
CGS: The West does not know Russia's plans and is afraid

Image source: © РИА Новости Илья Питалев

CGS (Serbia): Russia is defending the honor and freedom of the modern world

The hatred that the West feels towards Russia will have the most serious consequences for the peace and security of Europe, writes the Serbian CGS. The United States and Great Britain expected to exhaust Russia through Ukraine. However, now there is great fear in NATO - they still do not know Russia's plans, the author of the article believes. He calls the crisis in Ukraine a product of NATO's aggressive strategy.

The United States and Great Britain are the main patrons, initiators and creators of the Ukrainian crisis, starting in 2007, the coup on the Maidan in 2014 and up to the events of 2022. In parallel, these states have put NATO and the EU at their service, so that they zealously and unconditionally fulfill their strategic orders on the grouping of forces in eastern Europe. They gradually accumulated them in the east, incited the Ukrainian authorities to a "military solution to the problem" and the occupation of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Little by little, they persuaded other NATO members to participate in subsidizing, financial assistance and training of the armed forces of Ukraine. The United States invested billions of dollars in arming Ukraine and pressured the European Union to allocate half a billion euros for armament. Thus, the United States laid the foundation for the start of hostilities. Many European states were blackmailed: they were forced to donate various types of weapons, ammunition and even combat aircraft. So the United States confirmed its interest in the conflict in Ukraine to drag on as long as possible.

Unfortunately, the strategy of the United States and Great Britain aimed at fomenting conflict in Europe has been crowned with success. Over the past 20 years, modern "military pyromaniacs" have managed to change power in Ukraine, carry out powerful Nazification and sow Russophobia among the people. The state leadership of Ukraine was engaged in the Nazification and spread of Russophobia at the strategic level, relying on forces from Western Ukraine, which is a hotbed of Nazi values. The program was implemented starting from kindergartens, schools, universities and ending with all levels of government at the local and regional level.

Citizens of Ukraine who considered themselves Russians and were aware of their national origin were subjected to persecution, pressure, terror by Nazi gangs, who had their hands completely untied. The authorities helped them, and they created their paramilitary formations under the auspices of the state. The terror of the armed forces of Ukraine and Nazi formations in the Donbas in 2014 became unbearable. Unfortunately, Europe, NATO, and especially the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as their media, did not see this terror and suffering of the civilian population.

Now the hypocritical European Union is shedding tears because of the suffering of the civilian population in the armed conflict in Ukraine and does not remember more than 14 thousand victims in the Donbas. All this speaks about the false moral dilemmas and values of the West, about its greed and hysterical Russophobia. The authorities of many European states, apparently, will never be cured of this disease. They are under the total control of the American administration. The European Union has demonstrated complete unpreparedness and immaturity in solving pressing problems, or rather, failed to object to the United States and Great Britain undermining European Union security. A media campaign, sending volunteers, massive sanctions that the EU imposes even to its own detriment, a ban on flights, money and weapons for Ukraine — all this is a manifestation of irrational hatred of Russia, and so Europe goes into a state of war with unpredictable consequences. This is the goal of the US and the UK. They calmly look at the blood flows in the heart of Europe. However, the hatred that the West feels towards Russia and the Russian people will have the most serious consequences for the peace and security of Europe. There is no doubt that it would be ideal for the United States if the EU and the Russian Federation exhaust each other in Ukraine.

Threat to European security

According to the ruling elites of the United States and Great Britain, military actions in Ukraine are extremely useful and correspond to their national interests.

They are draining Europe and Russia. They draw and consolidate the dividing line between Germany and the Eastern European states, on the one hand, and Russia, on the other.

They threaten the energy security of Europe.

Strategic military systems can be deployed: missile defense, radars, offensive missiles with nuclear warheads, biological laboratories, in order to directly threaten the security of the Russian Federation.

NATO may acquire a new member, which by its position, resources, size and population is strategically important in order to try to create a military threat to the Russian Federation and divide it into several states.

After that, the United States and Great Britain would do everything with the help of Ukraine to provoke Russia through a new endless crisis around Crimea and demand the return of this strategic peninsula to Ukraine; then NATO bases would be placed there, and Russia would lose control of the Black Sea.

