
The features of the new Russian submachine gun PPK-20 are named

Image source: rg.ru

The PPK-20 submachine gun, presented by the Kalashnikov concern at the Army-2021 forum, has a number of features that distinguish it from the usual AK. This was told to" RG " by the head of the direction of the directorate for military-technical cooperation of the concern, Vladimir Onokoy.

The history of the PPK-20 is quite interesting, since the first submachine gun in this line was the PP "Bison" of a rather unusual design - with a screw magazine. It was developed by Viktor Kalashnikov, the son of the legendary designer Mikhail Kalashnikov.

However, practice has shown that cylindrical magazines are not very convenient to operate. In addition, as the cartridges were used up, the balance of the weapon shifted greatly.

Later, the Vityaz submachine gun with a sector magazine was developed on the basis of the Bison. This PP is widely used both in Russia and abroad. Then there was the "Vityaz-SN" with improved ergonomics. On its basis, the PPK-20 was developed.

The new PP can be placed in the wearable emergency reserve of pilots. The requirements for the compactness of such weapons are very strict, but the designers managed to fulfill them - the total length of a submachine gun with a folded butt is only 41 centimeters. The butt, unlike the more familiar AK models, folds to the right. Also, the PPK-20 is equipped with a two-way fuse translator, which allows you to quickly prepare the weapon for firing. The sample presented at the exhibition is equipped with a quick-release silencer.

Despite its compactness, the PPK-20 implements all the requirements that special forces impose on such weapons. This is the maximum length of the Picatinny rail, a new handguard with M-LOK slots for installing slats for the necessary accessories.

"There is a lot of debate among experts about which compact weapon is more effective - for a rifle or pistol cartridge. But when it comes to such ultra-compact samples, then, as a rule, the only way out is to make a weapon for a pistol cartridge. In the case of using a rifle cartridge and a gas outlet unit, such dimensions cannot be achieved, " Vladimir Onokoy noted, explaining the choice of a 9 mm caliber.

The PPK-20, in addition to being used in the NAZ, may also be of interest to special forces, special services or be used as a personal self-defense weapon by the crews of various combat vehicles.

Recall that the PPK-20 has already passed state tests, the final decision of the Ministry of Defense is expected to adopt it for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Ilya Maksimov, Alexey Petrov (video)

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