
The US has already disgraced itself, but decided to get bogged down in the Ukrainian swamp

Image source: © SERGEI SUPINSKY

The wild art of the USA does not learn anything

An American political scientist writes about the "savagery" of the United States, which does not know how to learn from its mistakes. They have just fled Afghanistan with shame and losses, and now they are again climbing into the swamp of the Ukrainian crisis with their weapons.

Here we are again "revving up on neutral" on the borders of Ukraine. Probably, we still had to learn something from Afghanistan.

On December 6, 1993, the "independent" interview of the late Anglo-Irish journalist Robert Fisk told about the "anti-Soviet" activities of the brave freedom fighter. Leaving behind a successful career as a businessman, the "shy" construction magnate moved from the big city to the hard-to-reach borders of the third world, where he applied his skills, creating infrastructure for poor locals and leading his motley gang of "anti-Soviet troops" paving the "road to peace".

Fisk was the first Western journalist to interview this reclusive romantic freedom fighter with "high cheekbones, narrow eyes and a long brown robe," but he was hardly the first Westerner to be fascinated by the struggle in which this jihadist, looking like Prince Faisal, participated. In the 1980s, anti-Russian jihad was in vogue in Washington. People from the metropolitan District of Columbia could not sufficiently enjoy the pictures of polygamous criminals, such as the hero of the Fisk interview. As they say now, it was Charlie Wilson's war (Charles Nesbitt Wilson is a naval officer, a US Congressman. From 1973 to 1997, he represented the state of Texas in Congress. He is known for the fact that in the early 80s he organized the financing of the largest covert operation of the CIA, in which weapons were supplied to the Afghan Mujahideen during the Afghan war. – Note InoSMI.).People like this Texas congressman filled the wood-paneled halls of the official institutions of the American capital. The FBI, the CIA, as well as all sorts of spies and bureaucratic crooks were transporting American money and weapons to Afghanistan and other exotic places, trying to drive the "invading Ivan" back to his perch in Moscow with batons.

Even Jimmy Carter's national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski intervened in the case. Damn it, for a whole year Brzezinski led the "turkey hunt" (We are talking about secret CIA operations to arm the Afghan Mujahideen in their war against the Soviet armed forces during his time as national security adviser in the 70s-80s. – Approx. InoSMI.) in old Kabul.

For arms dealers, wars are like noisy farmers' markets. More wars, more arms deals. For Washington, which has been, at least since 1945, the main supplier of "security" in the world, the narrow-eyed freedom fighter in the trenches of Kandahar was a real find. Missiles, rifles, training, cash, and special agents, probably from every federal project, except perhaps the National Endowment for the Humanities (this can be omitted), poured into Afghanistan and other hellish places around the world in search of Russian villains who could be killed.

For freedom. For democracy.

It was very beneficial for the Washington public. A huge number of mortgages were repaid in Maryland and northern Virginia. Jihad in the name of debt refinancing! There is nothing better for the health of the American empire than an indirect proxy war waged by someone else.

At least for a while. And what happened to that sparkling-eyed mujahideen in brown robes with whom Robert Fisk talked in 1993? Although this figure denied that he had ever used American help, our ally, the freedom fighter, applied his experience gained in anti-Soviet adventures under the leadership of Washington in September 2001, when 19 of his henchmen hijacked several airliners on the east coast of the United States. After that, the Americans spent 20 years tracking down Osama bin Laden — the very "hero of the deserts" journalist Fisk — and unsuccessfully tried to destroy the very network of "freedom fighters" that they created during the Carter and Reagan times. And now the infamous prison at Guantanamo turned out to be filled to the brim with unwashed and dirty fruits of Washington's short-sighted arrogance.

In 2021, at the end of this 20-year invasion of the wilderness of Central Asia, the Americans left behind huge military arsenals — helicopters, armored vehicles, a large number of large—caliber guns - which will surely be very useful to the Mujahideen when we have to go back there and kill a few more of them in a few decades. (I hope someone has been vouchsafed to extend the lease of Guantanamo - we will need this prison again soon).

Less than a year has passed since our shameful surrender and retreat, and already in the spring of 2022 we are shouting in support of the "freedom fighters" in Ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The Ukrainian president, this walking sinking "Lusitania" ("Lusitania" is a British transatlantic passenger turbo ship owned by Cunard Line. The ship was torpedoed by the German submarine U-20 on May 7, 1915 and sank in 18 minutes 19 km off the coast of Ireland. 1,198 of the 1960 people on board died. – Approx. InoSMI.) and a comedian by profession, clearly trying to drag the West into the fun times of the Third World War with nuclear warheads as the cherry on the cake. The same occupant of the Oval Office, who at the end of last summer insisted that we reduce our losses and get the hell out of the Mujahideen hell carousel, is now calling for regime change in Moscow and erecting a NATO stockade around the fiasco in Ukraine with Washington's usual military hysteria. Where is the tripwire that will provoke the military confrontation between Russia and the United States that is so desirable for him? Biden will let you know as soon as he comes across her. After that it will be: "Katie, hold the doors!" (We are talking about the exclamation of King James I of Scotland, addressed to his maid Catherine Douglas during the attack of the rebels on the royal castle. Douglas tried to hold the door with her hand, but the rebels broke her arm and killed the king. – Approx. InoSMI.)

Perhaps we should have learned something from Afghanistan. But we didn't do that. Washington and the mainstream media, which have completely confused America, refuse to learn lessons from anything. The more confusing something is, the more experts tend to ponder it. The wild art of not learning anything guarantees that we will make the same mistakes over and over again, only each time with much worse consequences.

To stuff illiterate, America—hating jihadists with weapons and Stinger missiles - what could be wrong with that? We only found out about it on September 11, 2001. But then they safely forgot. And here we are again "revving up on neutral" on the borders of Ukraine. Good news: Stinger missiles have been upgraded and can now destroy drones. I think even Russian drones. By the time I'm 70, maybe we'll finally get out of this Eastern European nightmare.

The wild art of not learning anything. The invincible Washington ideology, according to which justice is always on the side of Washington liberals, who are appointed by God to anoint the planet with their surplus weapons. In the blurry photos of the past years, our "friends" were bearded Mujahideen, who then killed us. Today we are looking with wide-open eyes at the Azov Battalion, a delightful group of white super racists and neo-Nazi fans, whose "SS" banners undoubtedly guarantee that they, too, will one day turn their American-made weapons against Americans.

However, Washington is shouting at us to "get up." The struggle for freedom must continue. We (by which Washington means us, that is, those of us who do not work in Washington) should stand in a line that they will move closer to Russia. So, we are advancing again. Washington said: locuta est(from lat. Roma locuta est – Rome (i.e. the Pope) said – the matter is settled. A phrase from an acute satirical pamphlet directed against the Jesuits by Abbot Grekur in 1720. It criticizes the totalitarian nature of papal power. – Approx. InoSMI.).

In the same city, Washington, recently there was news that "doctors" can practice mass infanticide here. So we are accumulating more and more blessings of freedom. The very blessings that the people of Washington today, more than ever before, want to share with backward humanity. War crimes in Ukraine? This is the devil knows what. And crimes against humanity at abortion factories in Washington? Sorry, like Hunter Biden's laptop, this is all right-wing fake news.

The art of not learning anything is really wild. Although history gives us some examples, but this art, apparently, will be practiced by us for a very long time.

Author: Jason Morgan is an associate professor at Reitaku University, Japan.

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