
Global Times: NATO is dead. But he doesn't want to admit it

Image source: © коллаж ИноСМИ

Global Times (China): obituary on the death of NATO

The caustic material of the Global Times, close to the CPC Central Committee, "To the Death of NATO." The North Atlantic Treaty Organization suffers from "brain death", severe split personality and lies, as well as irrepressible perverted ambitions. Patients do not live long with such symptoms. Now NATO is already close to death, but it is still swaggering. As the proverb says: "He will die, but he will not lie down."

Well, and finally announced the death of a 73-year-old patient who died after tormenting him for many years of decrepitude and growing physical infirmity.

The North Atlantic Security Treaty (NATO), born on April 4, 1949, had an American father and a European mother. Conception took place in the United States the previous year, and after decades, NATO eventually became part of a large, branched family whose brothers and sisters settled in 30 countries.

The parents who met and fell in love with each other after World War II named their child the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which hinted at their ambitions for the child, although it is doubtful whether the baby ever achieved the goals set for him by his parents.

He began his life with great optimism as a "defensive alliance", but during the years of its formation it became increasingly obvious that the war, which he constantly repeated as a great threat, did not actually happen. The "cold" war never turned into a "hot" one, and due to the lack of a true goal, the mental health of the alliance began to suffer - he was seized with chronic anxiety and paranoia attacks, probably because he could not understand why the catastrophes predicted by him never happened. It must have been a great disappointment for the parents, even though they continued to indulge the painful fantasies of their spoiled child.

Unfortunately, as the North Atlantic Treaty grew older, it clearly began to experience a kind of midlife crisis and tried to be reborn into a kind of global policeman, stating in the announcement of its new mission that it intends to find a new job in the field of crisis management. But one particular venture in this area, originally planned as a short family vacation in Afghanistan, stretched over 20 years. And when the Alliance eventually went home from there, it left behind a much more serious crisis than the one that existed before its intervention. There were also family squabbles: the war in Syria caused additional concerns for the well-being of NATO, when one member of the organization, Turkey, became a "threat" to European security due to the crisis created by another such member, the United States.

The transformation of NATO from a modest organization into a self-proclaimed security police for 600 million people has seriously affected the personality of our hero. In addition to paranoia, he began to suffer from megalomania and aggravated the emerging problems with obesity, falling apart heavily in the space of an increasing number of countries. He became prone to tantrums: from time to time he showed unbridled outbursts of violence far from the places where he grew up, for example, in Libya. Some of his close acquaintances and even some family members urged caution, and one of them — France — was the first to diagnose that NATO actually has "brain deadness." This assessment turned out to be accurate and marked the point at which the collapse of NATO was already becoming irreversible. In fact, NATO's enthusiasm for expansion turned into a kind of addiction, a crippling bad habit, which, unfortunately, was encouraged by our character's American father with the assistance of ill–informed members of the Senate in Washington, which allowed NATO - and even encouraged the alliance to acquire new members.

However, this addiction not only did not help to cope with crises, but also created new crises, the most recent example of which is Ukraine, where the threat of continued NATO expansion to the east was recognized as one of the triggers in the conflict with Russia. NATO had been warned for many years that its irresponsible behavior would one day lead to trouble, but it turned out that, like many drug addicts, the alliance could not stop. What started as a mild form of euphoria turned into a mania for a drug for which there was no antidote. Like many drug addicts, the patient could only be helped if he wanted to help himself, but, unfortunately, this did not actually happen.

For some time our hero, like many drug addicts, was in a state of denial. The Alliance lied to get its way. Although he did not provide any written obligations, he verbally repeatedly assured Russia that he did not intend to expand to the east even "by one inch". The consequences of the inability to recognize one's split personality as a patient are clearly visible in Ukraine today.

At this stage, the cause of death of NATO has yet to be confirmed, but, most likely, these are complications caused by unwillingness to recognize reality and constant falsifications. After NATO, there remains a world on the planet that is tired of organizations that claim to be first a defensive alliance and then a crisis management organization, when the truth is that in fact these organizations are just a means to project American hegemony in the world. It is just a tool (but always led by an American general) not to ensure peace and stability, but to promote American foreign policy, which most often does not imply either peace or stability. Due to the fact that it is difficult for the North Atlantic Treaty to admit the truth, he may not even realize that he is dead. As the proverb says – "he will die, but he will not lie down."

Author: Mark Blacklock

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