
The Russian defense Ministry announced the successful test launch of a new missile DEFENSE system

Image source: © Министерство обороны РФ

Moscow. November 26. INTERFAX-the Russian military conducted another successful test of a new missile defense system (ABM).

The missile was launched by a Russian combat team at the Sary-Shagan test site in Kazakhstan, the information Department of the Russian defense Ministry said in a statement.

"New interceptor missile missile defense system after a series of tests reliably confirmed inherent characteristics, as crews completed the task successfully, conditional hitting the target with a given accuracy" - quoted in Thursday, the defense Ministry commander of the First army air and missile defense (air and missile defense) special purpose aerospace defence forces Lieutenant-General Andrei Demin.

The previous time the Russian defense Ministry reported testing a new anti-missile at a test site in Kazakhstan on October 28.

In April, the head of the us Space command, John Raymond, said that the tests of the Russian anti-missile pose a challenge to US interests in near-earth space. According to him, this Russian system is capable of destroying satellites in low orbit.

Over the past years, the Russian defense Ministry has repeatedly reported on successful tests of a new anti-missile at the Sary-Shagan test site. Flight design tests are considered completed after 10 successful launches, then the missile can be put into service.

In July, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Air force, Sergei Surovikin, said that the new anti-missile system will be strengthened in Moscow.

"Tests of the system are currently being conducted, and in the near future, the Aerospace forces will receive an updated multifunctional radar station and upgraded anti-missile DEFENSE systems," the commander-in-chief said at the time.

"The capabilities of the system's firepower for the defense of the capital of our homeland and the Moscow industrial district will be doubled, which has been repeatedly confirmed during preliminary tests of the anti-missile system," Surovikin said.

In June 2019, Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the modernization of the Moscow missile DEFENSE system is planned to be completed by 2022.

As Interfax reported, Moscow's missile DEFENSE system is provided by a second-generation system that has been on combat duty since 1995. It consists of a-135 complexes equipped with short-range intercept anti-missiles.

It was reported about the development in Russia of anti-missile long-range (transatmospheric) interception 14C033 "Nudol" mobile-based. According to media reports, the two-stage anti-missile 14C033 can be a means of defeating the new a-235 missile DEFENSE system, which is being developed in addition to the a-135 complex deployed around Moscow. The missile is designed to hit the warheads of Intercontinental ballistic missiles and spacecraft in low orbits.

In June 2017, the General designer of the missile attack warning system, Sergey Boev, announced that the creation of a national missile DEFENSE system would be completed by 2025. He then said that the layered missile DEFENSE system is being created on the basis of long-range intercept anti-missile systems, anti-aircraft missile defense systems AND upgraded short-range intercept anti-missile systems.

The basis of the unified national air defense-missile DEFENSE system will be the new-generation s-500 anti-aircraft missile system (JSC "concern of East Kazakhstan region "Almaz-Antey"), the command of The first air defense-missile DEFENSE army told the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper in January 2017.

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