
Veteran does not mean former


Specialists in military-technical cooperation remain in service and retired

20 years ago, a non-profit organization of veterans of foreign economic organizations for military-technical cooperation was formed in Moscow, on June 28, 2002, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the city of Moscow registered its constituent documents. Dmitry Litovkin, the president of the Regional Public Organization "Veterans of the Military Technical Cooperation", told the executive editor of the Independent Military Review about the reasons and features of the organization's creation, about the main activities and their resultsAnatoly AKSENOV.

– Anatoly Viktorovich, what is the purpose of the organization uniting veterans of military-technical cooperation?

– The work of the system of military-technical cooperation of Russia with foreign states directly affects the development of defense-industrial enterprises, corporations, associations, and their related parties.

I was elected by the general meeting to the post of president of our organization in 2013, but I have worked in the MTC system for more than 30 years.

Now, to answer your question, let's fast forward to the period of the early 90s - the critical period of the formation of modern Russia. Under the factors of external pressure and attempts of hasty solutions to internal economic and social problems in the USSR in December 1991, the great state was de jure abolished. The entire system of state administration of the military-industrial complex and the system of military-technical cooperation with foreign states collapsed. Legal and organizational chaos has begun both in this sphere and in other areas of state activity.

The Soviet military–technical cooperation system, built and successfully functioning in the Soviet Union since 1953, was based on two central offices - the Main Engineering Directorate and the Main Technical Directorate of the Ministry of Energy, which closely interacted with dozens of foreign countries. By the end of the 80s, we had achieved record volumes of arms and military equipment exports, providing technical assistance to foreign customers for the transfer of licensed production technologies, the creation of special-purpose facilities abroad (these are factories, workshops, airfields, communication hubs, training centers). Just think about it: the annual volume is more than $21 billion. And this system has undergone a radical reorganization.

Like mushrooms after the rain, intermediary structures began to form – the Antey concern, Voentech, and other offices, sometimes of a frankly criminal nature. It can be noted the haste in appointing and changing the leadership of the successors of the SIU and GTU (the Oboronexport Association, then the state company Rosvooruzhenie), whose directors changed 11 times between 1992 and 2000!

Instead of a system of training qualified personnel in this specific area, the practice of appointing new managers who did not have the relevant experience, but were close to power structures, came to the posts. As a result, the volume of military-technical cooperation fell from $ 21 billion to $ 2 billion in 1999, that is, almost tenfold.

Hence, there was an urgent prerequisite for the unification of military-technical cooperation veterans for the protection of Russia's national interests. That was the goal then set. We keenly felt the need to develop a law of the Russian Federation on military-technical cooperation with foreign states, which would clearly define the goals and principles of this cooperation, the system of state management of military-technical cooperation, the responsibility of organizations, subjects and participants of this cooperation, and would also establish proper order in this specific area of international relations.

– Wasn't the arms trade legally regulated in our country during the Soviet era?

– In the Soviet Union, such activities were regulated by government resolutions, but the situation in Russia required a higher legislative framework. Regarding the term "arms trade" that you mentioned… You know, back at the beginning of perestroika, in 1991, at one of the important meetings with the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Admiral Yuri Pavlovich Grishin, one of the future leaders of the Oboronexport association proposed that the new legislation should introduce the market term "arms trade" instead of the term "military-technical cooperation" in force at that time. Yuri Pavlovich abruptly interrupted this "marketeer" and said literally the following: "the arms trade around the world is deeply immoral! And besides, this concept obviously has no ideological basis." They did not return to the issue of revision of the term "military-technical cooperation". This term was adopted in the governing documents, and then, upon the release of Federal Law No. 144 of July 17, 1998, it was established by law.

Therefore, the main prerequisite for the formation of the NGO "Veterans of Military-technical cooperation" can be considered the need to develop proposals for regulatory support of this activity, to protect the vital interests of both veterans and active workers in this field. In order to mobilize efforts for a qualified solution of this task, it was necessary to concentrate intellectual resources and knowledge in this area in the form of an organization whose members have de facto the necessary competencies.

– When we talk about competencies, experience and knowledge, it is already possible to understand that people who were directly involved in military-technical cooperation or who worked in countries where our equipment and weapons were supplied came to your structure. And yet who became the basis of the personnel of the organization "Veterans of military-technical cooperation"?

