
The Sarmat missile will carry high-power hypersonic warheads

Image source: © Минобороны РФ

The range of Sarmat's combat equipment has been expanded, including in terms of the number of combat units and types, including planning hypersonic units

MOSCOW, May 29. /tass/. The Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) will carry hypersonic and cruise warheads of a large power class. This was announced on Sunday by the head of the fourth Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Dmitry Knyazev in the program "Military acceptance" on the TV channel "Zvezda".

"The payload on the Sarmat missile system represents a large range of combat equipment. There are many completely different options, including, unlike the Voevoda missile system, the Sarmat will have large-class power combat units and hypersonic gliding cruise units," Knyazev said.

The first launch of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile was carried out from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region on April 20. At the moment, work is underway in the Uzhursky missile compound in the Krasnoyarsk Territory to prepare the main missile regiment for rearmament with a new missile system. The range of Sarmat's combat equipment has been expanded, including in terms of the number of combat units and types, including planning hypersonic units. This was done thanks to the energy-mass characteristics of the rocket.

The Sarmat ICBM was developed at the V. P. Makeev State Rocket Center (part of Roscosmos), the manufacturer is the Krasmash plant (part of Roscosmos). The RS-28 Sarmat ICBM is capable of delivering a separable warhead weighing up to 10 tons to anywhere in the world, both through the North and South Poles.

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