
The Unarmia has become one of the most popular and authoritative youth movements in the country - Shoigu

Image source: © РИА Новости / Павел Лисицын

Kubinka (Moscow region). May 28. INTERFAX-Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu called the Unarmia one of the most popular and authoritative youth movements in the country, with 810 thousand participants,

The Minister opened the All-Russian Unarmey Forum " High Five!" on Friday, at the training and methodological center "Avangard", where he congratulated the Unarmatians on the fifth anniversary of the military-patriotic movement.

The head of the military department read out a greeting from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Speaking to the forum participants, Shoigu stressed: "Almost no significant event of both the Ministry of Defense and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation takes place without your participation. More than 2.5 thousand yunarmeytsev entered military educational institutions, chose for themselves the profession of defending the Motherland.

The Minister noted that the unarmatians are involved in the work to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland and the revival of the traditions of the Timur movement, participate in Victory parades and competitions of the Army International Games. Thanks to the participants of the movement, the names of more than three hundred thousand names of front - line soldiers have been added to the memorial "Road of Memory", which stores data on all participants of the Great Patriotic War, regardless of their state affiliation-there are 34 million of them.

"The Unarmatians conquered the North Pole and Elbrus, explored the cultural and natural monuments of the islands of the Gulf of Finland, the Great Kuril Ridge, the Tyva mounds, historical sites of the Crimea and other amazing places of our vast Homeland," Shoigu said.

At the request of the presenters, the Minister of Defense symbolically pressed the start button to launch the report of the forum " High Five!".

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