
The fog of war will not dissipate by itself

Image source: vpk-news.ru

Ukraine is a battlefield of the Russian civilization of life and the American civilization of death

The special operation announced by the President of Russia in Ukraine is being carried out in accordance with the schedule and the specifics of the area.

Cities are blocked or bypassed by our troops, the lives of the civilian population are preserved as much as possible. But in some areas, the AFU troops, especially the national battalions, fiercely resist. 

Today it is already clear that it will not be possible to solve the "problem of Ukraine" on its demilitarization within a short period of time. Moreover, to complete the second task of its denazification, which will take many years. What difficulties are still waiting for our troops and the military-political leadership of the country? This and other questions were answered by the President of the Board of Military Experts of Russia, Major General Alexander VLADIMIROV, in an interview with MIC.

- Alexander Ivanovich, let's record that we are talking to you on the evening of March 7, because the situation in the combat zone is changing rapidly. However, the pace of the offensive, according to some estimates, has somewhat decreased. How do you assess the progress of our troops? 

- Our Supreme Commander-in-Chief says that the operation is being carried out according to schedule, bypassing the flanks of heavily fortified defense areas. I want to believe it. But since I am a professional who has commanded troops in a combat situation more than once, I believe that there are things that cannot be said about. 

First of all. As I was taught at the Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces (graduated with honors in 1984). 

1. The political goals of the war and the attitudes during the operation do not change. 

2. Only the national leader himself can speak to the nation, and not his assistants with the "voice of the leader", despite the fact that no one has the right to interpret the declared goals of the war. 

3. The war should be as decisive and fast as possible. It is for this that the second and subsequent echelons and reserves of troops are being prepared, which must be put into battle in time, otherwise our success may turn into defeat. 

4. Positional warfare is always disastrous, defense is conducted only against a superior enemy. 

5. Any pauses in the ongoing war are always only for the benefit of our enemy. 

6. In the enemy's state and on its territory, his power must always be destroyed and our power established, and only then there is a restoration, in our case, denazification. 

7. Since the enemy's power is contained in cities, they must be taken on the move and despite the fact that civilians in these cities remain hostages and are an element of their defense. 

8. The goals of preserving the lives of our soldiers are sacred, preserving the lives of civilians are desirable, preserving the lives of enemy soldiers are not indicated at all, here it will happen. And this is the cruel and inexorable law of war. 

It is obvious that all these points require serious consideration by our political leadership and command. 

Secondly. We still have not completely closed the skies over Ukraine, have not created a no-fly zone there, and we do not control the airspace of our enemy well. Although we have complete superiority in the air, air defense systems, etc. Enemy planes, helicopters and drones do not fly in the no-fly zone! 

Secondly, I see how the troops are moving, and how difficult it is. Our military leadership is acting as carefully and carefully as possible, as they say, taking its time. Which is quite reasonable. It is necessary to protect the lives of our servicemen as much as possible. 

Third. Based on the analysis of the situation for several days of hostilities, I have questions, so to speak, for the wartime army. How well are we prepared to work in real combat conditions? I ask this question with the reason that I am the winner of the national award "Best Book - 2020" in the nomination "SCIENCE", as the author of the 3-volume fundamental work "Fundamentals of the general theory of war". 

We are talking about units and units of constant combat readiness. This expression is now forgotten. But if we do not create trained reserves of the Armed Forces in peacetime, we do not seriously prepare mobilization reserves for the wartime army, then this immediately manifests itself in the first days of the war. And although we conduct this operation as a special one, we bypass the cities without destroying them, still a large-scale special operation obeys the laws of war.

"The Security Council should become a professional Center for strategic goal-setting with other tasks and staff, and not be part of the Presidential Administration”

In this regard, the actions of our military commissariats are puzzling. Dozens of young men come to them who want to defend our Fatherland, and they are told - "thank you, go home, we will do without you!". As in that song "... there will be no bayonets in the Red Army, the Bolsheviks will do without you!". 

But it is necessary to accept guys with open arms and send them to military training camps, and there to prepare in a real way for specific VUS. Since war is a slow business, it requires comprehensive thoroughness, and it needs specialists who already need to be trained, and there are never many of them! 

