
New AK TR3 .366 tkm carbine shown on video


The Kalashnikov concern has introduced a new TR3 carbine for the 366 TKM hunting cartridge, based on the AK-12 and AK-15 assault rifles.

The main difference from combat weapons is that with a preserved length of 415 mm, the barrel has a smooth channel and a "Paradox" type drill at the end. This design allows you to significantly increase accuracy when shooting a bullet, while leaving the ability to shoot a shot.

Earlier, Kalashnikov has already started producing similar carbines for 5.45 and 7.62 mm cartridges. Now, due to the increase in caliber, the outer diameter of the barrel was also increased. In addition, the TR3 received a new store with Windows and a beveled heel.

The concern's line also includes a smoothbore TG2 carbine with the same 366 TKM cartridge. The new weapon, unlike its predecessor, does not have a Dovetail bar, but there are pre-installed Picatinny bars on the receiver and on the gas tube cover. There is a telescopic butt that can be completely folded, and a dioptric sight.

More recently, as RG already wrote, the concern also presented a video review of the updated AK-12 assault rifle.

Alexey Ivanov

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