New development of TSNIITOCHMASH will teach marksmanship
The development of a new automated target complex of employees of the Research center (SIC) for testing and experimental research of weapons, military and special equipment (a structural division of TSNIITOCHMASH) is a feat of the very functionality of this division. After all, one of its main tasks is to conduct large – scale tests of small arms and demonstrate them to potential domestic and foreign customers.
Currently, the Park of domestic field target equipment for training marksmanship skills is primarily represented by the PSO-88 and DMSH-66 complexes, the basis of which is the" falling " target installations UMU-S-127, fixed permanently (PSO-88) or on a mobile platform (DMSH-66).
"But such target installations, developed several decades ago, only allow us to state the fact of hitting the target, leaving unknown information that is very important for assessing the combat effectiveness of small arms complexes and practicing marksmanship skills on the number of hits, their places in the target field, as well as close misses," says Sergey Karasev, head of the Nica.
Smart targets
Most of the disadvantages inherent in today's domestic target complexes are devoid of the latest foreign models. For example, one of the world leaders in the development and production of field target equipment, the Swiss company POLYTRONIC, serially produces the Tg 4010 LOMAH target complex. It allows you to record a hit not only by the same "falling" installation, but also by using an acoustic system for locating an object that has a supersonic speed of movement, the number and location of bullets hitting the target. The operation of the complex is controlled using a personal computer via cable or radio channel.
The experience of leading companies shows that promising target complexes should be hardware and software devices with remote control that are resistant to the operating environment, providing registration and processing of shooting results in automatic mode and real time. And also logging these results through printing and control monitors.
"As for Russia, the production of "falling" target installations has been established for a long time, and it would seem that there was no point in inventing something new in this regard. Therefore, the basis of the future target complex, taking into account advanced foreign experience, it was decided to put a domestic "falling" target installation of the UMU-S-127 type, completing it with an upgraded acoustic location system. It was previously developed for the measuring and computing complex "Indicator", designed to determine the characteristics of accuracy and accuracy of shooting systems of small arms", – explains the idea of creating" Innovator " Sergey Karasev.
The UMU-S-127 is one of the target installations currently in use at the shooting ranges of the Russian Federation's security forces. This is a device whose main purpose is to raise and lower (display) the target, register target damage, simulate firing and highlight the target.
Developed in accordance with this idea, the AMC "Novator" consists of an acoustic target placed together with a unified installation on one base, a control unit and a personal computer with special software and can operate in three modes: training shooting, bringing weapons to normal combat, determining accuracy and accuracy of shooting. All these functions are relevant to the training process, since before a person picks up a weapon, it must shoot where it is necessary (the function of bringing to normal combat), and be conditioned (checking the state by the characteristics of accuracy of fire).
The principle of operation of the complex in all three modes is the same: when a bullet passes through the target plane, shock-sensitive sensors are triggered at different times. Subsequently the information received at time intervals is processed by a special program on a personal computer and a picture is formed on the operator's monitor screen:
- by the position of hit points or misses against the background of a typical target in the "Practice shooting" mode»;
- by the position of the hit points relative to the control point in the "Bring weapons to normal combat" mode»;
- by the position of the hit points relative to the aiming point in the "determining accuracy and accuracy of shooting" mode.
In the "Practice shooting" mode, the target is lowered in case of a hit, while in the other two modes it remains stationary.
AMK "Novator" can be used for samples of weapons with a caliber from 5.45 to 12.7 mm in the firing mode as single shots, and bursts. The type of targets fired at the Course of shooting is Nos. 4, 6 and 8. the Rate of fire is up to two thousand rounds per minute, the bullet speed in the target plane is at least 455 meters per second. The weight of the unit is about 10 kilograms.
OCD " Inhibitor»
As Karasev emphasized, AMK "Novator" compares favorably not only with domestic target complexes, but also with foreign analogues, as it allows you to improve the quality of training, eliminating the influence of factors such as the triggering of targets from ricochet bullets or clods of earth. The complex eliminates errors when close misses or hits the edge of the target.