Fourth. It is not at all clear why the huge potential of our military veterans is not involved. Today, no one talks to young people in schools and institutes about this war, as the Ministry of Education continues its policy of liberal education and the exclusion of veterans from students. In addition, no one prepares these educators, instructors, lecturers for this work, although the Ministry of Education has received several billion rubles for the patriotic education of schoolchildren. Why?? This needs to be corrected urgently! 

Fifth. We have victories, but, unfortunately, there are also dead and wounded. We have superiority in technology, but there is no numerical superiority of troops. Therefore, it is very important that our guys do not fall under the fire of territorial formations on marches, in ambushes… 

- Which depends largely on the actions of our intelligence. Isn't it? 

- Of course, it is very important to scout specific areas of the terrain, situational information about the enemy unit commanders, column leaders. We know that the Aidar battalions are now being actively assisted by the Americans using their satellite grouping. The Aidar people have tablets on their hands, communication with the NATO leadership, space communications, which helps them track the movement of our troops. Do we have it? At least, I don't see it. 

Sixth. This question is also very disturbing. Why haven't we started direct propaganda among the population of Ukraine and the liberated territories about the goals, methods and objectives of the operation? There is no elementary: leaflets, loudspeakers, work with the population. When I asked our big political workers, who still served with me, about this, they replied that the management of our special propaganda, which operated professionally in the structures of the SA and Navy GLAVPUra, was transferred to the GRU of the General Staff. After that, nothing is heard about this service. What she is doing today, how effectively she works is unknown. 

Is it because information counteraction - a propaganda counteroffensive - is not the main thing for the General Staff, which is entrusted with the development and implementation of such special operations, monitoring their implementation, and operational adjustment. 

More than three years ago, the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was established, which until recently was headed by Colonel-General Andrey Kartapolov. So why not return the special propaganda to this department? Alas, we see the result – there is still no clear information and propaganda work on the territories occupied by our troops, as well as on the entire territory of Ukraine. 

But in this case it is necessary to reach every family, every person. Since the enemy is motivated, the population has been intimidated and demoralized over the past 30 years. In the meantime, our commanders in the battle formations also have to take on the role of propagandists. Officers heroically perform their military duty. But in war, as in peaceful life, everyone must fulfill their professional tasks. 

We see how distinguished people are rewarded and encouraged – these are excellent examples. It is necessary to continue to elevate and popularize such warriors among the population. But, tell me, where is the ideology of military service, which we have not yet appeared, has not yet been developed? And without it, there is no very basis of educational work in the troops, especially in front-line conditions. I think this is our huge failure. 

Not to mention TV, where only the first two channels slightly modified the broadcast grid. And for the rest, everything is the same as before: people are entertained by the same laughers, TV personalities jump on the stage, bloggers talk about their successes, TV shows are spinning… But today is not a laughing matter. It's as if the people don't know that there is a war going on in which our compatriots are dying.

- What else, in your opinion, did this operation show? 

- She showed that the world is already divided into two parts. There is a civilization of death (the aggregate West) with all its social deformities and moral pathologies. There is also a civilization of life – Russia, India, China, other countries with large populations, natural resources and vast spaces. We have other ideological, cultural codes that allow us to build our world on the basis of mutual assistance, respect, cooperation, and not competition. We must understand that this separation is final. Ukraine has become an outpost of the battle for these meanings. We are waging a merciless battle of our civilization of good with universal evil, and its most vicious and frostbitten fascist part. Therefore, there will be no rollback, and it will not end soon. 

We need to form our own world, our own ideological project, and the project of Greater Eurasia, because, and this is visibly confirmed by current events, the United States does not need either Europe or Eurasia, they do not need other and independent civilizational subjects of international law. This is what we need to talk about with our population. 

- What other difficulties do you see with the further advance of our troops? How, for example, will the problem of taking a multimillion-dollar Kiev be solved? 

- The fog of war has not dissipated. The difficulties of the war will inevitably increase, because Ukrainian fascism is not broken. The APU and the National Security forces have not been completely defeated. They are still controlled from the center with the help of NATO technologies and means of communication. Among the proofs is their transformation of a number of settlements and cities into strong points of defense, where the population, along with children, women, the elderly, the Nazis are given the role of hostages and human shields. Therefore, all the talk about humanitarian corridors for the Bandera military-political leadership of Ukraine is just a beautiful game. 

