
A special assault rifle SHAK-12 was shown on video


The world's most powerful 12.7 mm SHAK-12 submachine gun was shown on video. The melee weapon created for assault squads is capable of piercing not only bulletproof vests, but also brickwork.

The video, prepared by Rosoboronexport, demonstrates the capabilities of the SHAK-12, whose name stands for assault assault rifle complex.

The weapon is made according to the bull-pop scheme - the store is located behind the fire control handle, and not in front of it, as with classic submachine guns. Due to this, the length of the SHAK-12 is slightly more than a meter, and the weight is about five kilograms. The capacity of the magazines is 10 and 20 rounds.

To reduce recoil when firing, the machine is equipped with a two-chamber muzzle brake-compensator and a rubber backing. Several types of ammunition 12.7 x 55 mm have been developed for the SHAK-12, which makes it possible to optimally solve various tasks in conditions of short-term melee.

The PS-12B cartridge with an armor-piercing steel bullet weighing 18 grams is designed to hit targets protected by armor or hiding behind an obstacle. The effective firing range is 300 meters.

PS-12 with a lead bullet weighing 33 grams and subsonic speed. It is effective at a distance of up to 200 meters during special operations.

The PS-12A cartridge with a light bullet made of an aluminum core has a maximum stopping effect.

The PD-12 double-bullet cartridge, which has a mass of 17 grams per bullet, is quite interesting. The effective firing range is 100 meters. Such ammunition provides increased fire density.

Nikolay Grishchenko

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Comments [1]
03.02.2022 00:45
Цитата, q
Созданное для штурмовых отрядов оружие ближнего боя способно пробить не только бронежилеты, но и кирпичную кладку.

И сколько штурмовых рот и батальонов уже вооружили ШАК-12?

Хватит уже по выставкам возить, пора в серию запускать и поставлять в войска.
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