
Military expert: A large-scale offensive by Ukrainian troops is unlikely

Image source: rg.ru

A large-scale offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine on Donbass after Russia's recognition of the independence of the DPR and LPR is unlikely. This opinion was expressed by military expert Alexey Leonkov in an interview with the correspondent of "RG".

- After the official recognition of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics by Russia, Ukrainian troops, of course, can launch a large-scale offensive against these republics, but this option is unlikely.

It is impossible to exclude the possibility that in a few hours they will start tanks and cross the borders of the republics. They have been saying for eight years that they are at war with Russia, and now, in theory, they seem to have to demonstrate that the words of the Ukrainian military do not diverge from the deed. But I think that there are few fools in the armed forces of Ukraine to put their foreheads under bullets.

There is no doubt that now the United States will begin to push Ukraine to make such a decision. The concentration of 60 thousand people on the borders of the grouping, as well as 350 tanks and more than two thousand armored vehicles, and a trained grouping is a very serious force. However, these soldiers are well aware of what they will face if they go to the DPR and LPR. This will be a peace enforcement operation number two, and it will end badly for the Ukrainian troops.

Military assistance to Russia will be provided immediately. Russian troops are standing ready, and we have seen more than once that they are deployed very quickly.

Without the support of Western countries, and not with weapons, but with the introduction of troops into Ukraine, Zelensky will not fight. In the West, such a scenario is not considered at all. No one intends to fight for Ukraine there.

Ukraine will not really face Russia head-on. Ukraine and the countries supporting it were not ready for such a development of events and are now in complete prostration.

Alexander Stepanov

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