
Small-sized armored car "Mercenary»


According to the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Communications of the Stavropol Territory, a prototype of a small-sized armored car was developed and created by JSC "YUTEK", located in the city of Mikhailovsk (Stavropol Territory). Judging by the inscription on the front, the car has a highly politically correct name "Mercenary".

Prototype of a small-sized armored vehicle "Mercenary" developed by JSC "YuTEK" (Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory) (c) Ministry of Energy, Industry and Communications of the Stavropol Territory

In a press release of the Stavropol Ministry dated May 24, 2021, as part of a working trip, Acting Minister of Energy, Industry and Communications of the region Vitaly Shulzhenko, Deputy Minister Vitaly Shevchenko, as well as Director of the Stavropol Territory Industry Development Fund Grigory Melnikov got acquainted with the unique development.

The degree of localization of the created armored car is 100%: the prototype is completely assembled entirely from domestic components. Depending on the configuration and the wishes of customers, the car can be equipped with both a gasoline and diesel engine of various capacities.

The body of the vehicle has an all-metal frameless structure, so that the body is resistant to accidents and mechanical damage. To ensure high maneuverability and cross-country ability, 4 wheels are rotatable. The design allows you to drop it from airplanes and quickly deliver it to the desired points by helicopters.

The armored car is able to withstand small projectiles (protection class 3, bullet protection of armored glass-caliber 5.45 mm and 7.62 mm). In particular, the lower part of it is also armored from the side of the road. The equipment is equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems for the engine and passenger compartments. Video cameras, monitors and a navigation system allow the car to monitor the situation outside. This allows you to move unnoticed and almost noiselessly in complete darkness.

- In the process of creating a prototype of an armored vehicle, the company has developed a whole range of technical solutions that can be used for the subsequent production of such equipment in civil execution, as well as special-purpose equipment, for example, a maneuverable car for extinguishing fires, - said Vitaly Shulzhenko.

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Communications of the Stavropol Territory will work out the possibility of organizing mass production of the developed armored vehicle with specialized structures and enterprises of Russia.

Prototype of a small-sized armored vehicle "Mercenary" developed by JSC "YuTEK" (Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory) (c) Ministry of Energy, Industry and Communications of the Stavropol Territory

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Comments [2]
28.05.2021 01:44
Нивочка жива, еще 50 лет проживет благодаря Ил-112 и новыми Ми-38 со строевыми МИ-8/171. Похоже рассчитана на двух суперратников с десятком огнеметов сзади и носимым минометом. Спать можно вдвоем в мороз. Дизайнера бы еще привлечь.
29.05.2021 17:30
ВИДЕО презентация бронеавтомобиля NAYOMHIK
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