
Putin: the only alternative to the implementation of the trilateral agreement on Karabakh is war

Image source: Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Зураб Джавахадзе

Moscow. November 20. INTERFAX-Russian President Vladimir Putin called unexpected attempts to slow down the implementation of the statement of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, noting that those who do this should understand that the alternative is war.

During a meeting with the President on the Russian peacekeeping mission in Nagorno-Karabakh, Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that "there is a tendency to try to slow down the implementation of the statement of the presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia on November 9, not to allow this statement to take place completely." "Although everyone has to admit that it is being successfully implemented," Lavrov said.

In addition, he noted, attempts are being recorded "to change the nature of the peacekeeping operation, while latent, but they are taking place."

The Russian President remarked on this: "I was surprised to hear what you said about the tendency to slow down the implementation of the trilateral statement of the presidents of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. People who are trying to do this should understand that there can only be one alternative-war. And if, God forbid, this happens, the blood of the victims will be on their hands - those who are trying to torpedo these agreements."

The Russian President stressed that everyone should be aware of this.

He also drew attention to the fact that sympathy and offers of assistance are very often expressed, especially to civilians who are in the conflict zone and have suffered. "But at the same time, very often, apart from words, nothing else happens there. I would like to ask you to sort this out as quickly as possible and understand what people who are in the conflict zone, who are affected and need help immediately, can really count on," Putin said.

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