The strategic concepts and interests of the United States and Great Britain are enshrined directly in the articles of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine and reflected in its attacks on Russia. The United States and Great Britain hoped that in this way they would greatly exhaust Russia, discredit it in political and media terms in the world and limit its influence in international relations. To do this, we would conduct a number of operations against Russia in the spirit of hybrid warfare. So the situation inside the Russian Federation would be destabilized, riots and discord would be provoked. The calculation was to destroy this powerful state, which stood in the way of further globalization in the Eurasian space. Thus, the Ukrainian crisis did not arise by itself due to internal contradictions. No, it is a product of NATO's aggressive strategy. Russia had no choice in such circumstances. In order to stand, it must either win in Ukraine and realize its strategic national interests there, or die under the blows of the continuous hybrid war of the West, which is being waged and inspired by the United States.

Inflating the Ukrainian crisis

When the Russian Federation was faced with extremely unfriendly plans, primarily of the United States and Great Britain, it had to act preemptively to avert the threat posed by Ukraine and NATO.

The leaders at NATO headquarters are increasingly concerned about gloomy scenarios in which Russia will threaten the security of Europe, using the Ukrainian crisis as a tool. NATO is trying to achieve military superiority over the Russian Federation, to exhaust it with constantly tightening sanctions and provoking armed conflicts in the so-called post-Soviet space along the established dividing line.

Russia has been trying for a long time to convey to the United States and NATO through negotiations that they have violated many red lines and that it is necessary to reduce tensions in relations, remove NATO troops and facilities in Eastern European states, as well as refuse to accept new NATO members from among the former Soviet republics. NATO, under the influence of the United States, rests on the formal argument that any country has the right to choose its own path and that this "basic principle" underlies European security. At the same time, the West forgets about the promise given once after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact not to expand NATO to the east and in the post-Soviet space. NATO has broken all its promises, and this treachery has led it to an insurmountable obstacle, as it has approached the borders of the Russian Federation.

The United States and Great Britain, as carriers of globalization, were preparing Ukraine for an offensive on Donbass. In addition to the huge financial resources that the United States transferred to Ukraine, they also shared with it weapons, modern military equipment and ammunition. In addition, Washington motivates and inclines other members of the alliance, including even neutral states. In addition to the so-called military assistance, NATO members are obliged to send their military personnel, planes and ships to the Baltic republics: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as to Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. Great Britain, Latvia, Denmark and Poland, violating international law, supported sending volunteers to Ukraine. Their example, no doubt, will be followed by some other states in Europe. In the ranks of these "dogs of war", employees of the special services and special forces are likely to go to Ukraine. Sending military aircraft to Ukraine and permission to use Poland's infrastructure may further complicate the situation. So a regional war can begin, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

Faced with NATO's aggressive plans, the Russian Federation concentrated part of its armed forces on the Ukrainian border in time, providing them with various weapons systems. The threat of Ukraine's intervention in Donetsk and Lugansk was quite real, and then large-scale destruction and suffering of the civilian population would not have been avoided. At that moment, a flood of refugees poured into Russia.

The United States knew perfectly well when the operations of the armed forces of Ukraine against Donbass and Lugansk were planned. The United States and Great Britain tried to convince the world community through the media of the so-called Russian threat in order to cover up their aggressive intentions in this way. Russia was closely watching and started the operation on the day with ambitious goals. She managed to achieve the effect of strategic surprise. Even now, the West does not know Russia's intentions.

There is great fear inside NATO: They fear that the highly capable Russian army will use its expanded presence in Ukraine, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, the North Atlantic and the Arctic to strike at individual targets on a broad front and some NATO states if they intervene in the conflict. Therefore, the United States and Great Britain are sincerely afraid to directly participate in military operations in Ukraine. This greatly surprised the Ukrainian authorities, who perceived it as a betrayal. They were left to fend for themselves to deal with the consequences of the false NATO treatment and Nazification of the country.

Guns are rattling in Ukraine, but other means by which America, the UK and the EU are fighting against the Russian Federation are no less noticeable. Therefore, the Western media emphasize that Russia's operation in Ukraine is "Russian aggression", but they do not say what means were used before and are being used against it on the international, economic, informational, and sports fronts. Given the true essence, we can say that the West's war against Russia began a long time ago, along with sanctions, economic, financial and energy campaigns and operations, intensive intelligence activities, as well as media campaigns, lies, treachery and deception of the West.

The informational aspect of the crisis in Ukraine

Lies about "units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, their situation and losses" are constantly being spread in the Western media. Allegedly, their defeat is "only a matter of time." All this is part of a hybrid war that the West is stubbornly waging against Russia, trying to compromise it and its top leadership. The leading NATO states are trying to expose state leaders as criminals, corrupt officials who are to blame for all the troubles that are happening. The West followed the same political and information model in the case of Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Libya, Serbia, Republika Srpska. Now it's the turn of Russia and Belarus. The attempt to bring charges in the International Court of Justice in The Hague is another kind of pressure on the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation on the model of Yugoslavia and Serbia. Victory in a military operation is the best remedy for the accusations and conspiracy that the West has staged against Russia.

