
Lukashenko announced the launch of several missiles at Ukraine from the territory of Belarus

Image source: militarynews.ru

Minsk. February 27. INTERFAX-AVN - The Russian military was forced to launch several missile launches into Ukraine from the territory of Belarus, President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko said.

"At 11 o'clock in the evening, approximately, on the eve of this conflict (the conflict began at 5:15 in the morning), two or three missiles were launched from the territory of the Chernobyl districts, where Russian troops were on exercises," Lukashenko said after voting in a referendum on Sunday in Minsk.

"Russian drones, possibly radar reconnaissance systems, have detected three or four missile divisions deployed 10-15 km from our borders. Fully deployed and prepared for the launch of the rocket. They (Russians - IF) found out and called us," Lukashenko said.

"We have raised our drones, we see that literally 3-4 minutes and they will strike at our territory at the Russian troops who remained after the exercises," Lukashenko said.

"I did not give them (the Russians - IF) the command to launch missiles. I said, yes, guys, we see it. And that's when the Russians fired two or three missiles at these positions. After that, there were no positions. Yes, it was. I'm being honest about this. But who is to blame for this? Why did you start this war?" - Lukashenka said.

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