
A consortium for the development of hydrogen technologies has appeared in Russia

Image source: rusnanonet.ru

Six leading educational and scientific organizations in Russia with leading competencies in the field of hydrogen energy have signed an agreement to create a consortium for the development of hydrogen technologies.

The consortium has received the name "hydrogen Technology valley". Participants will conduct joint research and develop technologies for producing hydrogen, transporting it, storing it safely, and using it in the energy sector.

The initiator of the consortium wasTomsk Polytechnic University. Enter into it:

  • Institute of catalysis SB RAS
  • Institute of problems of chemical physics RAS
  • Institute of petrochemical synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Samara state technical University
  • Sakhalin state University.
"The global energy market is changing, and humanity needs new efficient, more environmentally friendly energy sources as an alternative to traditional hydrocarbons, not a substitute. And hydrogen will definitely occupy its niche in the energy industry of the future, " says Andrey Yakovlev, acting rector of Tomsk Polytechnic University . - The international Hydrogen Council estimates that by 2050, hydrogen will account for 18% of the world's total energy demand. In order for Russia to be a leading player in this energy market of the future, the scientific community must combine its knowledge and efforts to increase the groundwork in the field of hydrogen technologies. You can't handle these tasks alone. For this purpose, the country's first "hydrogen consortium"was created. It is important that it includes both universities and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and all participants are organizations with a serious baggage of competencies in the field of hydrogen."

The consortium members will conduct joint development of technologies along the entire "hydrogen chain": from technologies for its production to use. The consortium plans to work closely with major Russian companies interested in the development of hydrogen energy. In the near future, participants will develop a road map for further work. The first joint scientific event will be a conference scheduled for December 2020.

The consortium is an open structure, and other universities and academic institutions will join it in the future. Industrial partners will join the consortium's Supervisory Board to ensure technology transfer.

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