Интересная трансформация названия статьи - оригинальная статья называется “A First Look at America’s Supergun” - Первый взгляд на американскую суперпушку. На сайте Лента.ру - “Опубликовано видео испытаний нового американского оружия для сдерживания России и Китая”.
http://www.wsj.com/articles/a-first-look-at-americas-supergun-1464359194Два разработчика - BAe System и General Atomic. У первой (контракт со флотом) и второй (за свои бабки) разработаны 32мегаджоуль пушки, но GA имеет ещё вариант на 3мд и в будущем на 64 мд.
The Navy is evaluating two EM Railgun models. A 32-megajoule prototype built by BAE Systems and the 32 megajoule Blitzer developed by General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS). The company has also developed a 3-megajoule railgun variant. In the future, the Navy plans to deploy railguns rated to 64-megajoule.
Основные проблемы при разработке - конденсаторы и батареи, т.е. кол-во энергии в ед.времени, сама пушка проблем не вызывала.
Скорость вылета - более 7,5мах.
That velocity allows the weapon’s hyper-velocity projectiles (HVP) to rely on kinetic energy for maximum effect and reduces the number of high explosives and propellant carried on ships.
Against specific threats, the cost per engagement is orders of magnitude less expensive than comparable missile engagements. It also minimizes the dangers of unexploded ordnance remaining on the battlefield. BAE Systems is developing the HVP under a separate contract awarded by the Office of Naval Research. The new low drag, guided projectile will provide lethality and performance enhancements to current and future gun systems, including Navy 5-Inch; Navy, Marine Corps, and Army 155-mm systems and railguns. The HVP’s low-drag aerodynamic design enables high-velocity, maneuverability, and decreased time-to-target. HVP will have a range of more than 50 nm (93 km) from Mk 45 Mod 4 guns, and exceed 100 nm (185 km) from EM Railgun.
Флот уверен, что вскоре будет иметь пушку, которая стреляет 10 раз в минуту и выдерживает 1,000 выстрелов.
The Navy now believes it has a design that soon will be able to fire 10 times a minute through a barrel capable of lasting 1,000 rounds.