
Russia and Jordan localize the production of the missile complex "Kornet-e»

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости/Владимир Федоренко

Rosoboronexport (ROE) and the Jordanian company Jadara have agreed to open a licensed production of anti-tank guided missiles from the Kornet-E complex in Jordan. The official representative of the Russian organization told reporters about this during the defense exhibition IDEX-2021.

According to him, during the event, negotiations were held between Rosoboronexport and the company Jadara Equipment and Defense Systems. "The parties agreed to organize the licensed discharge production of ATGMs of the 9M133-1 and 9M133F-1 types from the Kornet-E ATGMS," the ROE representative said.

"Kornet-E" is designed to destroy tanks, armored combat vehicles with dynamic protection and destruction of fortifications. The maximum range of the shooting is 5.5 km away.

On the eve of the IDEX-2021 arms exhibition in Abu Dhabi, the T-14 Armata tank was presented to international companies for the first time. Six foreign countries expressed their desire to buy it.

The arms exhibition will run in Abu Dhabi from 21 to 25 February.

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