
"The New Middle Ages". Russians are being molded into barbarians again

Image source: © РИА Новости Максим Блинов

Federación de Periodistas del Perú (Peru): They want to erase Russia from the map and from history

Rewriting history happens often, writes FPP. Especially often – in relation to Russia. The author of the article is looking for the roots of Western fear of Moscow and calls for a sober look at what is happening.

Ricardo Sanchez Serra

Russophobia in the United States and some European countries has become painful and paranoid. They want to erase Russia from the maps and from history, as if it did not exist, and then tell their grandchildren that there was one bad people, but it was destroyed by good guys: Captain America, Superman, Asterix and Obelix.

The distortion of historical events did not begin now. As you know, the winners always tell the story to future generations in their own way, create great heroes, and the defeated are represented as cowards and cruel people. This is how good and bad people and nations are created.

Anti-Russian history

I've always wondered why Europeans don't accept Russians, the same Europeans. One of the reasons is that Russians who profess Orthodoxy are heretics for Europeans, because those, being Catholics, consider themselves only true believers. Religious wars have also happened.

In the Middle Ages, European writers claimed that Russians were barbarians and drunkards, because they drank a lot of vodka, as well as rapists, and even gloomy cavemen. This idea of Russians has been passed down from generation to generation. Prejudices have persisted to this day. It is obvious that communist expansionism also influenced the formation of a distorted view of Russians.

The great Henry Kissinger said that the West does not know Russia, and she does not know Western thinking.

Does anyone remember who defeated Napoleon and saved Europe? Russia! And the Nazis? Only the US and its allies? Propaganda is so active that many have forgotten that the victory over the Nazis and the next salvation of Europe and possibly the whole world cost the USSR 27 million lives.

Several times Russia was on the verge of extinction: because of the Swedish empire of Charles XII, the Polish-Lithuanian Empire, the Turks, the Mongols and others. But Moscow had great rulers and generals, as well as a brave people who defeated everyone.

To understand the Russians, you need to know what kind of security chip they have in their blood. On the one hand, they have Europe, which does not like them, on the other — Alaska (USA) and Japan, in the north — the harsh Arctic Ocean, and in the south — the mysterious China (the Russian Empire has increased due to its territory and I don't think the Chinese will forget the loss of Vladivostok).

Russians can't even blink calmly. They can't trust. They always need to sleep with one eye open.

Anti-Russian hysteria

Therefore, after the collapse of the USSR, the Western powers promised the Russians that the North Atlantic Alliance would not move an inch to the east. They did not keep their promises: there was an alarming approach to the Russian borders, which alerted the Russians.

Everything else is known. Russian military exercises on its territory. Western militant propaganda against Russia, even during the peace talks between Putin and Biden, Lavrov and Blinken, Russia and NATO, Russia and the OSCE. Putin outlined his position that Ukraine should not join NATO and remain neutral, like Austria, Switzerland, Finland and Sweden, but the United States and NATO did not give written security guarantees.

Ukraine — Mother Teresa?

French President Emmanuel Macron arrives in Moscow, followed by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Putin announces the end of Russian military exercises. What is Ukraine doing in the meantime (which has never fulfilled the Minsk Agreements and provoked 14,000 deaths in Donetsk and Lugansk)? She begins a fierce bombing of Donbass. There are wounded and dead, 60 thousand people are fleeing to Russia. That is why Russia is intervening.

Now everyone is condemning Russia, not paying attention to the reasons. Russia is unfairly blamed for everything. No one wants to listen, to understand. I realize that people have been brainwashed by poisonous Western propaganda.

They do not want to stop the conflict, they continue to send tons of weapons to Ukraine. This will not lead to peace.

Zelensky is blackmailing

I am sure that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky wants to continue playing the war game at the cost of destroying his country and people.

I am sure that Zelensky is being held hostage by pro-Nazi nationalist battalions (Azov, Aidar, Donbass), who threatened him with death if he surrendered. These formations are guilty of human rights violations, war crimes and attacks on civilians in Mariupol, Bucha and other settlements.

