact, as Pope Francis said ten years ago, the Third World War has already begun. Of course, he did not speak without reason, not understanding what was happening and what evil forces were manipulating the modern world, wanting to drive it into the abyss. And it is closer than ever, and Europe is being led to it and using various manipulative tools, starting from ideological and up to geopolitical and economic ones. More and more peoples and countries are being drawn into the deadly maelstrom of endless disagreements, hatred and struggle, and no one is able to resist it.

All this eloquently testifies to the fact that the universal struggle of good against evil is coming to the fore, in which extremely stupid people are lost. They are no longer able to think critically. They do not distinguish good from evil, lies from truth, and prefer to leave everything to others. Thus, they unconsciously help the coming chaos.

A new Iron curtain is actually coming down on the European continent. Still careful enough not to crush someone who doesn't need to. The Ukrainian conflict will determine its final borders, which, according to the plan of those in power, will remain impenetrable for a long time.

However, for the time being, only human stupidity remains impenetrable, which has led to the current situation, and which is not able to learn lessons from history. People are willing to take risks that always lead to disaster, and there is no reason to think that it will turn out differently now. To do this, all the necessary decorations are placed, the roles are distributed, and the actors are known.

A cluster of summits as an ominous omen

Over the past ten days, four major and important international summits have been held in the world, which has never happened before (in order of holding: BRICS, G7, NATO and the summit of the Caspian countries). This is the best indication of where our world is steadily moving towards: division, discord and conflict.

These meetings of global elites take on grotesque forms. This is a kind of mixture of saber rattling and farce. A demonstration of seriousness and infantilism at the same time. Children's delight because of the unity finally achieved, which in fact does not exist. Lying smiles in a situation in which no one is normal to laugh. First of all, I am referring to the outdated format of the "Big Seven", formed in 1973 by the strongest economies at that time: the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. Some of them have not been for a long time, because what, for example, is Canadian or Italian compared to the Chinese economy?.. So, the leaders of these countries, in a seemingly relaxed and friendly atmosphere in front of television cameras, tried their best to preserve the old world order, in which they have a dominant role, and in which they set the rules. But nothing came of it. The meeting ended in a complete fiasco, which I will write about below.

Nevertheless, despite the undisguised pleasure due to the unity achieved around Ukraine (it is promised as much help as it needs to fight Russia), nervousness at the top is growing. Each of them is well aware of the inevitable global changes that cannot be hidden, just as it is impossible to hide the huge problems in their societies.

Suffice it to say that Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi had to leave the summit ahead of schedule due to the crisis of the Italian government. The disintegrating "Five Star Movement" has threatened to quit the government if the shipment of weapons to Ukraine continues and chaos persists with another wave of migration from Africa. A little earlier, the Bulgarian government resigned, and mass protests are taking place in Brussels. About 80 thousand people took to the streets due to the deterioration of the social situation. In Germany last week, the largest chemical concern BASF, which is more than a century old, and which is the basis of German industry, announced a possible closure due to a shortage of Russian gas. For the first time in its history. The absurdity lies in the fact that Russian gas would be quite accessible to the Germans if the new Nord Stream —2 was working, which is ready for immediate launch. But no. The new German government rejected it even before the Russian special operation in Ukraine, which served only as a reason for the previously made decision. Suffice it to recall that the Greens and the Free Democrats, as well as part of the coalition government of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, before they came to power last October, announced plans to postpone the certification of the gas pipeline after the United States imposed sanctions against it.

In the UK, they are preparing for the first general strike since the 20s of the last century. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson resigned. In France, Macron recently lost his majority in parliament, losing almost a hundred seats in the elections, and the far-left and far-right Marine Le Pen, who advocate sovereign French politics, have achieved historic successes by seizing parliament.

At the same time, the EU and Josep Borrel announced the possible cancellation of the general consensus on foreign policy issues and the introduction of the qualified majority rule as a prerequisite for further expansion of the European Union. Will France be willing to betray this single remaining element of the sovereignty of each member country at the moment when the aforementioned political forces first prevailed over the Atlantists, or is "Frexit" threatening?

All these are questions and problems to which the European elites do not have a clear answer, but their political representatives are happy to smile in front of the cameras and rejoice at the unity suddenly achieved. As if everything that happens at their home does not concern them at all or does not matter. After all, the goal has been set, and there is only one goal — to defeat Russia at any cost, even if you have to commit suicide.

Another paradox of the G7 summit clearly indicates the extreme importance of this meeting. The leaders of some other important world and regional powers, such as India and Argentina, as well as Africa, were invited to it as guests. This gives the impression of the global orientation of the "Big Seven", that is, its activities for the benefit of the whole world. And it would be impossible to argue with this if the following did not happen. On the second day of the summit, against the backdrop of the idyllic landscapes of the Bavarian Alps, Argentine President Alberto Fernandez, a guest, made a shocking statement, which was immediately transmitted by the British Reuters. Argentina has applied for membership in the BRICS, which now includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In the same BRICS, which is now the main obstacle to the intentions of the "Big Seven", which, by the way, both sides are openly talking about. It's about their diametrically opposite vision of the world and their future. And to complete the picture, let me remind you that on the same day Iran confirmed its application for membership in the BRICS.

