
Moscow's accusations of waging cyber war against the United States are unsubstantiated-Putin

Image source: © РИА Новости / Алексей Мальгавко

Russia does not consider cyberspace a war zone and opposes the militarization of outer space

Moscow. June 14. INTERFAX-President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is not waging a war in cyberspace and called the allegations about it unsubstantiated.

"You're giving me information about who said it. But where is the proof that this was actually done? I'll tell you: this, and that, and that, and that said, and that said-and where is the proof? To such unsubstantiated accusations, I can tell you: you can complain to the International League for Sexual Reform. Will this suit you?", - Putin said in an interview with NBC, answering the question of whether Russia is conducting a cyber war against America.

"But this is just a conversation about nothing. Well, at least put something on the table so that we can look at it and react to it somehow. But there is nothing like that, " Putin said.

The President recalled that one of the last cyberattacks was an attack on the US pipeline system.

"As far as I know, the shareholders of this company have decided to even pay a ransom. They bought off the cyberbandits. But if you list a whole set of respected US special services, they are powerful, global, can they find those who are paid a ransom in the end or not? I hope they will be convinced that Russia has nothing to do with this, " Putin said.

He added that " now there is some kind of cyber attack on a meat processing plant. Then on the painted eggs, they will say, the attack is made, you know? It just turns into a farce, an endless farce."

"You said many, many proofs, but you didn't bring any of them again. This is a conversation in the void, in favor of the poor at all. What are we talking about? " the Russian president added.

Putin also noted that Russia, unlike NATO, "does not consider cyberspace a sphere of military operations."

"You know, as far as war is concerned, let's say that NATO has officially, I want to draw your attention to this, officially announced that it considers cyberspace a sphere of military operations and conducts military exercises in cyberspace. We never talk about it, " the Russian president said.

"No, it's not. This is not the case, " Putin said, answering the question whether the Russian Federation is waging a war on this field.

"If we wanted to do this... NATO said that it considers cyberspace a sphere of military operations, and is preparing, and even conducting exercises. Well, what hinders us, we would also say: you are so, and we will do so. But we do not want this, " the head of state said.

Putin also added that Russia does not want "the militarization of outer space, we do not want the militarization of cyberspace."

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