
Tucker Carlson: Washington wants war with Russia. But Americans don't

Image source: © CC BY-SA 2.0 / Gage Skidmore

Biden uses Russia's special operation in Ukraine to divert attention from the crises inside the United States

Recently, Senator Chris Coons demanded that American soldiers be sent to Ukraine. Fox News columnist Tucker Carlson was not surprised by this statement. The leaders of the Democrats want to overthrow the government by force and implement regime change in Russia, he claims.

Tucker Carlson

In Washington, no one cares what Americans think

Knowing what we already know about our current ruling class, we can be quite sure that they always overreact. They always go too far. They simply can't do anything about it. This is their essence.

Since February, when the Russian armed forces entered the territory of Ukraine, there has always been a possibility that the Biden administration would find a way to turn a regional–level tragedy into something larger - a historic global catastrophe. This possibility has always been present. Before the Russian forces entered the territory of Ukraine, the White House promised us that this would not happen: "The president has no intention, no interest and no desire to send troops to Ukraine." These are the words of Biden's press secretary from the White House. A month later, she repeated the same statement – in almost the same words.

After another month, she said it again. "Joe Biden has no intention of sending the US military to Ukraine," Jen Psaki solemnly promised. Why does Jen Psaki keep repeating the same thing? Because it's not true. She has to repeat it because it's a lie. That's how lies work. It is impossible to believe in it, so you have to say it over and over again. If you're wondering – when you hear someone lying, count how many times they will repeat it. The more often they repeat it, the less likely it is true. But eventually the truth comes out, and this weekend the process began. Biden's main henchman in the US Congress, Senator Chris Coons from Delaware, who worked for Biden as an intern in the past, made a statement on CBS News that contradicts everything that the White House has been instilling in us for several months. Koons demanded that the Pentagon send American troops to Ukraine to fight against Russian soldiers.


"If NATO and the West do not come to her aid with all determination," he said. NATO instructors trained the Ukrainian armed forces. Ukraine uses American weapons. In some cases, the actions of the Ukrainian military are led by Americans. Americans advise Ukrainians directly and in real time. Now there are a lot of Americans on the territory of Ukraine who are doing this. Thus, Chris Koons calls for the beginning of a land war with Russia. And this is quite an important statement, given that Chris Coons is Joe Biden's closest ally in the Senate. Chris Koons is a loyal and reliable mouthpiece of the administration's policy, whatever that policy may be.

If Chris Koons is calling for a war with Russia, this is not an accident at all, and in this case the White House did not distance itself from what Chris Koons said. Why is that? Because in fact, the war with Russia is part of the policy of the current administration. The leaders of the US Democratic Party want to overthrow the Russian government by force and implement regime change in Russia. They've wanted this since the day Hillary Clinton lost the presidential race in 2016. We know about this because they have talked about it many times, and the only reason many of us missed it is because we did not take their words seriously, but we should have.

A hot war with Vladimir Putin with the participation of the US military is a logical and, perhaps, inevitable final stage of the "rashagate". It all started with Hillary Clinton complaining, then there was a recording of prostitutes urinating on the bed, and now we are approaching nuclear war. So, what could be a hot war with Russia? How many Americans will die in this war? How likely is it that this war will escalate into a nuclear conflict? And if we get our way, if we remove Vladimir Putin from his post, who will replace him – who will become the head of Russia responsible for six thousand nuclear warheads?

These are just some of the questions that first come to mind when it comes to the war with Russia. However, the host of the CBS television channel, who interviewed Chris Koons, did not bother to raise any of them. She also didn't bother to ask the key question that you need to know the answer to if you run a functioning democracy – the question of how many Americans, how many voters actually want war with Russia. What percentage of the population of the United States believes that the borders of Ukraine are a really good reason to die for it? This is the central question in any democracy, and it just so happens that we know the answer to it, because just a week ago, CBS conducted a survey in which they tried to find out whether the United States needs to send troops to Ukraine.

75% of Americans answered that it was not necessary, that the United States should not send its troops to Ukraine. However, for some reason, the CBS presenter forgot to mention this in a conversation with Chris Koons. Why? You know why: because no one in Washington cares what Americans think. All foreign policy decisions, all issues of life and death, decisions that can destroy entire nations, are made exclusively by those people who have no personal stakes in these games, who in any case will not suffer – people like John Bolton, Max Boot and Victoria Nuland. And your opinion means nothing to them.

