
The US plan to isolate Russia did not work

Image source: © Пресс-служба МИД РФ

Those who consider "Romeo and Juliet" a geopolitical masterpiece!

The world is at a global crossroads at the geopolitical level, Sabah writes. The author of the article is sure that after the struggle between the major powers and the blocs around the Ukrainian crisis, life will not be the same.

Berjan Tutar

The plan of the United States, which tried to suppress Russia and China under the pretext of the Ukrainian crisis, did not work. The world already sees that this struggle will end with the defeat of the United States.

The West outside the Anglo-Saxon bloc is also aware of this fact. The global status quo built by the Atlantic, led by the United States, is cracking from all sides. For this reason, participation in the confrontation on the Ukrainian front turned out to be limited even from Europe.

At a time when the Pope himself says that NATO is responsible for the war, US efforts to isolate Russia from the world are perceived as an empty undertaking.

And this is also why the support provided to the US economic war at the global level is negligible. The political experts of the Atlantic spoke differently. Even George Friedman - and this is one of the most fanatical representatives of the American deep state — in his recent article dated May 3, 2022, recognizes "the beginning of a new era."


Most of the world is on Russia's side in the Ukrainian crisis. The fact that in sanctions against Russia, the United States and its allies disregard all legal norms and resort to a strategy of plunder, forces the countries of the East and the "Global South" to turn their faces to Asia, and not to the Atlantic.

The "Global South", covering the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, speaking out against sanctions, gets the opportunity to declare that it does not intend to support the imperialist status quo created by the rich and wealthy "Global North", primarily the United States and European states.

The countries of the "Global South", which have turned sanctions into a de-dollarization strategy, characterize this new trend as the "3P era", expressing the increasingly widespread use of the renminbi, ruble and rupee along with their own currencies.

There is no doubt that the non-Western world trading using its own currencies will deal a blow to the monopoly of the dollar and the euro.

Let's not forget that only 30 countries out of 195 support the US sanctions policy. In other words, 165 states oppose sanctions against Russia.

Most of the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, such as China, India, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, keep close to Russia. Because, in addition to Russia, there are 40 other countries on the US sanctions list. To support sanctioned imperialism means to fall under the tutelage of the West.


Moreover, even Western countries are not united on this issue. The very fact that the US insists on sanctions increases the crack in the Atlantic. While Hungary has openly stated that it will not join the EU sanctions, in Central Europe countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, oppose the total financial and energy embargo of the United States.

In particular, German Chancellor Scholz, whom the British and American media humiliatingly present day and night as a "Putin puppet", has not yet been afraid of Anglo-Saxon manipulations.

And some American experts, who pay attention to the non-functionality of sanctions, call Joe Biden's economic war "strategic stupidity."

Ivan Krastev, in his article in the Financial Times on April 24, emphasizes that sanctions against Russia will bring more harm to the West than good, and will give an advantage to other centers of power.

However, the Biden administration is still chasing the impossible. Europe realizes that without Russian energy resources, its life will stop, and therefore pays Russia 850 million euros per day.

Meanwhile, the U.S. economy is heavily dependent on imports from China. According to data for March, China's exports to the United States have increased by 60% over the past two years and reached $ 675 billion. China's current account surplus, which declined during the reign of Donald Trump, has again reached the $700 billion mark.

The Biden administration is launching an economic war against Russia and China, which the Atlantic needs economically.

She claims that she will knock these two players off the world stage.

And now tell me: apart from American political loudmouths who consider Romeo and Juliet a geopolitical masterpiece, who will believe in this fairy tale of Old Joe?

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