
NHK (Japan): Russia skillfully balances in the military field between China and India

Image source: © РИА Новости, Алексей Седых

The state television and radio corporation NHK, which is close to the Japanese government, notes how skilfully Russia maintains a balance in relations with the largest regional powers – China and India. Even Russia conducts joint military exercises with them almost at the same time.

The Japanese state television and radio corporation NHK, in the context of the joint Sino-Russian joint strategic exercises "West/Interaction-2021" currently taking place in China, publishes an interesting material under the heading "Russia is attentive to relations with China and India and skillfully maintains a favorable balance in them".

NHK reports that almost simultaneously with the Chinese-Russian military exercises, the Russian-Indian Indra-2021 exercises are also being held in the Volgograd Region of Russia from August 1 to 13. The events are aimed at exchanging experience between the countries, strengthening the relations of combat cooperation between their militaries and developing new forms of countering terrorist challenges.

The maneuvers of the Russian Federation and India "Indra" have been held since 2003. This time, about 250 servicemen from the Russian side will take part in them. The Indian colleagues have the same numerical composition.

More than 100 units of weapons and military equipment will be involved in the events.

According to the scenario of the exercises, operations will be carried out to free hostages captured by terrorists using manpower, armored vehicles and combat helicopters.

Last month, Russian President Putin unveiled a new National Security Strategy for the country. It replaced the previous one, which existed for 6 years. The new strategy emphasizes that in order to ensure stability and international security in the Asia-Pacific region, Russia will do everything possible to develop versatile, including military cooperation not only with China, but also with other regional powers, in particular, with India. Currently, it is planned to launch the format of bilateral Russian-Indian meetings of the heads of foreign policy and defense departments according to the "2+2"formula. This is a new word in the relations between Moscow and Delhi.

In September of this year, the Putin administration is preparing to hold another ambitious "Far Eastern Economic Forum"in Vladivostok. Many experts pay attention to the fact that Russian officials have recently been vying with each other to invite Indians to take part not only in the forum, but also in large-scale economic cooperation in the Far East. In this context, attention is drawn to the recently announced plans by the Russian government to create a "free economic zone" on the Kuril Islands, in which India can also participate.

In any case, according to NHK, it should be recognized that Russia skillfully maintains a balance in its relations with China and India, and note the attention with which Moscow treats the development of military and economic cooperation with Delhi.

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