So, if you decide to ask Americans what they think about this (and you will definitely ask if you are not alien to the principles of democracy), they will most likely answer you that the situation on their own borders worries them much more than the situation in Ukraine. And this is understandable, because they are Americans, not Ukrainians. And if you continue to ask questions, you will understand that it is not Ukraine that worries them the most right now. Of course, they sympathize with the Ukrainian people, but they do not worry about their fate every minute, because they have a lot of other problems to worry about, including the state of the American economy, the cost of food, electricity and housing. They are concerned about these problems, and they have good reasons for that. Currently, the economic situation in the United States looks very gloomy.

NBC reporter: Before you take out your credit card today, remember that if you do not pay off the debt in full, the rate on it may rise. It is expected that today the Federal Reserve System – the US central Bank – will raise the key rate by a quarter of a percentage point, as it is now trying to contain rampant inflation.

WOMAN: Every time you go shopping, you see that the prices of goods have increased greatly. It's just crazy.

NBC reporter: Any buyer in America has seen it with their own eyes. Prices for clothing increased by 6.5%, for food – by 8.5%, for electricity – by 9%. Used cars have risen in price by 41%, and the price of gasoline has increased by almost $ 1.5 compared to last year.

WOMAN: Milk, flour, sugar, vegetable oil, including frying oil – it's just crazy. Prices jumped almost three times. It's just unbelievable.

NBC reporter: Inflation has reached the highest level in the last 40 years.

"Inflation has reached the highest level in the last 40 years." And this is only official data, which, of course, does not reflect everyday reality. Everything has gone up a lot, and this is especially noticeable when it comes to large purchases. Large goods rose the most. Why? Everything is simple. The weakening of the US currency has created an unprecedented "asset bubble". This means that investors around the world rushed to exchange cheaper American dollars for things that will eventually be able to retain their value. That is, everything material has become much more expensive – much more expensive than a year ago. And there is no mystery in this. That's exactly what happens when you pump the economy with dollars. These dollars are losing their value.

So, where is all this going? What awaits us next? No one believes that an increase in the interest rate will help bring inflation under control quickly. What happens next? At some point, consumers will run out of money that they can spend. Things will become too expensive to buy, and ordinary people will have less money to buy them. As prices rise, so do taxes. Property taxes are increasing in many states – as is the real estate bubble. Therefore, even if you have not bought a new house, you will still suffer from it. Income taxes have skyrocketed in states like New York. Thus, the pressure is felt from all sides, and this means that some people – a lot of people will start to go broke and they will have to severely limit themselves in purchases.

In an economy whose main engine is consumer spending, this trend looks very frightening. If people stop buying, there will be a crash. This way you can clearly see where it's all going. Everyone in Washington understands perfectly well where everything is going, but instead of taking concrete measures to solve the problem – for example, to stop passing bills on huge expenditures – they are trying to squeeze everything out of the situation.

For example, last week Janet Yellen, the head of the US Treasury Department, said that "we must redouble efforts to decarbonize our economy." What exactly do her words mean? How can the economy be "decarbonized"? Of course, having spent trillions of dollars within the framework of new budget incentive programs on the implementation of schemes for generating electricity from renewable sources – schemes that, by the way, are owned by the Chinese government and their democratic sponsors.

Do you understand how it works? The money still exists, but you pass it on to other people. In other words, it's a robbery. This cannot go on forever, because if the economy collapses, everything will be rebooted, not just the economy. There will be real economic and political instability. Our current conversation can take place only in a country that still considers itself rich. But if a country ceases to consider itself rich, everything changes. This is the reason why our leaders are so nervous.

This is the reason why they are striving with such unprecedented determination to shift the focus from economics ("No talking about economics!") to issues of race and obscure sexual politics. Every new panic about moral norms that they provoke – and they constantly provoke them – distracts everyone's attention from their own actions. Our leaders have been doing this for some time – at least since the last financial crisis of 2008-2009. Since then, our leaders have persistently instilled in us over and over again – many books have been written about this – that the main line of division in America, the main bleeding wound, the original sin is race.

Think about this. At the very moment when the US government saved Wall Street - it was a very unpopular step on its part – the frequency of use of the terms "race" and "racism" in publications such as the Washington Post, the New York Times and USA Today increased by more than 700%. That is, the official signal was quite clear: we have problems, and these problems are the work of the Whites. White guys take all the money and privileges for themselves, keeping everyone else in subjection.

