
The PRC declared the superiority of the S-500 air defense system over its Chinese counterparts

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости/Пресс-служба Минобороны РФ

The Russian S-500 anti-aircraft missile system is significantly superior to its Chinese counterparts, The Paper writes.

According to the author of the material, Lin Sen, China has developed several new air defense systems, such as the HQ-9B, HQ-22 and HQ-19. These complexes were created taking into account the latest achievements of Beijing in the field of air and missile defense, the observer added.

"However, all of them are not even close to the S-500 anti-aircraft missile system, which integrates air and space defense means," he stressed.

The author of the article is convinced that the Chinese authorities should seriously think about purchasing this system if it is released for sale.

On July 20, the Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian military conducted test firing of the S-500 SAM at the Kapustin Yar training ground. The shooting confirmed the tactical and technical characteristics and high reliability of the Russian air defense. The ministry indicated that upon completion of the full test cycle, it is planned to deliver the first S-500 to the Air defense-Missile defense association near Moscow.

S-500 "Prometheus "(ROC" Triumfator-M") belongs to the new generation of ground-to-air air defense systems. This is a universal long-range and high-altitude interception complex with an increased missile defense potential, which is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles. The system strikes not only ballistic, but also aerodynamic targets, as well as cruise missiles. The radius of destruction of the S-500 is about 600 kilometers.

On June 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the Sarmat ICBM, the Zircon hypersonic missile and the new S-500 air defense system will soon be on combat duty.

In addition, in early June, Izvestia reported that the S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft systems would be armed with the latest interceptors. Their arsenal will include special ammunition that will be able to destroy the warheads of enemy ballistic missiles. The development of a system capable of hitting aircraft and hypersonic aircraft should be completed this year.

One of the positions for testing the S-500 system was created at the Kapustin Yar air defense range in the Astrakhan region. In 2018, during the exercises there, one of its components was noticed — the Yenisei radar detector. In terms of power, it surpasses the S-400 radar and is able to detect targets in near space at a range of up to 2 thousand km.

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