– The basis of the personnel were the former heads and the most experienced employees of the Main Engineering and Main Technical Departments of the USSR Ministry of Energy, abolished immediately after the collapse of the Union, as well as individual heads of the USSR State Power Plant – Yakov Petrovich Ryabov, in 1984-1986, Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers; Konstantin Fedorovich Katushev, from 1985 to 1988, Chairman of the USSR State Power Plant, in 1988-1991 – Minister of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR; Yuri Pavlovich Grishin, in 1969-1974, Deputy Chairman of the State Power Plant of the USSR, in 1975-1984, Head of the Main Engineering Department. It was these cadres who had the full competence within the framework of military-technical cooperation of the USSR and the adaptation of this activity to the new socio-economic conditions that were developing in Russia. Most of these cadres had completed military service in senior military-technical positions and were acting personnel specialists – officers previously seconded from the ranks of the Ministry of Defense to the SCES for further military service.

Many of the senior personnel in the early 90s were dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces in reserve or retirement (Grishin, Vlasov, Krasnov and others). This golden fund became the basis of the personnel of the future veteran organization, the bearer of its moral values and labor traditions.

– Who became the founder of the organization?

The composition of the founders of our organization is not accidental. These are public organizations of veterans of foreign intelligence, the Association of veterans and employees of the security services of the President, the All-Russian "Academy of Security Problems of Defense and Law and Order". All these organizations and their basic structures have somehow taken part and are taking part in military-technical cooperation, its informational and special support.

– Given the specifics of the goals and objectives of the NGO "Veterans of Military-technical Cooperation", their "sensitivity" in the public field of the topic of military-technical cooperation, was it probably difficult to establish your organization and pass bureaucratic barriers?

– At that time, the state already regulated the creation of public organizations. Of course, the closeness of the topic of military-technical cooperation in the USSR itself made it difficult to review and approve constituent documents in ministries and departments. All this required additional explanations, especially in front of legislators – deputies of the State Duma, representatives of law enforcement agencies. Members of the State Duma Committee on Defense and, above all, Marshal of the Soviet Union Viktor Georgievich Kulikov provided invaluable assistance in solving "delicate" issues of the future activities of the NGO "Veterans of the Military-Technical Cooperation". The Marshal's competence and outstanding ability to convince his opponents and colleagues from the deputy corps and relevant departments determined the efficiency and success of the coordination, as well as the approval of the necessary documents. All members of our organization, who knew him personally, keep a bright memory of this wonderful man, who was elected the first honorary president of the NGO "Veterans of Military-Technical Cooperation".

Among the founders and first leaders of the organization, in addition, Sergei Nikolaevich Krasnov, Eduard Viktorovich Maksimov, the first general director of the organization, as well as Yuri Alexandrovich Kupriyanov, should be particularly noted.

– What are the main activities and results of the organization's work that you could convey to the general public?

– There are no special secrets here. We often take initiatives to hold commemorative events at the state level, such as the preparation and celebration of the round dates of the system of military-technical cooperation between Russia and foreign countries, which dates back to 1953, from the moment of the creation of the Main Engineering Directorate. As part of these events, we issue commemorative medals, badges, souvenirs, provide veterans with gifts, participate in holding solemn meetings, concerts, and in the preparation of documentary videos dedicated to these anniversaries.

We have prepared and published several books. Among them is the collection "Military-technical cooperation with foreign countries – 50 years", the fundamental work of the "Military-technical Cooperation of Russia", which summarized the experience of military-technical cooperation of our country for 100 years. By the way, this work has survived two editions, the second was translated into English. The book was highly appreciated – it received the first prize at the competition of the Federal Customs Service of Russia "Golden Idea" in the nomination "For the promotion of military-technical cooperation".

In general, we are attentive and try to support the release of books-memoirs of our fellow veterans of the military–technical cooperation. Time is inexorable, people are leaving and taking with them unique competencies developed in conditions that may happen again. As the old saying goes – Verba volant, scripta manent. Among such books published with our support, I would like to mention the collection "Veterans of the Military-technical Cooperation", the books of Gennady Borisovich Kharitonov "Baghdad frosts", "Served the Soviet Union" and "On the verge of World War III", the book by Arkady Dmitrievich Chiryatnikov "In the service of the Fatherland", the album about the creation of special facilities abroad "From OTS to general contract", released on the 50th anniversary of the formation of GTU GKES in 2018. There are others.

