
Surrounded forces: a large Ukrainian group under threat of destruction

Image source: Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Павел Волков

On the seventh day of the special operation, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the creation of a humanitarian response headquarters and announced the losses for the first time

By the end of the seventh day of the military operation in Ukraine, the LPR units surrounded Lisichansk, which threatened a large group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this direction. According to experts, such a maneuver was taken to avoid fighting in the city. The Russian military department emphasizes that they are taking measures to ensure the safety of civilians. On March 2, it was announced the creation of a headquarters for humanitarian response to the situation in Ukraine. The columns have already been formed with the necessary help. On the same day, the Russian Defense Ministry announced for the first time the losses: 498 dead and 1,597 wounded Russian servicemen.

There are fights going on

The DPR and LPR troops continued their offensive in Donbass on March 2. According to the Russian military department, the advanced detachments of the DPR entered Primorskoye, Priazovskoye, Shevchenko and Berdyansk. There are battles in Volnovakha. Units of the Russian group took control of the settlements of Popovo, Novgorovka, Novomikhailovka, Lyubimovka.

Divisions of the Luhansk People's Republic established control over the settlements of Krasny Liman, Torskoye, Kremennaya, Varvarovka, Borovenki. Thus, they covered Lisichansk, where one of the last major nodes of resistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this direction is located.

- The detour to Kremennaya threatens the entire grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard concentrated in Severodonetsk and Lisichansk— - military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia. — She was under the threat of encirclement in one big cauldron. The most reasonable solution for her would be to retreat from these cities to the west or surrender. The LDPR forces specifically undertook such a maneuver in order not to engage in heavy street fighting, which could lead to great destruction in these settlements. We should not forget about the Azot chemical plant near Severodonetsk, where there are stocks of dangerous chemicals, including ammonia. Fighting near it can pose a threat to the entire surrounding area. Therefore, the Ukrainian forces are trying to oust them from there, and not destroy them in battles.

Photo: REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

Image source: iz.ru

On March 2, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation provided the first data on losses.

- 498 Russian servicemen were killed in the performance of military duty. All possible assistance is provided to the families of the victims. 1,597 of our comrades were injured—" announced the official representative of the department, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

The operation takes place on rough terrain — in such conditions, there are always quite large losses, Dmitry Abzalov, president of the Center for Strategic Communications, told Izvestia.

— It would be possible to conduct military operations in the same Kiev, as our American partners did in Syria — they would simply cover all positions with multiple rocket launchers and that's it, " he said. — We have created humanitarian corridors for the civilian population. Moreover, they were created, including for Ukrainian military personnel. This was done so that they would leave, and we would not have to cover the MLRS positions. Another type of war is to iron everything out and then let the infantry in. If the task is to minimize civilian casualties, the risks to their troops are seriously increasing. Also, do not forget that a lot of MLRS were concentrated in the Donbass, which work in squares, hard nationalist battalions are stationed there.

Humanitarian response

As told in the military department, Russian troops have completely taken control of Kherson. "Civil infrastructure, life support facilities and urban transport are operating in a daily mode," General Konashenkov said.

The Defense Ministry emphasizes that the Russian military is taking measures to ensure the safety of civilians in Ukraine. On March 2, the ministry announced the creation of a humanitarian response headquarters for the situation in Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense assured that in the territory controlled by Russian troops, none of the residents of Ukraine will be left without food, water and basic necessities. Russia has already formed humanitarian convoys to help people.

More than 140 thousand people have already been evacuated from the territory of Ukraine to Russia, including more than 39 thousand children. In addition, relevant UN structures were able to evacuate from Kiev in safety, and employees of the Greek Embassy from Mariupol.

The Russian military is working to create humanitarian corridors through which people will be able to leave cities that are in a combat zone, the ministry said.

Photo: REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

Image source: iz.ru

"Nationalist battalions that have deployed armored vehicles and artillery, including multiple rocket launchers, in residential areas are preparing provocations, hiding behind civilians," Konashenkov said.

According to the ministry, in Mariupol, militants of the nationalist Azov battalion mined the Azovstal plant at night, where people continue to work. They do not know that in the event of a breakthrough in the defense of the city, they plan to blow up the enterprise with people.

— I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all civilians wishing to leave Mariupol, for security reasons, can go east along the Mariupol - Shirokino road. Russian servicemen do not provide any obstacles to the exit of the civilian population—" a representative of the Russian Defense Ministry said.

On March 2, the DPR reported that more than 60 people were forcibly detained in Mariupol school No. 34, half of whom were women and children. All civilians who tried to leave the city through the provided humanitarian corridors are brought there. And the teachers of the Azov State Technical University warned that the Nazis from "Azov" began to mine the building of the institution and its surroundings.

More weapons?

European countries continue to send weapons and resources to Ukraine. And after the statement of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky on the formation of an international brigade of volunteers, hundreds of people from different countries responded to his call.

At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities stressed that visa requirements for foreign volunteer fighters are temporarily canceled. The Japanese Mainichi Shimbun reports that 70 Japanese, including 50 former members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, have applied for admission as volunteers.

Earlier, British Foreign Minister Elizabeth Truss said she would "absolutely support" British volunteers who want to go to the defense of Ukraine. "This is something that people have to decide for themselves," she said. However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned that those who go to fight in Ukraine could be prosecuted under British terrorism laws. Advisor to Vladimir Zelensky Alexey Arestovich said that by February 27, the first foreign legion was formed for volunteers from other countries, of which, according to him, "there are a lot."

According to the interlocutor of the American magazine Vice, citizens of a number of countries, including the United States, are now studying ways to get to Ukraine to participate in the battles. It is reported that infantrymen who have undergone military training in the units of the French Foreign Legion, soldiers of the PMCs Academi and Forward Observations Group have already arrived on its territory.


Image source: iz.ru

According to Swedish media reports, hundreds of Swedes are interested in fighting in the international brigade of Ukraine. On March 3, the first Swedish volunteers are sent there, who will be placed in an English-speaking group upon arrival.

On the eve of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba said that the West is sending weapons to Ukraine in an "endless stream" and plans to increase supplies in the coming hours.

The United States has previously allocated $350 million to Ukraine as military aid, and has already sent Stinger MANPADS, Germany has currently sent 5,000 helmets for the Ukrainian army, 500 Stinger and 1000 Panzerfaust-3, Poland - an ammunition column, France is already providing defensive military equipment, Slovenia has announced sending rifles, ammunition and helmets to Ukraine.

In general, more than 30 countries have expressed their readiness to transfer weapons to Ukraine and provide financial assistance.

Roman Kretsul

Bogdan Stepovoy

Andrey Fedorov

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