
The construction of the Omsk cadet school will be completed by the fall of 2021

Image source: © РИА Новости, Алексей Мальгавко

Students of the cadet military school in Omsk will start the school year in the new complex on September 1. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the construction of the facilities is scheduled to be completed at the end of August 2021. This will allow the students of the school to move to a new town by the beginning of the school year.

The Defense Ministry stressed that for the first time, the Ministry of Defense will perform a full range of construction and installation works on the construction of a cadet school in one stage.

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov inspected the construction of the new complex as part of a working trip to the troops of the Central Military District. According to him, the pace of construction is very high. The work is carried out around the clock and ahead of schedule.

"The military construction complex of the Ministry of Defense has accumulated unique experience in implementing large-scale projects in the shortest possible time," Ivanov said.

The construction of the cadet school is underway in December 2020 on an area of 14.8 hectares.

By September 1, it is planned to hand over the main educational and administrative 3-storey building with a museum, library, interactive shooting range, workshops and additional education classes. In addition, a dining room with 620 seats, two sleeping buildings for 240 and 320 people, a medical center, an indoor sports complex with halls for gymnastics, martial arts, and game sports will be built.

More than 900 people and more than 50 pieces of equipment are involved in the construction site.

The Ministry of Defense said that the Cadet Corps in Omsk originates from the Military Cossack School, founded on May 14, 1813.

Alexander Stepanov

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