
Us General pushes for opening of us military base in Georgia

Image source: vpk-news.ru

The main goal of the United States and NATO should be to show initiative in the black sea region, and if Georgia gives permission to open a us military base, Washington would use it to send troops to Syria or Iraq, former commander of the us ground forces in Europe, retired Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, said on Georgia's first channel.

"I would like Georgia to invite the United States of America, great Britain and a number of other countries to deploy infrastructure in Georgia. I'm not talking about large infrastructure, but it can be auxiliary infrastructure for air operations. For example, refueling aircraft, as well as storing ammunition and other necessary resources for the ground forces. I mean items that can be used during a crisis or for exercises, " Hodges said.

According to him, if Georgia builds the port of Anaklia, US Navy ships will be able to visit Georgia more often.

"That's what I mean by infrastructure. I am not talking about permanent deployment of the armed forces, I am referring to rotational forces. This will encourage the United States, great Britain and other countries to visit Georgia more often," the military quoted Eadaily as saying.

"I would also like the US to open a military base in Georgia, if Georgia issues a permit for this, Washington would use the base to send troops to Syria or Iraq in response to problems. Opening such a base in Georgia may be useful. The main goal is for the US and NATO to take the initiative in the Black sea, and not constantly act only in response to the Kremlin, " he said. According to the retired General, the US should force Russia to " respond to its steps."

"These are not provocative actions. Russia does not need to be provoked. Russia invaded Georgia and Ukraine at a time when our approach to Russia was at its softest. This happened after we withdrew all the tanks from Germany. So we shouldn't be nervous about provoking Russia," Hodges said.

According to him, "it is very important that the administration of the new President, the United States continued to exert pressure on Russia and to do it together with Germany and France."

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