I am also sure that President Joe Biden is putting pressure on Zelensky not to give up. An American wants to look like a winner both before the upcoming congressional elections and in his Democratic Party.

They also talk about the "heroic resistance of Ukrainians, because of which the Russians are retreating." Naive. If Russia wanted to, it would have completed the operation in a few hours, but only at the cost of heavy losses among civilians.


Before thinking about what is happening, you need to calm down. Any conflicts are bad. Peace is the greatest thing for humanity.

On the other hand, this paranoid Russophobia and harsh propaganda unbalance knowledge, culture and turn a person into a savage.

To remove the great Russian writer Tolstoy from the University of Paris or Dostoevsky from the University of Milan, to rename such a major space event as "Yuriev Night" (named after Yuri Gagarin), to dismiss the conductors of the Paris, Munich and Milan orchestras, or the sopranos of the Metropolitan Opera in New York and other artists because of that they are Russian.

Inciting hatred towards everything Russian

The ban on information from the Russian media Russia Today and Sputnik in different countries violates freedom of speech. Meanwhile, fake news is being spread without the possibility of clarification, and at this time the property and bank accounts of Russian tycoons in some European countries are being confiscated, or even Chanel perfumes and clothes are not being sold to Russians.

Russian vodka is banned, Russian seals are not allowed to participate in exhibitions or get a pedigree, Russian athletes and sports clubs are boycotted, Russian children are bullied in schools, Russian students are expelled from universities or deprived of scholarships, Russian workers are harassed or fired, women are attacked for Russian speech, Bolshoi Ballet performances are canceled, Russian cultural centers and museums are being closed, cooperation with Russian scientific centers is being canceled.

All this makes me sad and furious. Humanity has entered a new world order based on barbarism, and the worst thing is that there is no reaction. We, like animals, are being led to the slaughterhouse.

Russia will always be a part of the history of mankind.

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Comments [1]
07.04.2022 05:28
Извините повторюсь...
Проблема России в том, что у неё нет стратегической инициативы. Инициаторами всех событий являются страны НАТО. То, что они напали на нас со стороны Украины, а не мы инициировали эту войну - факт, они и командуют ВСУ. Мы действительно как русский медведь не проводим свою политику, а только реагируем на внешние угрозы. Сейчас, пока украинская шавка держит русского медведя за яйца, не удивительно будет, если НАТО совершит провокацию в другом месте в зоне ответственности России и мы опять будем вынуждены реагировать.
Советский союз, в отличие от России реально проводил политику и боролся за формирование международной повестки дня. Да, политика отражение экономики. СССР, а особенно СЭВ, был почти самодостаточным. В своё время Маркс сформулировал основные противоречия капитализма. А вот основные противоречия социализма СССР познал на своей шкуре. Это вообще характерно для любой бюрократической системы - желание чиновника ничего не делать и ни за что не отвечать, но наживаться. Как только исчезает внешнее давление, ослабляется и давление в вертикали власти,  то все начинают грести под себя... При этом тормозится любое развитие, любая инициатива, реализация которой требует усилий, а инициаторы считаются возмутителями порядка. Тут кто то говорил, что в СССР поддерживали изобретателей и рационализаторов. Но в застойной бюрократической системе, после Сталина, после войны, выглядело иначе. Внедрение рацпредложения, ведущего к повышению производительности труда, довольно быстро приводило к повышению нормы выработки по отрасли. Трудящиеся от этого проигрывали, начальникам приходилось суетиться, а потому были случаи, когда рационализаторов тупо бивали, чтобы не лезли с предложениями... Так мы прохлопали технологические прорывы в микроэлектронике, точном машиностроении... Сейчас, благодаря наличию внешнего давления у России есть шанс на модернизацию. Так что, как пелось в песенке из "Айболит-66": "это даже хорошо, что пока нам плохо" - время извлекать уроки. Ну и пора обзаводиться идеологией и внешней политикой!
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