And here is the "cherry on the cake". During the G-7 summit, news came from Indonesia that Jakarta, despite the strongest American pressure, sent an official invitation to Russian President Vladimir Putin to take part in the meeting of the leaders of the G-20, which Indonesia is currently chairing. The summit will be held in November on the island of Borneo. Even more revealing is the fact that on the same day, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that they support the idea of excluding Russia and Putin from the G20. But, moreover, a few days later, on June 30, Indonesian President Joko Widodo paid a visit to Moscow and personally met with Putin, discussing with him global problems in the field of food. Indonesia is a major importer of Russian grain, artificial fertilizers, and weapons, and no Western embargoes against Russia will prevent their further cooperation, as Russian media and analysts reported after the meeting.

Indonesia is becoming increasingly important worldwide. It is the largest Muslim country with almost 300 million inhabitants. She is a member of the "Big Twenty", as well as the largest and most important member of the influential ASEAN organization, which politically, economically and culturally connects the countries of Southeast Asia. The same one whose leaders American President Biden unsuccessfully tried to turn into an anti-Chinese tool at a meeting in Washington about two months ago. Even the authoritative American media reported on the fiasco of this meeting. Although some ASEAN members, such as Vietnam, are concerned about Beijing's political rise, China remains their most important trading partner. He not only offers ASEAN, but also already implements numerous profitable projects that the Chinese are ready to finance. China does not make empty promises and does not throw around ideological phrases, and therefore none of them even comes to mind in vain to enter into conflict with a powerful Asian giant.

The authoritative American edition of Politico writes about the fiasco of the G7 summit on June 28 in its article "A View from the summit: the G7, doomed to failure, is failing on all fronts." In particular, it says the following.

"When the negotiations ended, it seemed that the most influential world leaders were beating past and being defeated on all fronts. They are powerless to stop the Russian war and the uncontrolled price spike; they cannot stop the melting of the Zugspitze glacier (At the foot of which the summit was held. — Approx. or end the blockade of millions of tons of Ukrainian grain ..., which is vital to feed the developing world. (...) They boast an unusual and unprecedented common goal in solving all these problems, but the solutions they supported in some cases seemed doomed to failure and counterproductive. For example, they tried to lower the prices of Russian oil and gas, while repeating their desire to abandon the use of fossil fuels. They want to end the war, but not to fight in it. They want to promote rule-based capitalism, but at the same time they are putting energy prices under control."

BRICS is expanding and already occupies most of the world

China is currently chairing the BRICS, which held a virtual summit at the highest level a week before the G7 summit. There are only five states in this association, but they account for more than 40% of the world's total population and 26% of global GDP. There will be even more with Argentina and Iran, and Beijing does not hide that it wants to see Indonesia and Egypt in the BRICS soon, which are already ready, and their membership will not cause disagreements. It is no secret that Mexico, 130 million strong, as well as the UAE and Saudi Arabia, which is already a member of the BRICS Development Bank, initiated by India, would like to join the BRICS.

Recently, news came from Turkey about its interest in membership in this association. Ankara is openly working on its own independent geopolitical rise, which was once again manifested at the recent NATO summit, when it finally agreed to the accession of Finland and Sweden. Turkey gave the go-ahead only after reaching an agreement with them: these two countries agreed to fulfill literally all Turkish requirements. And to avoid misunderstanding, the very next day Ankara sent an official request to Stockholm and Helsinki for the extradition of 70 people associated with radical Kurdish movements or the FETO organization banned in Turkey. In addition, there were hints at the summit that the United States might still supply Turkey with F-16 aircraft, although they refused to do so because of Ankara's "disobedience", which purchased Russian S-400 Triumph systems. And this is despite the fact that Turkey does not want and is not going to impose anti-Russian sanctions! Turkey may be trading, but it does it solely in its own interests, from which it does not retreat. And who of the great ones does not bargain? Only vassals do not bargain.

What was said in the final BRICS declaration clearly says that the world will never be the same again. A decision has been made on the need to create a new international alternative to the US dollar! The next day, 15 observer countries and possible future members of this association participated in the BRICS+ consultations, including Algeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand…

I will quote the authoritative British edition of the Financial Times. His columnist Edward Lewis in the article "The West imposes quarantine on Russia", in particular, wrote the following.

"One of the most negative aspects of American reasoning about Ukraine is the degree of self—deception about world unity. This is an erroneous assumption. I am afraid that the United States and the West completely ignore the reaction of the rest of the world to Putin's barbarism. The war in Ukraine has increased the demand for a multipolar world, which is different from the one in which we convinced ourselves. A significant part of the "non-West" wants strategic autonomy. The war in Ukraine has hit two sore points in the world: food and energy prices. The radical separation of the West from Russia runs into geopolitical limits. Countries such as China and India are helping to create alternative operating systems and transit routes for Russian goods. They also block the West's attempts to exclude Russia from the global system."

