
The new strategy suggests that the US should be ready to repel aggression in space

Image source: © United States Space Force

This task will be primarily handled by the US Space force

Washington, december 10. /TASS/. Outer space is becoming a potential battleground between the Americans and their adversaries, and Washington should be ready to "repel aggression and protect the national interests of the United States in space"if necessary. This is stated in the new national space strategy adopted on Wednesday by the current US President Donald trump.

According to the text of the document published on the White house website, the space area "has become a sphere of warfare as a result of the desire of rivals to challenge the interests of the United States and its allies in space." "It is absolutely necessary that the United States adapt the work of its national security agencies, its policies, strategies, doctrines, principles of security secrecy, as well as its forces to deter hostile actions, demonstrate responsible behavior and, if necessary, repel aggression and protect the interests of the United States in space," the strategy adopted by trump says.

It is assumed that these tasks will primarily be performed by the US Space force, which was officially established by trump on December 20, 2019. They became the sixth branch of the US Armed forces and the first created after the formation of their modern structure in 1947.

Earlier on Wednesday, at a meeting of the National space Council, us Vice President Michael Pence said that Washington retains leadership in space, but must respond to challenges from Moscow and Beijing, creating new systems. General Director of the Russian space Agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said the position of the Pens a strange reaction to the successful launches of Russia's Intercontinental ballistic missiles. According to him, the Americans had a "nervous breakdown".

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