
Putin approved raising the age of purchase of hunting weapons to 21 years

Image source: Фото: ТАСС/Сергей Фадеичев

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law raising the age of purchase of hunting and firearms smoothbore long-barreled self-defense weapons from 18 to 21 years. The document also introduces additional grounds for refusing to issue licenses for the purchase of weapons.

The law was published on the official Internet portal of legal information on June 28.

According to the document, it will be possible to buy hunting, firearms smoothbore long-barreled self-defense weapons starting from the age of 21. At the same time, the provision does not apply to citizens who have completed or are undergoing military service at the time of acquisition, are employees of state paramilitary organizations and have military or other special titles or class ranks of justice.

The law also allows representatives of indigenous small-numbered peoples who lead a traditional way of life or are engaged in hunting-related activities to acquire hunting weapons from the age of 18. The same point applies to employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks. Sports weapons are also available to citizens who have reached the age of 18.

In addition, the law specifies that a license for weapons can be denied to persons who have a criminal record for a serious or especially serious crime, an intentional crime of medium gravity that was committed with the use of weapons, ammunition or explosives, as well as persons with a criminal record for illegal arms trafficking and a number of other categories of citizens.

New measures to tighten the requirements for the purchase and circulation of weapons began to be developed after the tragedy at the Kazan school. On May 11, 19-year-old Ilnaz Galyaviev opened fire in the building of Gymnasium No. 175. As a result of the shooting, nine people were killed, seven of them children. According to the latest data, 36 people were injured, including 30 minors.

The attacker was detained by FSB officers. Galyaviev was arrested until July 11, 2021, he admitted his guilt. A criminal case has been initiated under Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Murder of two or more persons").

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