
German military intelligence as a system

Image source: invoen.ru

According to the views of the military command of the Bundeswehr, the goals of armed struggle are achieved by superiority and surprise. At the present stage, superiority in combat consists of the combat capabilities of the troops and the successful leadership of the operation. At the same time, special importance is given to information about the potential and intentions of the enemy. The key role in this context is played by the German military intelligence service (Militärische Nachrichtenwesen, MilNW).

BTR fuhs with electronic warfare equipment


In the" White paper 2016 " intelligence in The German armed forces are described, defined, and evaluated as follows:

"A globally oriented and multinational compatible German military intelligence is a prerequisite for effectively covering information needs and, consequently, for analysis, assessment and management capabilities at the strategic, operational and tactical levels... Intelligence must cover the entire spectrum of national and international crisis prevention and management."

The German armed forces have had intelligence units since its creation. Over the course of decades, the forces and means of collecting intelligence and evaluating its results merged into the military intelligence system (System Militärisches Nachrichtenwesen, SysMilNW). The latter, based on internal processes and time requirements, is periodically upgraded, harmonized and optimized in various ways.

German military intelligence works closely with other national services, such as the Federal intelligence service (Bundesnachrichtendiens, BND), the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz), intelligence services and structures of NATO and allied States.

Federal intelligence service of Germany

Until recently, the military intelligence system performed its functions through Joint security forces (CCA). For this purpose, a specialized strategic intelligence command (Kommando Strategische Aufklärung, KSA) was formed within the CCA. With the formation in April 2017 of the cyber operations and information support forces (Ciber-und Informations Raum, CIR, hereinafter-SCIO), as a new interspecies component, the strategic intelligence command was transferred and their composition.

German military intelligence-purpose and composition

The Bundeswehr intelligence service provides information to the military and political leadership of Germany about the security situation in other States or regions of the world in order to provide early warning of the development of a crisis situation.

Directly for the Supreme command of the armed forces, this means obtaining data about the area of the future operation before planning it. Such data should contain options for the actions of the conflicting parties, the required protective measures and suggestions on the nature of the actions of their forces.

Radio intelligence station

Military intelligence (VR) is a collection of individuals, organizations, and institutions, rules, and procedures that operate under the responsibility of the Ministry of defense. Their common goal is to work together in the areas of information management, intelligence, and military security (Militärische Sicherheit, MilSichh). Thus, military intelligence contributes to decision-making at all levels of government, has an impact on participants in events, and also provides protection of its own forces and means. It implements informational, warning, and protective functions.

German military intelligence consists of the following components:

  • BP management in the main Directorate "Strategy and operational application" (Strategie und Einsatz, SE I) of the German Ministry of defense;
  • departments and departments of the VR in the commands of the types of armed forces, in the joint operational command (Einsatzführungskommando) and similar centrally subordinate to the Ministry of defense instances, as well as various top-down staff units in other organizations;
  • strategic intelligence command (Kommando Strategische Aufklärung, KSA) with subordinate forces and assets;
  • devices of military attaches in German embassies abroad;
  • intelligence units and units in the ne, air force, and Navy.

Organization of military intelligence

The listed components in the military intelligence system perform two types of activities: obtaining information, or conducting intelligence (Nachrichtengewinnung und Aufklärung, NG&A), as well as processing, evaluating the received materials and preparing relevant reports and reports on the situation.

The first type of activity is performed by the forces of intelligence units and institutions with their regular weapons and equipment. The obtained information is transmitted to the higher command according to the subordination.

The task of developing reports and reports is assigned to the G2/A2 departments of headquarters/services at all levels. Subsequently, the collected information is processed centrally in the strategic intelligence command, from where it is received by the highest military and political leadership of the country and the armed forces.

The VR process is based on network structures and hierarchies. The provision of information and data is mostly limited, based on the principle of"sharing as necessary". VR is perceived and conducted as a constant task.

Real-time intelligence


Overall responsibility for the results of BP lies with the head of the SE I Department of the Ministry of defense. In the international sense, the head of the Department is referred to as the" Director of military intelligence " ("defense Intelligence Director").

The Central role in the German military intelligence system is played by the strategic intelligence command . It evaluates information from the NG&A area, coordinates and manages information flows through G2/A2 departments, and monitors the current state of BP's forces and assets. The command serves as a Central point of contact for the BND, the intelligence structures of NATO and allied States. It also acts as a specialized management body for the further development of the German military intelligence system.

The gathering of intelligence

In the context of intelligence gathering, or simply conducting intelligence (NG&A), materials are obtained about the armed forces of other States. Special attention is focused on potential opponents, their plans (intentions) and combat capabilities. The object of study is their armed forces, security organizations, and additional resources

To this end, German military intelligence uses the capabilities available to the types of armed forces and interspecific components of the Bundeswehr (OSO and SKIO). Otherwise, such capabilities are usually called forces (organizational structures and personnel) and intelligence tools.

