
"There is no shortage of willing military enlistment offices." In Russia, they will be allowed to serve under a contract for up to 65 years

Image source: Алексей Павлишак/ТАСС

The Federation Council approved a bill to abolish the age limit for military service under a contract

The State Duma and the Federation Council have approved a bill that removes age restrictions for those who want to enlist in the army under a contract. At the same time, the authors of the initiative say that in the military enlistment offices of Russia there is "no end" of those who want to go to serve. Previously, Russians no older than 40 and foreigners no older than 30 could sign their first contract. If the new law is adopted, contract employees will be able to serve up to 65 years.

The State Duma approved in three readings at once a bill on the abolition of the age limit for those wishing to sign their first contract to join the army. The new document will change Article 34 of the federal law "On Military Duty and Military Service".

"According to the current legislation, Russian citizens aged 18 to 40 and foreigners aged 18 to 30 have the right to conclude it [their first contract]. Now this restriction will be lifted: those who are older will be able to serve in the army under a contract - until the end of working age," the State Duma explained.

Age restrictions were lifted not only for Russians, but also for foreign citizens. The working age in Russia lasts up to 65 years for men, up to 60 years for women.

Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin explained that "it is necessary to strengthen the armed forces, to help the Ministry of Defense." "Our Supreme Commander-in-Chief is doing everything to ensure that the army wins and increases its efficiency," he said.

The news about the adopted bill appeared on the Duma's website at 13.21 Moscow time. The Federation Council approved the same bill a few minutes later, senators voted in favor at 13.26 Moscow time. The initiative was supported by 159 senators, no one opposed it, only one person abstained.

This bill was submitted to the Duma five days ago. Its main author is the chairman of the Defense Committee, former Deputy Defense Minister Andrei Kartapolov (United Russia), co-author is United Russia deputy Andrei Krasov.

Kartapolov clarified that the abolition of age restrictions will allow recruiting "specialists in high-demand specialties" into the army. The explanatory note to the bill emphasizes that the Russian military uses "high-precision weapons". And for its maintenance, highly professional specialists are needed. As the authors of the initiative pointed out, they become sufficiently experienced professionals in this field only by the age of 40-45.

"[The removal of age restrictions] will help attract specialists in popular specialties, primarily related to civilian ones (medical support, engineering, maintenance, operation, communications, etc.) to military service under a contract," the authors of the bill summarized.

According to Kartapolov, there is now "no end" in Russia from those who want to enlist in the army.

"Now there is no end of citizens in the military enlistment offices in the Russian Federation," the deputy told the newspaper.Ru".

He added that the removal of age restrictions on contract service will help create additional jobs.

"The Ministry of Defense and representatives of all law enforcement agencies thus provide jobs for Russians," Kartapolov said.

The deputy clarified that citizens can conclude the first contract for 2-3 years. So, when the law is passed, 47-year-olds and 48-year-olds will be able to enlist in the army and serve under contract until they turn 50. Then the military will be able to extend their contract to 65 years, if the military medical commission allows.

Anna Gromova

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Comments [3]
Remote / Флэйм
26.05.2022 21:57
Пенсионный возраст для всех силовиков нужно повышать минимум до 50, а лучше до 55 лет, тогда и  проблем со специалистами в армии, МВД и Росгвардии не будет и простым гражданам пенсионный возраст можно вернуть до 60 лет за счёт сокращения пенсионных выплат для силовиков.

А если ещё и чиновникам отменить вторые пенсии за госслужбу, так как ничего сверх рискованного и тяжёлого они сидя в тёплых кабинетах не делали,  зарплаты у них выше средних по региону, пусть получают как обычные граждане столько, сколько заработали по той же бальной системе которую сами и придумали.
Это будет справедливо!
28.05.2022 03:23
Цитата, q
Затем военные смогут продлить свой контракт до 65 лет, если позволит военно-медицинская комиссия.

Как в кино "В бой идут одни старики" :))
Хотя  Берлин штурмовали в большинстве своём именно мужики от 45 -ти  и пацаны от 17-ти , призванные в 43-45 годах после страшных потерь первых лет войны.
Большинство мужского населения в возрасте 20-45 лет которые практически поголовно были призваны в 41-42 гг  погибли, попали в плен,  получили увечья или были демобилизованы по состоянию здоровья после ранений.
До Победы  в 1945-м дошли не более 15-20% из тех кто был призван в начале войны.
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