We are the initiators of the presentation for awarding veterans with state, departmental and public awards of the Russian Federation. We have established an honorary badge of Merit, which is awarded to people who have made a great contribution to the development of the military-technical complex of Russia and to the activities of our organization. Comprehensive social assistance is provided, we help along the medical line. I am pleased to note that in all our affairs we usually find the support of Rosoboronexport, with whose leadership we have traditionally good relations, and we always respond to their invitations.

Nine years ago, we did a lot of work on the preparation and justification of proposals to establish a memorable date at the state level – the Day of the Employee of the system of military-technical cooperation with foreign states. This initiative was initially supported by all interested ministries and departments. The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation sent a corresponding proposal to the Kremlin immediately after the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the formation of the military-technical cooperation system in our country. However, to date, for reasons unknown to us, the initiative has not been implemented. But it is military-technical cooperation as an area of international relations, headed by the President of Russia, that has been one of the most successful and dynamically developing branches of our country since the beginning of the two thousand years and up to the present time, despite the long-term sanctions pressure of our unscrupulous competitors!

– Is your work limited to the Moscow region or goes beyond it?

– For example, social activists from the Perm Region recently came out to us, in the village of Chernushki, the director of the local school is creating a museum exhibition dedicated to their fellow countryman – a native of this locality – Admiral Grishin Yuri Pavlovich. It turns out that they remember this wonderful man there and know well what heights he has reached in the field of military-technical cooperation. Moreover, a street was named after him and they were happy to inform us about it. We warmly reacted to this news, collected Yuri Pavlovich's personal belongings, a tunic, a cap, awards, a book where there are mentions of him, and sent it to the local museum. Let the guys study, be proud, take an example from their fellow countryman.

Speaking of business ties, our organization is a collective member of the Russian Union of Veterans, which is headed by Army General Mikhail Alekseevich Moiseev, we interact with the veteran organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs…

– The organization has a very active life. This can really be called the upbringing of the younger generation. Well, in conclusion, the traditional question: tell us about your plans for the future.

– The members of our organization, who have been active all their lives, are not used to sitting idly by. Now it is difficult to make plans for the long term, because the situation in the world is very difficult. Although many of my comrades remember more difficult times, from which our country emerged with dignity! God knows – at one time we did everything possible, and often impossible, so that now the military-technical cooperation system feels confident and develops.

Our work in the coming year will be focused on the preparation and implementation of events related to the upcoming 70th anniversary of the national system of military-technical cooperation, which we will celebrate in May 2023. It is also planned to release new publications concerning the practice of successful work of veterans abroad. I hope our experience will be of interest to young workers in the field of military-technical cooperation and will be in demand in the current conditions of activity.

We are thinking about organizing subscriptions for veterans to periodicals so that people do not feel disconnected from the information field. After all, it is not always possible for an elderly person to keep track of the rapid flow of news on a television channel, and a newspaper is much more familiar in this regard – you can take it and slowly study interesting publications.

Let's not forget about social support for veterans, compensation for the costs of treatment and prosthetics, which are not included in insurance packages, as well as for the purchase of expensive medicines. By the way, the management of Rosoboronexport met us halfway in expanding the volume of medical insurance to veterans of the military-technical complex who experienced difficulties with this, for which we are very grateful.

– What would you like to wish your comrades on the anniversary day?

– First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the leadership of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, the heads of Rostec State Corporation and Rosoboronexport for the good relations and support that we feel in every way.

In the last couple of years it has been difficult for us to get together, we have to communicate more often by phone and other means of communication. Today I want to wish all veterans of military-technical cooperation, not only members of our organization, good health, optimism and confidence in the future, attention, care and love of loved ones, which is never too much. And, of course, I wish you a long and fruitful work of our public organization!

Probably, in your question you meant possible comments on the foreign policy situation that is unfolding before our eyes? Let these comments be made by politicians, I will note only one thing…

I have always loved to study history and often give historical examples. Emperor Alexander III once remarked that Russia has only two loyal allies – the army and the navy. Over the centuries, we have repeatedly had to be convinced of the correctness of this judgment. Yes, there have been times in the last 50 years when we lost some partners, but then we acquired new ones. I believe that our margin of safety is large enough to withstand even less pressure, and the current heads of the military-technical cooperation system will find solutions to get out of all difficult situations with dignity and move forward.