In many cases, intelligence is understood as intelligence equipment or measuring, recording equipment (sensors, sensors). Intelligence equipment installed on various platforms is used stationary or mobile, on land or at sea, from the air or from space.

Conducting reconnaissance from space

Intelligence tools are not always directed against the aggressor or potential enemy. Some of them, for example, radar systems (radar), are monitoring the national airspace of Germany. They can also be used to prevent accidents in the air and at sea.

German military intelligence-scale of operations

Military mission statement, delegation of responsibility, and allocation of space lead to different intelligence needs. In this regard, depending on the scale of actions in the Bundeswehr, tactical, operational and strategic intelligence are distinguished.

Tactical intelligence focuses on the actions of enemy forces in the area of operation. A special form of tactical intelligence is reconnaissance on the battlefield in the immediate area of responsibility of a military unit. The depth of introduction of this type of exploration reaches 5 km. The unit commander is responsible for its results. For its management, subordinate units with regular weapons and equipment are usually assigned.

Tactical reconnaissance to a depth of up to 50 km serves primarily to obtain undistorted information about the situation, detect targets and determine the effectiveness of using their means of destruction on them. It is sometimes called "Reconnaissance in the area of operations" (Aufklärung im Einsatzgebiet). For its conduct, the SV formations have reconnaissance battalions and companies, as well as batteries of artillery instrumental reconnaissance.

Air COBRA station

Additionally, in the interests of tactical intelligence, 51 squadron of the Immelmann air force operates, which is armed with the RECCE TORNADO system with IDS reconnaissance equipment.

The results of tactical intelligence (NG&A) are initially evaluated at the appropriate levels so that they are presented to the tactical command in near real time. The results of tactical intelligence in the NE are evaluated using the ZIVA system. In German air force evaluation points are integrated into reconnaissance squadrons. In the Navy, this happens on Board a ship or a SUBMARINE.

The network in the Bundeswehr allows the results of tactical intelligence with their assessment through the authorized tactical commander to be provided further to a higher level and to the Central evaluation instance in the strategic intelligence command. This also allows them to be used for a General view of the situation, i.e. the results of tactical intelligence acquire operational or, possibly, strategic significance.

Operational intelligence is aimed at obtaining information about the enemy's intentions in the operational zone, the zone of military operations, or establishing a picture of the situation in the region. It is conducted over a large area in real time.

The main efforts of units and divisions of operational intelligence focus on distributed in space and threatening enemy forces of all types: operational echelons, weapons, reserves. According to publications, when conducting a classic ground operation, the depth of operational reconnaissance can reach 150 km.

In combat operations on land, deep reconnaissance groups of the reconnaissance parachute company and field reconnaissance companies of the reconnaissance battalions are used for operational reconnaissance. If necessary, elements of special forces are added. They can conduct special intelligence, as well as be used for both operational and strategic purposes. Mobile electronic warfare forces of the strategic intelligence command conduct reconnaissance in HF /UHF bands for operational purposes.

Intelligence in operations

In the Bundeswehr, operational intelligence includes monitoring of air space. To this end, the air force will use appropriate radar systems with a range of up to 100 km and an altitude of up to 10 km.

The 51 squadron "Immelmann" of the German air force is armed with the Heron UAV as an operational-level reconnaissance vehicle. This Israeli-made drone operates as a temporary solution to a suitable platform to permanently close the gap in capabilities.

The German Navy uses auxiliary vessels for operational and strategic electronic intelligence. In addition, almost all ships and SUBMARINES of the Navy, given their equipment and duration of stay at sea, can be used for exploration of sea areas and the sea coast. 3 naval aviation squadron uses eight p-3C ORION reconnaissance aircraft for operational reconnaissance.

To evaluate the results of operational intelligence, there are also shielded assessment centers that work together with command posts and belong to the VR system network. Depending on the circumstances, they may be on Board an airplane, ship, or in a ground structure.

Auxiliary ship type " OST"

Strategic intelligence is designed to reveal the General plans, forces and resources of other armies. It focuses on potential (likely) opponents (aggressors) has a global orientation and is not limited to a place or area. This type of intelligence can also focus on the exploration of individual objects that can have a strategic impact on overall security.

German military intelligence at the strategic level is mainly concentrated within the strategic intelligence command. In addition, the special forces of the SV AND the German Navy are designed to perform tasks of this level of responsibility (read more about the forces and means of strategic intelligence in future publications).

Special forces

Thus, military intelligence is the purposeful use of intelligence forces to cover certain information needs. German military intelligence, like other armies in the world, is a combination of special forces and means used on a tactical, operational and strategic scale. The military intelligence system is managed by the German Ministry of defense, and its Central element is the strategic intelligence command.

Based on HARDTHÖHENKURIER magazine

Read more on the topic: 

ru/sily-obespecheniya/komandovanie-strategicheskoj-razvedki-bundesvera/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">The command of the strategic intelligence of the Bundeswehr

Space intelligence facilities of the German armed forces

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Comments [1]
03.12.2020 11:50
Получается РТР и РЭБ у них только у ВВС и ССО? Чето как-то не густо.
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