You hear similar things to this day – including from the mouth of Joe Biden. This is the most provocative of all possible signals. But in fact, this is a lie. According to statistics, whites are not even close to being the richest stratum in the United States. Indian Americans, Chinese Americans, Filipinos, Koreans, Indonesians and some others have a much higher median income than whites. Thus, this legend not only has a devastating effect on the social structure in the United States, but is also an outright lie. In fact, the line of division in America is not race at all. It's money.

The real problem is not racism, but the distribution of wealth. A small number of people, who are getting smaller every year, continue to increase their wealth. Meanwhile, the rest of the country's residents are in a state of stagnation – and if you don't believe it, take a ride 20 miles from the center of any major city and see how people live there.

If the American people realized that, in essence, this is an economic game and that it has nothing to do with racism and transgender people, they would be really angry. Joe Biden and his sponsors are very afraid of this. They don't want you to think about the economy. They want you to be paralyzed with guilt and shame, and if it stops working, then they will make you worry about Ukraine. "Ukraine is a real shame, and Putin is to blame for the economic problems."

President Joe Biden:I am doing everything in my power to achieve a reduction in prices and solve the problem of the rise in price provoked by Putin. <…>

This is exactly how their last desperate argument sounds, which is well known to everyone who has followed American politics for the past six years ("Putin did it!"). But it is completely ridiculous, and we believe that our moral duty is to refute it with the help of facts.

In what year did several key inflation indicators start to grow rapidly? That's right, in 2021, that is, right after Joe Biden took office. The reason was the growth of expenses. Biden is not the only leader who has spent too much, but he has spent the most. Now Biden has the opportunity to claim that inflation began to rise in February of this year, and the media could probably support him, but the situation is becoming so obvious (the weakening of the economy is the only thing that cannot be hidden, because people feel it every day) that the media gradually refuse to support him.

CBS: The White House claims that the sharp price spikes are the result of Russia's special operation, and calls them "Putin's rise in price." But remember: prices began to rise long before the start of Russia's special operation in Ukraine.

PBS: Every time we talk about gas prices, Democrats and President Biden refer to "Putin's rise in price." Of course, they are trying to blame the Russian president and his operation in Ukraine for the price increase, but, of course, our current president bears the lion's share of responsibility for what is happening.

ABC: Biden calls it "Putin's rise in price," but most Americans don't believe him.

CNN: Despite what President Biden tells us, one of the main problems of concern to Americans is inflation, and not Putin's special operation at all.

That is, no one believes it, because everyone understands the simple principle that underlies the economy – the principle of supply and demand. If you print too much money, this money obviously loses its value, but the current administration still suggests spending even more money – on a scale that our country has never seen before. Fred Smith, the founder of FedEx, gave this assessment of the situation: "If we had adopted the infrastructure plan Build Back Better, which Biden insisted on, by now we would have become Weimar Germany. And inflation would already be not 9-10%, but 25%."

All this is quite obvious, and you don't need to be the head of the Federal Reserve to understand it. Joe Biden may be the only person who doesn't understand this. In this case, he gets away with it, because in his own head Joe Biden is somewhere far away and is someone else. Yesterday, for example, at one of the events, Biden was trying to answer questions about foreign policy when a man in an Easter bunny costume suddenly appeared out of nowhere, which really scared the president. Is it really that bad? How bad is it? Here's what Biden said in one of the saddest moments of his presidency:

President Joe Biden:There is nothing that America cannot do if we do it together as the United States of America. God bless you.

He stretches out his hand to invisible interlocutors, he loses his orientation in space – the only thing we can say with certainty about the White House in the spring of 2022 is that Joe Biden is not in charge of it. Joe Biden is gone. His place was taken by unelected ideologues who do not care about gas prices. They don't care if you can afford dinner at Applebee's with your kids. They do not care about the fact that a war with Russia could result in the extermination of entire peoples. They are not interested in such things. They are interested in theories, not reality. They are not at all concerned about such things as the need to improve the quality of life of Americans and develop American society.

We've known about this for some time. They have been running us for some time, but this scheme worked because people received their paychecks and it seemed to them: "I have enough money." But as soon as the economy begins to collapse, all calculations change dramatically. In a country that understands that it is rapidly getting poorer, everything is changing. In the short term, this may turn into a peaceful riot – through voting in elections.

One thing you can be sure of: if free and fair elections are held this November, neoliberalism will be exposed to ridicule and banished. But it's not public opinion we should be worried about right now. Public opinion has already formed. Now we should worry about voting – about the technical side of voting. If the public is allowed to express its preferences in the congressional elections, we will do so, but will they give us such an opportunity? That's what Americans should pay close attention to.

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