
The US state Department has declared the inadmissibility of Iranian missiles in Venezuela

Image source: IRNA

The United States will not allow the possible deployment of Iranian missiles on the territory of Venezuela. This statement was made by the US special representative for Iran and Venezuela Elliot Abrams on Thursday, December 3.

According to him, if Caracas and Tehran try to implement such a plan, the United States will try to intercept the missiles during transportation. If this does not work out, and the ammunition arrives in Venezuela, then they will be "dealt with" on the territory of the country.

"It is unacceptable to have Iranian missiles in Venezuela capable of reaching the United States. I hope the next administration will have the same view, " Abrams was quoted as saying.

At the same time, the special representative did not provide any specific data on the prospects of deploying Iranian missiles in Venezuela. Abrams commented on this topic in response to a question about the expiration of the UN arms embargo against Iran.

In September, five Venezuelan citizens were added to the us sanctions list for "undermining democracy" and supporting Maduro.

Relations between Venezuela and the United States remain strained. This is due to the fact that in January 2019, amid protests, opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself head of state. The United States recognized it as legitimate, and imposed unilateral sanctions against the Republic and a number of politicians.

A number of other countries, including Russia, China and Mexico, supported Maduro.

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Comments [1]
07.12.2020 09:17
Цитата, q
Соединенные Штаты не допустят возможного размещения иранских ракет на территории Венесуэлы.
А российских?
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