
6 military research institutes and 9 educational institutions received the status of basic organizations of the CSTO

Image source: http://ens.mil.ru/

Six specialized research organizations and nine military educational institutions of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation were given the status of basic research organizations of the CSTO. This was reported at a meeting of the working group under the Council of defense Ministers of the CSTO.

The meeting, which was chaired by the head of Department of military education of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Muravlenko, was dedicated to coordination of joint training of military personnel and scientific work.

The six military research institutes in question are engaged in research on air defense, logistics, military-technical cooperation, as well as the development and application of the CSTO aviation component. In addition, in conjunction with the military, the defense Ministry is considering the issue on giving status of basic educational-methodical and scientific-research organizations of the Military medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov in St. Petersburg.

"The meeting also discussed issues related to the implementation of the Concept of developing a system of joint training of military personnel for the armed forces of the CSTO member States. Special attention was paid to the issue of the development Plan system joint training of military personnel for armed forces of member States of the CSTO for the period until 2025," - said the press Secretary of the CSTO joint staff Vladislav Serikovich.

Timofey Borisov

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