We must conduct the offensive relentlessly, without slowing down, so that the enemy does not have time to create new lines of defense. It is impossible to give him time to rest, reform his units and replenish reserves. This means that our troops must be replaced. Already now it is necessary to think about the introduction of the second echelon for the development of success. This is a complex logistical and military task. 

As for taking the capital of Ukraine, I think the main task is not Kiev, it should be blocked. The main thing is to take Kharkiv, announce its temporary status. After that, start working on creating with the help of Ukrainian  

activists of the leadership loyal to Russia. There is also a serious information failure here. We believe that if we took the city, then there should be yellow flags and tridents, which in itself is unimaginable. We cannot allow the revival of fascist statehood under these symbols. There should be no former national flags, tridents, or anthems on the territory freed from evil spirits. 

In addition, our military commandant's offices should work everywhere, which will maintain public order, help with evacuation, and provide humanitarian assistance. But this should be done by special military units, as was done in liberated Germany in 1945. Or in Czechoslovakia in 1968, where I participated as a company commander in the liberation of this country from the crazed thugs. 

- How, in your opinion, is the logistics of our troops who have gone forward, replenishing with ammunition, evacuation of the wounded carried out? 

- A difficult question and not really in my line. The wounded must be evacuated. Where and with what? Communications are stretched, and therefore, the danger of action in the rear of partisan formations remains. If we had full control over the sky, we could send Il-76 ambulances there, deploy mobile hospitals that should follow the troops, etc. This is now, apparently, not yet. So, everything is solved at the level of the regimental (brigade) medical center. But I am sure that this issue is being resolved responsibly, since it is one of the main ones. Our soldiers should know and see that we do not abandon our own. 

- You said that the world will be different now. But our country should also become different. What, in this regard, are the problems facing our leadership, how should Russia change?

- Some time ago I sent a letter with relevant proposals to the President of the Russian Federation. It deals with some problems of state-building, on which only the Supreme Commander-in-Chief can make a decision. For example, I raise in it the question that it is necessary to build a state not on rights, but on the duties of the state, society and the individual. 

I am talking about the need to build a national strategy, the role of the Security Council, which should play a more significant role. Stop being a part of the Presidential Administration and become a professional Center for strategic goal-setting with other tasks and staff. The Presidential Administration itself should have new functionality. 

But no one is engaged in such reforms in our country. There is no system of selection for public service, an appropriate education system. Although the managerial elite should be grown from an early age, starting with the Suvorov schools and cadet corps. There is such a system in the army, but there is still no such system in civilian life. There is no specialty "Civil servant" in any register of the Ministry of Labor. By the way, the Ministry of Education of Russia has not wanted to recognize the Russian cadet education system already created in the country for three years, solely out of its own liberal beliefs. 

But there must be a state order for all this, and an unyielding political will. In the meantime, everything is built on the former, more than once already compromised, liberal attitudes. For example, I believe that no deputy of the State Duma or a member of the Federation Council, and in general a civil servant, can be such if he has not served in the army. 

In a different way, it is necessary to prepare the "Unarmia". She should receive army skills on the basis of DOSAAF. All young men are required to undergo army general education and must receive a military accounting specialty. 

And the most important thing is the personnel. But they are still being prepared for some reason according to the Bologna system, and the level of science is estimated by the number of articles in foreign journals. And this horror even extends to the entire system of military vocational education!  

It is necessary to rebuild the work of our military enlistment offices, prepare territorial defense bodies in a different way, etc. So there is a lot of work in the country. She is for years. But it is already impossible not to do it – we have conceded and missed too much, and today we are slowly turning towards real things to comprehend what is happening, purify the main spheres of our life and mobilize the nation and the state. 

And the last. I received an encouraging response to my letter. I was summoned to the Security Council. So I hope the case will get off the ground. And many of my proposals will still be included in the Implementation Plan of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. 

Of course - the victory will be ours! 

It is important that it is not pyrrhic, and for this you need to do everything the way the Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces taught us 

Oleg FALICHEV talked 

The newspaper "Military-industrial courier",

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