
The first launch of the Irkut ultralight rocket is scheduled for 2024

Image source: © Михаил Джапаридзе/ТАСС, архив

According to the magazine "Space Engineering and Technologies", a one-time and reusable version of the IRKUT is expected

MOSCOW, October 9. /TASS/. The Irkut ultralight class launch vehicle (SLK launch vehicle), which is being developed at the head scientific institute of Roscosmos, will make its first flight in 2024. This is stated in the material of the magazine "Space Technology and Technologies" (the publication of the Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia").

"In the issue of the development of domestic RN SLK, we can note the project being developed by the specialists of JSC "TsNIIMash" to create the RN SLK Irkut," the material says.

According to the data provided, both a one-time and a reusable version of IRKUT is assumed. The first launch for them is scheduled for 2024. It is assumed that the disposable IRKUT will be able to put 584 kg of payload into low Earth orbit, 84 kg into geosynchronous orbit. The reusable version of the rocket with an airplane stage return will put 398 kg into low Earth orbit, and 60 kg into geosynchronous orbit.

The launch of the carrier is planned to be carried out, including from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

At the end of September, Roscosmos published its annual report for 2020. It was reported that the state corporation continued the development of a mobile space rocket complex with an ultralight carrier rocket "Irkut".

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