
Rules for responding to emergencies in peacetime and combat will be the same

Image source: Виталий Аньков/РИА Новости

How to protect yourself from any misfortunes? And who will manage measures to protect and eliminate from all sorts of troubles? The response prepared by the Russian Ministry of emergency situations to these questions can be reduced to one short formula: the same people should be responsible for eliminating all troubles at any time according to the same unified rules. In other words, the response system should be unified, whether it is wartime or peacetime.

This is not the case now. As one of the developers of the draft Federal law "on protection of the population and territories" explained to the correspondent of "RG", currently in our country there are two systems that implement the same methods of protection. They use the same means and forces to do this, but each has its own regulatory framework. The new bill should eliminate this duplication.

The interlocutor gave such impressive figures: now the number of documents that duplicate, and sometimes even contradict each other regarding the rules of emergency response from the municipal to Federal levels is from 40 to 60 thousand.

A new draft Federal law was prepared in order to create a well functioning and rational cost system of protection of population and territories, adequate to modern threats and challenges, - said in the MOE.

The developers of the bill propose to consider Civil defense, which is "sharpened" for combat use, along with the current emergency response system.

To do this, the current "daily activity", "high alert" and "emergency" readiness regimes should also be made mandatory in wartime. In addition, the same people who are included in the Commission for emergency situations during an emergency will do so in wartime, if such a thing happens, God forbid.

Now up to 60 thousand emergency response documents duplicate and even contradict each other

By the way, the EMERCOM of Russia, without waiting for the adoption of a new law, continues to improve the use of alarm systems.

Based on the results of recent inspections, a decision was made: starting from 2021, comprehensive inspections of public notification systems with the launch of electric trains should be carried out centrally twice a year. Naturally, people across the country will be warned in advance about the training alarm to avoid unnecessary panic.

Inspections will be conducted on the first Wednesday of March and October each year.

"Until March 2021, when the next inspection will take place, the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self - government bodies need to eliminate the identified shortcomings and ensure the full readiness of public notification systems," the Ministry of emergency situations noted.

Bringing emergency information to the public will begin with the signal " Attention to all!" on TV, radio, and loudspeakers. Sirens and speakers will also turn on.

By the way, if the bill is adopted, the Federal law No. 28-FZ of 12.02.1998 "on civil defense" and Federal law No. 68-FZ of 21.12.1994 "on protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies"will be repealed.

Timofey Borisov

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Comments [1]
16.11.2020 20:21
Гвардейцы  США— это не профессиональные солдаты, а патриотически настроенные граждане, совмещающие свою службу с основной работой.
Сегодня к основным задачам Национальной гвардии США относятся:
- защита государственных интересов за рубежом;
- борьба со стихийными бедствиями и их последствиями;
- борьба с терроризмом и наркоторговлей;
- обеспечение стабильной работы государственных учреждений; поддержание общественного порядка.

Вот вам и полиция и МЧС и территориальная оборона , всё "в одном флаконе"
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