
Almaz-Antey creates a device that converts carbon fuels into electrical energy

Image source: © РИА Новости / Артем Житенев

A laboratory sample of a 1 kW product is already being tested

Moscow. December 9th. INTERFAX - Concern of East Kazakhstan Region Almaz-Antey, in cooperation with a number of universities and scientific organizations, has started research work related to the production of electric energy from hydrocarbon fuels without the use of electromechanical devices, the press service of the concern reports.

"The ultimate goal of the project is to create a device that converts natural gas, gasoline and/or diesel fuel into electricity in an electrochemical way - without the use of generators, internal combustion engines and similar devices. Natural gas is considered as the preferred fuel in the framework of research and development," the report said on Thursday.

According to the press service, the finished device will consist of two parts. The first part is a block or unit that will convert hydrocarbon fuel into hydrogen. The holding already has several know-how assets that will form the basis of this part of the project. The second part is the fuel cell: generating electrical energy from hydrogen. A network of filling stations (hydrogen fuel) can become a co-product within this part of the project.

"The expected efficiency of the entire device is 40%, the power is about 10 kW. The finished product will emit a minimum amount of heat into the environment during operation, and in terms of noise level it will stand on a par with household electrical appliances," the press release says.

It is reported that the price of such a unit will be relatively low, comparable to classical electromechanical devices. A sample with the voiced characteristics will be released within the next three years. At the same time, the amount of financial development costs will not exceed 40 million rubles, and the estimated cost of the product is expected to be at a level that allows organizing its large-scale production.

"Today, a laboratory sample of a 1 kW product has already been created," the press service informs.

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