
TSNIITOCHMASH is working on technologies for producing new polymers to reduce the mass of small arms

Image source: spezinform.ru

Moscow. November 6. INTERFAX-Technologists and design engineers Of the Central research Institute of precision engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH) of the rostec state Corporation are working to increase the share of non-metallic products in small arms.

"The Institute is working in this direction. In particular, our chemical colleagues have developed a technology for producing high-strength polymer material that is superior to the polymers currently used, " Ivan Kukhtinov, a design engineer at TSNIITOCHMASH, told Interfax on Friday.

He noted that even now the use of new materials can reduce not only the weight of weapons, but also the complexity of their manufacture.

For example, the Agency interlocutor explained, the handle of one of the latest developments of the Institute - the Boa pistol-is made entirely of plastic without metal embedded elements, providing all the requirements for reliability and resource. At the same time, it was possible to reduce the weight of the gun to 780 g. For comparison, the CP-1 pistol, in which the plastic handle has a metal base, weighs 1.0 kg.

In addition, as part of the development work of "boa", a silencer with a carbon fiber casing was developed, which also reduced the weight of the silencer and increased the convenience of its maintenance. This technology of manufacturing a carbon casing is fully mastered in JSC "TSNIITOCHMASH".

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Comments [4]
09.11.2020 14:23
Странно. Когда директора ЦНИИТОЧМАШ Бакова на Армия-2020 корреспондент спросил какие новые материалы для стрелковки разрабатываются, тот ответил, что ничего нового он не видит.
Назначили "тракториста" на оружие, он и не видит ничего...
09.11.2020 14:52
Цитата, Виктор Алексеевич сообщ. №1
Назначили "тракториста" на оружие, он и не видит ничего...
) Да пусть "рулит" спокойно, главное чтобы в технику не лез и регулярно достойную зряплату платил...;) А, чуть не забыл - и языком по технике меньше блякал...
01.12.2020 12:03
Цитата, ash сообщ. №2
и регулярно достойную зряплату платил...;)
Ваши взгляды давно понятны.
01.12.2020 19:44
Цитата, q
ЦНИИТОЧМАШ работает над технологиями получения новых полимеров
Значит зря так переживал начальник полимерного цеха - далеко не все потеряно!
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