And one more thought... your newspaper is probably read by many workers in the field of military-technical cooperation. I believe that the total number of Russian specialists engaged in the development, production and export of domestic high-tech military and dual-use products exceeds one and a half million people. I would like to express my hope that by the 70th anniversary of the Russian military-technical cooperation system, which we should celebrate in 2023, a professional holiday – the Day of the employee of the military-Technical cooperation system – will still be approved at the state level. This would be the best gift to all these people, whose hands and minds have created an entire industry that brings considerable profit to the state treasury and contributes to the development of the Russian military-industrial complex.

From the staff of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation and from me personally, please accept sincere congratulations on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the formation of the regional public organization "Veterans of Military-Technical Cooperation".

The successful development of military-technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign states is based on the continuity of the experience and unbreakable traditions of the organization's members.

Thanks to your selfless work, today the MTC system is a well-established mechanism that takes into account numerous nuances and subtleties of foreign trade activity.

The contacts and trusting relations you have built up over the decades with foreign partners allow you to expand the geography of military-technical cooperation every year and ensure the leading positions of the Russian Federation in the global arms market.

Your knowledge and skills remain in demand by the new generation of employees of the military technical cooperation system. Acting as mentors in matters of patriotic education and the transfer of accumulated experience to young people, the NGO "Veterans of the Military-Technical Cooperation" shows sincere concern for former employees of the military-technical cooperation system, paying tribute to honored veterans, providing them with invaluable support.

On this significant day, I wish the leadership of the NGO "Veterans of the Military-technical cooperation" and all veterans of the military-technical cooperation system good health, happiness, well-being and further success in serving the state interests of the Russian Federation!

Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation D.E. Shugaev


Dear veterans of military-technical cooperation!

I sincerely congratulate you on the 20th anniversary of the regional public organization "Veterans of Military-technical cooperation"!

Your organization unites worthy people who have devoted their lives to the formation and development of the national system of military-technical cooperation. The service and work path you have passed causes universal respect and admiration, and the work you have done has been imbued with the spirit of camaraderie, a sense of true patriotism and a sense of colossal responsibility for the assigned task.

The great will, active life position, inexhaustible energy characteristic of people of your generation are an example for current workers in the field of military-technical cooperation.

I express my deep gratitude to you, dear friends, for your wisdom and experience, for your good deeds, for the work you have invested in the development of the domestic military-technical cooperation system.

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation A.V. Fomin

Dear friends! I congratulate you on the anniversary date – the 20th anniversary of the formation of the NGO "Veterans of Military technical Cooperation"!

In 2002, the regional public organization united active and purposeful people whose mission was to provide social assistance and support to veterans, preserve knowledge and transfer experience to young employees of the military-technical complex.

It is important that many of you have worked in the system of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries twice as long as the anniversary that we are celebrating today.

For many years, with the help of your knowledge, experience and correct actions, relations in the military-technical sphere with friendly countries have been built, the foundation for strong interstate relations has been created, anchored today in important strategic partnerships.

You have become real pioneers in military-technical cooperation. It was you who had to lay the methodological and legislative foundations of the military-technical cooperation system, open and master new foreign markets for high-tech products.

I thank everyone who stood at the origins of the creation of the public organization "Veterans of the Military-technical cooperation", who, despite their advanced age, worked effectively and is working in the subsidiaries of the Rostec State Corporation as consultants and advisers.

I wish all veterans of the military-technical cooperation good health, optimism and longevity!

May there be as many good and happy days in your life as possible!

General Director of Rostec State Corporation S.V. Chemezov

Dear veterans of military-technical cooperation!

Dear friends!

I congratulate you on the 20th anniversary of the regional public organization "Veterans of military-technical cooperation"!

You have devoted most of your life to establishing economic and military-technical ties between Russia and friendly states.

Your knowledge, vast experience and extensive business contacts around the world have been helping to solve difficult tasks in the field of military-technical cooperation for many years in practice.

Many of you have provided substantial advisory and methodological assistance in building Russian legislation in the field of military-technical cooperation, conducting an examination of draft regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for implementing this cooperation.

The organization's concern for veterans of military-technical cooperation, the desire to provide them with a decent life, deserves great respect. The priority of the NGO "Veterans of Military-technical Cooperation" has always been and remains the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of its participants, their social and financial support, medical care.

Rosoboronexport invariably supports any effective assistance to people standing at the origins of the military-technical cooperation, honors the traditions they laid down and remembers their huge contribution to the work that we continue today.

I wish you, dear friends, good health, prosperity and all the best.

General Director of JSC Rosoboronexport A.A. Mikheev

Dmitry Litovkin

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