
The Indonesian Navy plans to purchase NSM missile systems to equip new high-speed missile boats

Image source: © U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Zachary D. Bell | Перейти в фотобанк

TSAMTO, February 21. The Indonesian Navy will evaluate the NSM (Naval Strike Missile) missile system manufactured by the Norwegian company Kongsberg as part of a project to equip new high-speed missile boats with this type of weapon.

As reported in the press release of the Indonesian Navy on February 9, the Chief of Staff (Commander) Navy Admiral Yudo Margono held a meeting with the management of PT Lundin Industries Invest, Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace AS and PT Datareka Integrasia, at which a presentation of the Norwegian NSM complex was held.

At the meeting, it was stated that the NSM complex can be equipped with existing patrol ships, as well as new high-speed missile boats planned for construction, operating as part of a group (6 units each, launched from the base ship) or independently.

Characteristics of the new RC: displacement - 33 tons, length - 19 m, width - 4 m, speed - 55 knots, power reserve - 500 miles, autonomy - 2 weeks, crew - 6 people. A boat with a missile armament has great maneuverability. Control of the NSM rocket after launch at a maximum range of 250 km can be carried out from the mother ship.

Also, the Indonesian Navy is considering the possibility of acquiring a coastal missile system NSM.

The NSM anti-ship missile is designed and manufactured by the Norwegian Kongsberg Group. Its length is 3.96 m, its mass is 407 kg, the mass of the high-explosive warhead is 125 kg, the target range is about 200 km, the flight speed is 0.7-0.9 M.

The rocket is equipped with a combined guidance system: an inertial navigation system with correction according to NAVSTAR CRNS data is used on the main section of the flight path, a dual-band passive thermal imaging GPS is activated on the final section.

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