
Former US Secretary of state advised Biden to bow to China

Image source: vpk-news.ru

If the new Joe Biden administration can't quickly restore the us relationship with China that was disrupted during the administration of Donald trump, the confrontation will escalate into a military conflict.

This was stated by the 97-year-old Patriarch of American politics, former US Secretary of state Henry Kissinger in an interview with Bloomberg.

"If there is no basis for cooperation, the world will descend to a catastrophe akin to the First world war," Kissinger said, noting that today there are military technologies that can make a new crisis even less controlled than before.

And the US and China, he said, are increasingly moving towards confrontation. As the Agency's columnist Peter Martin recalls, Kissinger himself, during his tenure, paved the way for President Richard Nixon's historic visit to China. And today, he expressed hope that perhaps the common threat of a pandemic will give a field for political discussions between the two countries.

Relations between China and the United States are now at the lowest level in many decades. At the beginning of the term, it was important for trump to reflect what concerns Americans have about the unbalanced global economy. But in the years that followed, the deterioration of relations with China set them on the path to a new cold war.

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