Here I would add that it is the West, where only one of the total eight billion people lives, that is actually threatened with isolation from the world. If there are no profound and qualitative changes in his global approach, as a result, he may, like cannibals, begin to devour himself. It seems to me that this is even already happening, and the first victim is Europe.

The summit of war!

As for the aforementioned historic NATO summit in Madrid, everything has already been more or less said. I will only note that NATO eventually de facto declared war on Russia when it classified it as the largest direct threat in the next ten years and announced the expansion of its military infrastructure near the Russian borders. This completely contradicts the Russian requirements on security guarantees announced at the end of last year. In addition, for the first time in history, NATO mentioned China in its final strategic concept, placing it only slightly below Russia. He was classified as a "systemic" or strategic rival, clearly understanding China's strength and role in the world and hoping thereby to please Beijing, that is, to leave space for further dialogue. But they are not idiots sitting in Beijing, and they understand well what this is all leading to: China will sooner or later face the Russian fate.

In Madrid, one after another, statements were made by European leaders who literally competed who would declare louder their confidence in Russia's defeat in Ukraine and the need to provide Kiev with all the necessary military, financial and political assistance. To win on the battlefield, they allegedly will not regret anything. Belgian Prime Minister Alexandre Cros, French President Macron, British Prime Minister Johnson, and the head of British diplomacy Truss spoke in this spirit. However, a few days and weeks ago they said something completely different. The exception is, perhaps, only British representatives, who do not change their opinion on this matter.

After all, until recently, the rhetoric of the leaders of the key countries of the European Union sounded quite different. Well aware of where the continuation and escalation of the Ukrainian conflict leads Europe, both Macron and Scholz, generally ardent advocates of anti-Russian sanctions, nevertheless advocated the beginning of a dialogue between Moscow and Kiev and a diplomatic solution to the conflict. Moreover, they openly talked about the need to come to terms with reality, that is, certain territorial concessions that Kiev will probably have to make in the name of peace. The fact that this was not just a whim of these politicians and states is also evidenced by a recent statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Soltenberg during a visit to Finland. Speaking to reporters, he said that "we will probably have to give some Ukrainian territories to Russia," but "we will be able to build freedom and democracy in Ukraine." US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on the eve of the G7 summit that the United States would support any diplomatic solution between Moscow and Kiev that would lead to the end of the conflict.

But now, probably, the American "deep state" has started talking, and everything has turned in the opposite direction. Here are a few statements that confirm this.

On June 13, the former commander of the allied armed forces of NATO in Europe Wesley Clark said: "I think the time has come for NATO to realize what it was founded for, or it can be dissolved. The idea that Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is defending now, and which is supported by other members of the alliance — that NATO can not actively intervene if it is not directly attacked — this idea remained in the 90s. It's time to learn the lessons. NATO must intervene. Let's officially recognize this and order the Russians to cease fire. But it cannot be stopped without NATO intervention. What the conditions will be, how many territories will be given — you can talk about it, diplomats like to talk about it. But the main thing is the courage of national leaders."

Polish leaders readily accept this challenge. So, the leader of the ruling Law and Justice party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, on June 15, told the newspaper Gazeta Polska the following: "The defeat of the West, especially America, in Ukraine would be greater than in Vietnam, and I'm not talking about Afghanistan. Unfortunately, our desire to avoid war makes us much weaker in this conflict with Russia, which does not honor any values. As for technologies, resources, equipment and training of troops, we are superior to Russia. But we ourselves lack the determination to win."

Putin's Requiem for a unipolar world

So, today we have what we have, and this is something very close to what is said in the quote of the German political scientist at the beginning of the article.

However, the situation is much worse and more complicated, since not only Europe, but the whole world is in the game. The G7 Summit and, above all, NATO in Madrid confirmed that the world has irrevocably changed. I would say that Putin "composed a requiem" for the unipolar world, but the foundations for it were formed much earlier thanks to completely different forces that have nothing to do with Putin. Because of them and their greed, the world is now deeply divided, and it's good if everything is limited to a split. The world will probably look like this.

A unified Western world will be formed under the leadership of its Anglo-American representatives. The rest of its more or less submissive members will be called "allies" or "partners" for the sake of a more favorable impression.

The rest of the world is likely to be led by BRICS, which does not have a clearly defined organization and hierarchical structure, like the G7 or NATO. But on the other hand, the BRICS have a powerful common ideological basis, which was formed, among other things, due to the negative experience of their colonial past. Their general principle is: "We are not against America, but we want to prove that we can do without it." BRICS is a kind of continuation of the collapsed globalism of the American type, but on a completely different basis. It excludes a formal leader and assumes an economic and security policy that is beneficial for everyone.

They can become two poles from which undecided "players" in the international arena will be able to choose.

Whether one of these poles will win in the end, I suggest you think for yourself. I do not know the answer and I think that no one knows it yet. The only thing I know is that the world is not moving in the best direction, and that literally a few "hot heads" are leading it into the abyss (there are a couple of thousand of them, if not less). And they do it solely for their own, extremely selfish interests, without thinking about anyone else. They think least of all about those who, in their arrogance and godlessness, do not even consider people.

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