Scientists from Perm Polytechnic University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology (PRC) have created a unique technology that will allow enterprises to produce industrial products without defects. Laser welding in vacuum will improve the quality of critical structures in the aerospace and engineering industries.
Russian and foreign scientists have implemented the development thanks to a unique project of international research groups (MiGs), which has been operating in the Perm Region since 2011 and has no analogues in Russia. They published the results of their work in the journal Engineering. Scientists have already patented the development.
The industry has not yet used the new technology, but, according to scientists, it will be promising for creating responsible and complex structures in the aerospace industry and mechanical engineering.
Researchers have already developed the technology of laser welding in vacuum and methods for controlling this process, which ensure high quality of structures. The development allows you to control the focus of the laser beam during welding, quickly monitor, control processes and eliminate defects. The vacuum in the laser welding zone makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the process, since the radiation power in the plasma cloud does not decrease.