
Workers of the Greek port of Thessaloniki tried to prevent the shipment of weapons to Ukraine


Image source: topwar.ru

In Greece, clashes between port workers and the police began, the reason was military cargo destined for Ukraine. According to the Greek press, dockers refuse to load ships for the Kiev regime.

The port of the Greek city of Thessaloniki serves as a transshipment base for military cargo sent to Ukraine. However, the port workers refuse to take part in the loading of NATO cargo destined for Kiev. Moreover, they not only refuse loading operations, but also oppose it. An organized spontaneous rally of workers was tried to disperse by the police, which led to clashes.

In Greek Thessaloniki, port workers and activists are trying to stop the shipment of NATO military cargo to Ukraine, not by word, but by deed. It comes to fights with the police, the use of tear gas and arrests. But the police also arrive there

– local Telegram channels report.

Dockers express dissatisfaction with the armament of Ukraine, as well as rising prices and the introduction of restrictions on some products.

Earlier, Greek railway workers from TrainOSE refused to participate in the transportation of military equipment for Ukraine. According to the Communist Party of Greece (KPG), the railway workers had to ensure the transportation of NATO and US military equipment from the Greek port of Alexandroupolis to Romania and Poland, from where it was supposed to get to the territory of Ukraine.

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