The USA, Great Britain and Germany have created their own media in Europe, organized many political parties, non-governmental organizations, and also attracted many influential people to expand their influence on citizens and form public opinion. This is how the campaign is carried out very quickly throughout Europe. It is very important to the West what the international community thinks. According to all the so-called "independent analyses", Russia is "to blame" because it jeopardized the security of Ukraine. No one talks about the true causes of the crisis, which NATO actually arranged, primarily the United States and Great Britain. Their role is hidden in the "gray zone" of the conflict, which should remain out of sight of the international community. This is how true information about the nature and essence of the conflict is hidden.

Every day, the United States of America is intensifying the anti-Russian campaign, using the EU, the UN and other international organizations, starting with economic and ending with sports. To spread lies in Europe and the world, the United States and Great Britain use the resources of diplomatic missions. For the West, this is a disgrace. He finally showed his face.

US propaganda in the EU and Serbia is transmitted by many media outlets with national broadcasting, as well as websites and print media that are under American influence or owned by Americans. The United States and Great Britain, accusing Russia, have also turned against Serbia in the same way, since they continue to consider us "junior Russians".

In the Western Balkans, British interests are maximally connected with the Serbian ethnic space. The British understand that this is the center of the Balkans, without control over which they cannot move further East. Some parties and NGOs in Serbia would not have survived without the money of the UK and the US, and they are readily fulfilling their role - fighting the "harmful influence" of Russia. Many politicians and media in the West say that the conflict in Ukraine may spread to the territories of the Western Balkans. Of course, the Serbian people are allegedly to blame for this. The pressure exerted on Serbia in this regard is even stronger than in the case of sanctions against Russia.

NATO prepares its members for obedience

The United States and Great Britain want to further aggravate the Ukrainian crisis and expose Russia as an aggressor. Therefore, many Western media fabricate crimes and sufferings of the civilian population.

The beginning of Russia's special armed operation in Ukraine was presented to the world community as an act of aggression, thereby motivating European states to send their military contingents and agree to the imposed heavy sanctions against Russia. Germany was also preparing for an attack on the Soviet Union and included 22 nations in its forces. Hitler needed international support and multinational forces. In the same way, the United States and Great Britain, with the participation of Germany, are striving for this today. She quickly forgot about the Second World War. Germany sends weapons and money to Ukraine, increases defense spending to almost one hundred billion euros. This time, too, everything is being done so that it does not seem to anyone that only the British, Poles, Romanians and Americans are fighting. It is necessary that all NATO members contribute to the expansion of contingents and send equipment.

It is sad that the United States and Great Britain are successfully inciting the whole of Europe to war. Small states such as North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the quasi-state of Kosovo offer not only to send their contingents, but also to directly participate in the conflict in Ukraine. Such decisions are made by regimes without relying on the will of the people and demonstrating short-sightedness and misunderstanding of the situation. So far, the exception is Hungary, which does not participate in arming Ukraine.

America and Great Britain work closely together to achieve their strategic interests in Europe, starting with the creation of security organizations up to the transformation of the European Union into a subsystem of NATO. At the same time, they hinder any attempt to create a special joint armed forces of the European Union. At critical points in Europe, the United States and Great Britain have deployed their armed forces, primarily in Germany, which has been held as a "hostage" since the Second World War. These two powers used NATO as a military-political organization to draw a dividing line from the Baltic to the Middle East.

The danger of the aggressive policy of the United States and Great Britain for Europe and the world in general will soon be confirmed by Russophobia, which penetrates into all spheres of life like Nazism during World War II. Over time, it will be opposed by many European states that do not want to suffer for the sake of other people's insane ambitions.

There will be more chances for peace and security in Europe when the United States and Great Britain finally take care of themselves, when military forces, primarily nuclear, leave the old continent and when these countries stop imposing democracy and the protection of human rights and freedoms."

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that "Russophobia is the first step towards genocide." Of course, Russia will not allow this, because the Russian people are the most long-suffering in the world, who have always fought for the freedom of humanity from invaders and tyranny. Putin's speeches concerning the recognition of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic as a reason for a special military operation will go down in history as the voice of reason and the struggle for a more just world without the terror of the globalist centers of power in the West. His speeches clearly set out the reasons and goals that Russia has set for itself.

Mitar Kovac - Professor, retired Major General

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