
The Russian military announced the beginning of mine clearance of the Lachin corridor

Image source: Станислав Красильников/ТАСС

Moscow. November 16. INTERFAX-Russian peacekeepers are clearing the Lachin corridor linking Armenia and Karabakh, Deputy commander of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Armed forces Alexey polyukhovich said.

"Now the bodies of the dead are being exchanged, the road is being cleared of explosive objects and unexploded ordnance. The road is being prepared for the return of refugees who want to return back to Stepanakert, " the military said in a video distributed by the Russian defense Ministry.

He stressed that the military is ready to ensure the safety of the convoys that return to Karabakh.

The Russian defense Ministry said in a statement that units of the peacekeeping contingent carry out engineering reconnaissance and mine clearance of roads throughout Nagorno-Karabakh. In addition, broken equipment is being cleared and removed from public roads.

"In Stepanakert, the organization of traffic, electricity and water supply to social facilities of civil infrastructure and residential buildings has been restored," the Ministry said.

Azerbaijan has been conducting an offensive operation in Nagorno-Karabakh since September 27. Azerbaijan's actions in Karabakh were supported by Turkey.

Last week, the presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of Armenia issued a statement declaring a complete cease-fire and all military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh from 00:00 Moscow time on November 10. Units of the armed forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia stopped at their positions.

Russia and Turkey have agreed to establish a joint center on the territory of Azerbaijan that will monitor the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh.

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Comments [1]
17.11.2020 18:51
Цитата, q
Российские миротворцы ведут разминирование Лачинского коридора, связывающего Армению и Карабах,

Не рано ли начали разминировать?
ничто так не способствует отсутствию несанкционированных  контактов как минное поле.....
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