The use of AMC "Novator" allows you to reduce the complexity of work on bringing weapons to normal combat, determining accuracy and accuracy of shooting, as well as increase the reliability of the results obtained, eliminating the influence of a subjective factor in the processing of results.
Serial production of AMK "Novator" will solve the problem of import substitution.

In the future, developers plan to replace the used computer program Windows on the domestic operating system, go to control target installation via radio, and to ensure the application of the "Innovator" for weapons with a calibre of 12.7 mm above.
The development of AKM "Novator" is not the first experience of TSNIITOCHMASH in creating simulators. Back in the mid-fifties of the last century, the Institute began working on them to train operators of anti-tank missile systems (ATGMs) and short-range anti-aircraft missile systems (SAMS) in NII-61. By the end of the 50s, simulator stands were created that allow semi-natural modeling methods to simulate the firing of anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). On their basis, a universal special simulator was created for training operators of the ATGM "bumblebee", "phalanx", "Phalanx-B" and "baby", which in 1962 was accepted for the supply of troops. The universality of training in the management of various ATGMs was achieved by replacing a number of blocks of the computing device.
In order to ensure high-quality development and production of prototypes, the Institute created a laboratory for advanced development, a design Bureau for power supplies and electronic devices, and a layout section. At the same time, unified simulators were developed for training operators and anti-aircraft gunners of SAMS, tank gunners to fire a guided missile, as well as tactical training of ATGM battery personnel. All of them were accepted for the supply of the Soviet army.
A few words should be said about the 9f63 simulator for tactical training of personnel of the ATGM battery. It was the forerunner of a number of tactical simulators that are currently being created on the basis of modern computer technologies. The tactical situation on it was reproduced using a large-format movie projector. Special films with the advance of a tank company were shot according to scenarios developed at NII-61. The visible movement of tracers of guided projectiles in the screen plane was simulated using special controlled projectors. Training of ATGM unit commanders – using communication simulators and maps with the tactical situation mapped on them.
In 1969, TSNIITOCHMASH was appointed by the order of the Ministry of defense industry as the head performer for ensuring the technical level of simulators, developing their schematic diagrams with layout, and training methods. And their further creation and serial production are entrusted to the Tula precision engineering plant and the special design Bureau created under it, which was later transformed into the Central design Bureau of apparatus construction.
With the beginning of work on the creation of ATGMs with a semi-automatic guidance system, TSNIITOCHMASH and SKBTM began joint work on the creation and development of mass production of 9f618 and 9F619 type simulators. Subsequently, they were continued in the direction of creating shooting simulators. By 1975, during the research project "Development of a training complex for small arms", a new concept and design were justified in relation to the AKM machine gun, and its experimental sample was made. Subsequently, as a result of the implementation of the GAF ROC, a 1u35 simulator was created for training shooting from an AK74 submachine gun and an SVD sniper rifle. In 2003, he was accepted for the supply of the Russian army.
Training on the simulator under the guidance of an instructor (head of classes) is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the program "training in shooting rules" is conducted, at the second – practical individual training. Techniques and rules of practice are similar to the techniques and rules of shooting from a combat weapon.
In 2003, according to the task of V/h 64176, work began on creating a unified simulator for training shooting from small arms and grenade launchers (ROC "Inhibitor"). The new 1u35m simulator provided training in shooting from various types of small arms and grenade launchers-AK74, RPK74, PKM, SVD, RPG-7V, RPG-26, GP-25, performing initial and preparatory shooting, as well as fragments of training, control and qualification shooting exercises according to the shooting Course. In 2007, he was accepted for the supply of the Russian army.
On the basis of the 1u35 and 1U35M simulators, the TRAK-1 and TRAK-1PM simulators were also created for training pre-conscription youth and security structures. Serial production of these shooting complexes has already been mastered. TSNIITOCHMASH designers received nine patents for new design solutions for shooting simulators.
Vitaly Strugovets, Colonel
Military-industrial courier newspaper, published in issue # 43 (856) for November 10, 2020